sreda, 20. maj 2015

Red Velvet Cupcakes

“You're only human. 
You live once 
and life is wonderful 
so eat the damn red velvet cupcake!”

― Emma Stone

Red velvet cupcakes are very popular in America, and because I have  heard of them many times, I wanted to try to bake them myself. I baked them in February, so this post was waiting for quite some time in my computer folder.

These cupcakes are otherwise no different from chocolate cupcakes because the only difference is in the red coloring. They are very good, because they are really moist, plus the frosting doesn't contain a lot of butter (I don't like butter cream frostings), but it does contain a lot of powdered sugar. I gave less sugar than is indicated in the recipe and the frosting was nevertheless very sweet, this didn't bother me personally but some don't have such a sweet taste, like me. Add sugar gradually and every so often test it, if it is still necessary to add more.

With love, Neja
Red velvet cupcakes so v Ameriki zelo popularne in zato, ker sem tolikokrat slišala za njih, sem jih želela poskusiti. Spekla sem jih februarja, torej je tale objava kar nekaj časa čakala v računalniški mapi.

Te mini tortice niso drugače nič drugačne od čokoladnih, ker je edina razlika samo v rdeči barvi. So pa zelo dobre, ker je biskvit res sočen, frosting ne vsebuje veliko masla (ne maram butter cream frostingov), res pa je, da vsebuje veliko sladkorja v prahu. Sama sem dala manj sladkorja, kot ga je navedeno v receptu in frosting je bil kljub temu zelo sladek, ker mene osebno ne moti ampak nekateri nimajo tako sladkega okusa, kot jaz. Najboljše bo, če boste sladkor postopoma dodajali in vsake toliko testirali, če je sploh še potrebno, da ga dodate več.

Z ljubeznijo, Neja

Recipe adapted from: My baking addiction

The Recipe


For the Cupcakes (for 12 cupcakes)

1 cup flour
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2/3 cup vegetable oil
3/4 granulated sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2 tablespoons red food coloring
1/2 cup buttermilk
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 teaspoon white vinegar

For the Cream Cheese Frosting

8 ounces cream cheese, softened to room temperature
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened to room temperature
1 pound confectioners’ sugar (about 3 ¾ cups), sifted


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line 12 cupcake wells with paper liners.

2. Sift together cake flour, cocoa powder and salt.

3. In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, combine oil and sugar until well-blended. Add egg and mix until combined.

4. Turn your mixer down to the lowest speed add vanilla then slowly add in the food coloring.

5. Add flour mixture alternately with buttermilk in two batches; scrape down the side of the bowl. Continue mixing until just combined, taking care not to over mix.

6. Place baking soda in a small dish, stir in vinegar and add to batter with machine running. Beat for about 10 seconds.

7. Divide batter among between the 12 wells, filling each well about 2/3 full of batter. Bake for 20-24 minutes or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean. Be careful not to over bake.

For the Cream Cheese Frosting

1. In a the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream together, cream cheese, and butter until well combined about 5 minutes.

2. With the mixer of low, gradually add the confectioners’ sugar until thoroughly incorporated and smooth. Turn mixer to medium speed and mix for approximately 4 minutes.

Za biskvit(za 12 cupcakes)

125 g moke
30 g kakava v prahu
1/2 čajne žličke soli
150 g rastlinskega olja
150 g kristalnega sladkorja
1 jajce
1 žlička vanilijevega ekstrakta
2 žlici rdečega barvila
120 g pinjenca
1/2 žličke sode bikarbone
3/4 čajne žličke belega kisa

Za frosting

225 g kremnega sira Philadelphia
4 žlice masla, zmehčano na sobni temperaturi
450 g sladkorja v prahu, presejemo (ali manj, odvisno od okusa)


1. Pečico segrejte na 175 stopinj. V pekač za mafine položite papirčke za mafine.

2. Skupaj presejte moko, kakav v prahu in sol.

3. Z električnim mešalnikom stepite olje in sladkor. Dodajte jajce, nadaljujte s stepanjem.
4. Zmanjšajte hitrost, dodajte vanilijo in počasi dodajajte rdečo barvo.

5. Postopoma dodajajte mešanico z moko in pinjenec, izmenično. Postrgajte maso iz sten posode in vse skupaj dobro premešajte, vendar pazite, da ne boste predolgo stepali.

6. V kozarčku zmešajte kis in sodo bikarbono. Dodajte preostali masi (med stepanjem). Stepajte še 10 sekund.

7. Maso vlijte v papirčke, in jih napolnite do 2/3 . Pecite 20-24 minut oziroma dokler zapičen zobotrebec ne pride ven čist. Bodite previdni, da ne boste predolgo pekli, ker bo biskvit postal suh.


1. Z električnim mešalnikom stepite kremni sir in maslo, približno 5 minut.

2. Zmanjšajte hitrost na najmanjšo in postopoma dodajajte sladkor v prahu. Na srednji hitrosti stepajte približno 4 minute.


18 komentarjev

  1. Beautiful cupcakes. The photos are stunning. xo Catherine

  2. Lepi, škoda da nisi namesto barve dala kot je v originalu sok rdeče pese ;)
    Ravno zaradi tega se jim reče red velvet.

  3. Pinned this yumminess to my just desserts board xo

    1. Thank you, that mean so much to me, I am Pinterest obsessed! =)

  4. I agree with Emma...let's eat red velvet cupcakes! Thanks for sharing with the Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. What lovely photos. Very nice,Neja!

    Desi from

  6. Čudovite slike! Kje pa kupiš pinjenec? :)

    1. Hvala! V Šparu ali Mercatorju. Vem, da imajo v Šparu takega, ki je v lončku, v Mercatorju pa v taki flaški, kot tiste od tekočih jogurtov, da ti bo lažje najti. Lepo soboto!

  7. Hello, I want to subscribe for this website to get most up-to-date updates, so where can i do it please assist.

  8. Pour plus de plaisir aux vidéos rozbuzz.

  9. this one is my fav cupcake flavor. love it!


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