petek, 15. maj 2015

Coconut Cups with Peanut Butter / Kokosove 'cups'

"He who plants a coconut tree 
plants food and drink, 
vessels and clothing, 
a home for himself 
and a heritage for his children"

- South Seas saying

I posted every wild garlic recipe I made and today  I present to you  with great pleasure  a new sponsor: S čemažem smo zaključili in z velikim veseljem vam danes predstavljam novega sponzorja: 

''Vegalife is a synonym for quality products, a healthy lifestyle and balance. Our lead when manufactiring our products is "PUT YOUR BODY IN BALANCE" or. establish balance in your body. We strive to reach this goal with Vegalife products.

The product range includes components that have bio certificates and quality standards. All Vegalife  products meet stringent regulatory requirements, which confirms the compliance of production, packaging, storage and transport of organic products and foods.

We believe that food of vegetable origin have a positive impact on the lives of individuals. Therefore, all our products are of plant origin. ''

In Vegalife online store you will find coconut products, herbs, teas, mushrooms, seeds (chia, Sacha inchi), fruit (goji berries, Inca berries, mulberries), oils, superfood, butter (cocoa, coconut), cocoa, chocolate, hemp proteins, protein bars, books, kitchen gadgets, sports bottles ...

''Vegalife je sinonim za izdelke kakovostne pridelave, zdrav način življenja in ravnovesje. Vodilo, ki mu sledimo pri izdelavi izdelkov, je »PUT YOUR BODY IN BALANCE« oz. vzpostavitev ravnovesja v telesu. Stremimo k temu, da Vegalife izdelki dosegajo prav ta cilj.

V izbor izdelkov uvrščamo sestavine, ki zraven ustreznih bio certifikatov, razpolagajo s posebnimi standardi kakovosti. Vsi izdelki Vegalife izpolnjujejo stroge zakonodajne zahteve, ki potrjujejo skladnost pridelave, pakiranja, skladiščenja in transporta ekoloških izdelkov in živil.

Verjamemo, da lahko prehrana rastlinskega izvora pozitivno vpliva na življenje posameznika. Zato so vsi izdelki rastlinskega izvora.''

V njihovi spletni trgovini boste našli kokosove izdelke, zelišča, čaje, gobe, semena (chia , sacha inchi), plodove (goji jagode, inkovske jagode, murve), olja, superhrano, masla (kakavovo, kokosovo), kakav, čokolade, konopljine proteine, proteinske ploščice, knjige, kuhinjske pripomočke, športne stekleničke …

A year ago I used a few vegalife products and was satisfied with them. I can't wait to try a little bit different recipes and these coconut cups with peanut butter are exactly in this direction. The flavor is so intense that I have enough if I only take 1 or 2 bites and thereby quickly calm down my desire to overeat sweets.

With love, Neja
Sama sem že kakšno leto nazaj uporabila nekaj vegalife produktov in bila z njimi zadovoljna. Komaj čakam, da preizkusim malo drugačne recepte in današnje kokosove cups z arašidovim maslom so točno v tej smeri. Okus je tako intenziven, da imam dovolj, že če samo 1x ali 2x ugriznem vanje in s tem hitro umirim svojo željo po nažiranju s sladkarijami.

Z ljubeznijo, Neja

Recipe adapted from: Edible perspective

The Recipe


For the cups:
1 cup coconut oil, melted (or coconut butter)
1 vanilla bean, seeds scraped
1 tablespoon  maple syrup

For the chocolate peanut butter filling:
1/2 cup natural creamy peanut butter
1 1/2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tablespoon maple syrup

The process

In a small bowl, combine the peanut butter, cocoa powder and maple syru.  Stir until smooth.  Mixture will be thick.  Set aside.

Pour your melted coconut oil in a bowl.
Add the vanilla bean seeds and maple syrup. Mix it well.

Line a muffin pan with muffin liners and add a thin line of coconut oil mixture  to the bottom of each.

Put them in the fridge for 20 minutes.
Take about 1t of the chocolate peanut butter and flatten it slightly in between your fingers.  Place on top of each cup.

Pour coconut mixture over it, not too much, just so it's covered.

Place the pan in the freezer or fridge to set.
Best if stored in a sealed container in the fridge.

250 ml  kokosovega olja, stopljen (ali kokosovo maslo)
1 vanilijin strok, postrgana semena
1 žlica javorjevega sirupa

100 g arašidovega masla
1 1/2 žlice nesladkanega kakava v prahu
1 žlica javorjevega sirupa


V majhni skledi zmešajte arašidovo maslo, kakav v prahu in javorjev sirup. Dobro premešajte.

Kokosovo olje stopite in ga viljte v posodo (najboljše kar v kakšen vrč).

Dodajte semena vanilijinega stroka  in javorjev sirup. Dobro premešajte.

V pekač za mafine položite papirčke za mafine.

V vsak papirček vlijte tanko plast kokosove mešanice.

Postavite jih v hladilnik za 20 minut.

Na vrh strjene kokosove plasti dodajte mešanico z arašidovim maslom, ta plast naj bo debelejša, rahlo pritisnite, da bo enakomerno razporejena.

Čez ponovno prelijte kokosovo mešanico, ne preveč, le toliko, da bo arašidova mešanica prekrita.

Postavite jih v hladilnik, da se masa strdi.

Najbolje, da jih nato hranite v hladilniku.

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