ENG: Is rhubarb a delicious plant or just unnecessary weed in the garden? I absolutely don't consider rhubarb as something that should be dug out of the soil and thrown in the compost, to me rhubarb is like avocado. Avocado itself is pretty lousy, BUT with the addition of salt and in combination with other foods (in salad, sandwich, tortilla ...) it's damn delicious! Rhubarb is so acidic that it's difficult to eat it with no added sweeteners. I think I completely destroyed my taste buds for a day or two, when I was a kid, because I ate too much of it's acid.
I think I completely destroyed my taste buds.
You have to add other foods to rhubarb in addition to sweetener. People most often add strawberries. Even I posted a recipe for strawberry-rhubarb jam. Another rhubarb recipe I've posted on my blog is rhubarb bread-perfect sweet bread I tell you! Like every year, this year I also received some rhubarb from my mom's garden and because I promised myself that I will prepare a lot of different flavors of homemade ice-cream this year, I transformed this sour stalks into an excellent rhubarb ice cream. Forget vanilla life, be bold and change it into rhubarb!
Forget vanilla life, be bold and change it into rhubarb!
SLO: Je rabarbara slastna rastlina ali le nepotrebno šavje na vrtu? Sama rabarbare absolutno ne smatram kot nekaj, kar bi bilo potrebno izkopati ven iz zemlje in vreči v kompostnik, jo pa doživljam podobno kot avokado. Avokado je sam po sebi precej zanič AMPAK z dodatkom soli in v kombinaciji z drugimi živili (v solati, sendviču, tortilji …) je presneto slasten! Rabarbara je tako kisla, da jo je brez dodatka sladila težko uživati. Mislim, da sem si kot otrok za kakšen dan ali dva čisto uničila okušalne brbončice, ker sem pojedla preveč te njene kisline.
Čisto sem si uničila okušalne brbončice.
Poleg sladila so zraven nujna še kakšna druga živila. Najpogosteje se ji doda jagode. Tudi sama sem objavila recept za jagodno-rabarbarino marmelado. Poleg marmelade sem naredila rabarbarin kruh-odlična pogrutavščina! Kot vsako leto sem tudi letos iz domačega vrta dobila rabarbaro in ker sem si letos obljubila, da bom pripravila veliko različnih okusov domačega sladoleda, sem te kisle steble preoblikovala v odličen rabarbarin sladoled. Naj življenje ne bo vanilija, bodite drzni in ga spremenite v rabarbaro!
Naj življenje ne bo vanilija, bodite drzni in ga spremenite v rabarbaro!
Recipe from: Our table for seven
The Recipe
3 cups (300 g) chopped rhubarb
1 1/2 cups (300 g) sugar (I used 2 tbs SugarSweet 1:10 instead (erythritol & stevia)
1 tsp lemon juice
1 cup (240 g) whipping cream
1. In a saucepan over medium heat, cook rhubarb and sugar until rhubarb is soft and sugar is completely dissolved. This should take about 10-12 minutes. Remove from heat and let it cool.
2. Then, with a blender, food processor or stick blender, puree rhubarb until smooth. Place in refrigerator to get cold for about 15 minutes.
3. In a mixing bowl, beat cream until stiff peaks form.
4. Stir lemon into rhubarb puree, then, fold into the whipped cream.
5. Place in freezer safe bowl and cover.
Place in freezer until sets. At least 4-6 hours before serving
300 g rabarbare narezane na koščke (oprane, lahko jo olupite ni pa nujno. Sladoled bo lepe roza barve, če imate rdeče steble.)
300 g sladkorja (jaz sem namesto sladkorja uporabila 2 žlici SugarSweet 1:10 (eritritol & stevija)
1 čajno žličko limoninega soka
240 g smetane za stepanje
1. V ponvi na srednje močnem ognju kuhamo rabarbaro in sladkor, dokler rabarbara ne postane mehka in se sladkor popolnoma ne raztopi. To bo trajalo približno 10-12 minut. Odstranite z ognja in pustite, da se ohladi.
2. Nato z mešalnikom, multipraktikom ali paličnim mešalnikom zblendajte rabarbaro, dokler ne dobite gladke mase brez koščkov. Postavite v hladilnik za približno 15 minut.
3. V skledi stepite sladko smetano.
4. Dodajte limonin sok v rabarbarin pire in nato rabarbaro postopoma vmešajte v stepeno smetano.
5. Maso prelijte v posodo, ki je primerna za shranjevanje v zamrzovalniku.
Postavite v zamrzovalnik za vsaj 4-6 ur. Pred serviranjem pustite sladoled nekaj časa zunaj, da se malo zmehča.
Looks interesting!!
Yummy! It looks delicious :) Kiss
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