sreda, 21. junij 2017

Vegan chocolate pancakes/ Veganske palačinke


ENG: Pancakes belong to category of those dishes which I can hardly resist, but I don't often eat because ... well because you know,  one of the side effects of eating them is butt enhancement and my butt is already big enough :D. I would not eat them every day, even in my  dream world, because too much of too good always leads to getting tired of it and not appreciating it.

…butt enhancement and my butt is already big enough.

Occasionally, it's good to spoil yourself with a super sinful breakfast, which includes a pile of American pancakes, cut fruits, chocolate spread, shredded coconut, peanut butter, marmalade or maple syrup. These pancakes are simple to prepare, because let's be honest, no one likes to complicate in the morning ;).


SLO: Palačinke sodijo v kategorijo tistih jedi, ki se jim težko uprem a si jih ne privoščim pogosto zaradi .. no, saj veste, ker je eden izmed stranskih učinkov njihovega uživanja večanje riti in moja je že dovolj velika :D. Vsak dan jih vseeno ne bi jedla, niti v sanjskem svetu, ker preveč dobrega vedno vodi v to, da se tega potem naveličaš in prenehaš ceniti. 

…večanje riti in moja je že dovolj velika.

Občasno pa se je prav lepo razvajati s pregrešno dobrim zajtrkom, ki vključuje zvrhan stolp ameriških palačink, narezano sadje, čokoladni namaz, kokosovo moko, arašidov namaz, marmelado ali javorjev sirup. Priprava teh palačink je preprosta, ker komu se pa da zjutraj na veliko komplicirati ;). 

Recipe from: Elephantastic vegan

The Recipe 


Chocolate Pancakes (for 2 pancakes, increase volumes for more pancakes)
1 cup (140g) all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
pinch of salt
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
1 tablespoon date syrup (or maple syrup) (I used SugarSweet which is made of erythritol and stevia)
3/4 cup (180 ml) unsweetened plant-based milk
1 teaspoon coconut oil + more for spraying the pan with oil

Peanut Butter Sauce and Topping

2 tablespoons peanut butter
1/4 cup (60ml) hot water (+ more until the peanut butter sauce is drizzly)
1 teaspoon maple syrup
1 piece of chocolate (ca. 15g)  ( I used Cavalier stevia chocolate drops)


Add the flour, baking powder, cocoa powder and salt in a mixing bowl, give it a quick whisk. Add in the syrup, plant-based milk and coconut oil. Whisk until incorporated. Let it sit for a few minutes.

Meanwhile, let's prepare the peanut butter sauce. In a bowl, whisk the peanut butter, hot water and maple syrup. Depending on the Peanut Butter you're starting out, you might have to add more hot water to make it drizzly.

Use a veggie peeler to shave the chocolate.

Back to the pancakes, spray a flat pan or griddle with oil and heat it up to medium to low heat. Add a small ladle of pancake batter. Let it cook until the middle becomes bubbly and the corners set, then flip with a spatula. Let it cook on the other side until done. Repeat for all the pancakes.

Now, let's stack the pancakes, drizzle peanut butter sauce on top and add the shaved chocolate. 



Čokoladne palačinke (za dve palačinki; povečajte volumne, če želite pripraviti več palačink)
140 g bele moke
1 1/2 žličke pecilnega praška
ščepec soli
2 žlici kakava v prahu
180 ml nesladkanega rastlinskega mleka
1 čajna žlička kokosovega olja + več za peko

Omaka iz arašidovega masla

2 žlici arašidovega masla
60 ml vroče vode (+ več po potrebi)
1 žlička javorjevega sirupa
1 kos čokolade (približno 15g) (jaz sem uporabila Cavalier stevia čokoladne solzice)


V posodi zmešajte moko, pecilni prašek, kakav in sol. Mešanici dodajte javorjev sirup (ali SugarSweet / sladkor), rastlinsko mleko, kokosovo olje in z metlico dobro zmešajte, pustite, da masa stoji par minut. 

Medtem pa pripravite omako iz arašidovega masla. V skodelico dodajte arašidovo maslo, vročo vodo in javorjev sirup. Dobro premešajte in dodajte več vode, če je potrebno. Dobiti morate gladko omako. 

Nastrgajte čokolado, da jo boste na koncu lahko potresli po palačinkah.

V ponev zlijte olje, segrevajte na zmernem ognju in vanjo vlijte eno zajemalko mase za palačinke, specite na obeh straneh. Tako specite vse palačinke.

Vse palačinke položite na kup, prelijte z omako, posipajte z nastrgano čokolado in po želji dodajte sadje. 

8 komentarjev

  1. This looks amazing! Definitely going to give your recipe a try!

  2. yummy....loved all the chocolaty pancakes...definitely a must try
    keep in touch

  3. They look great! I like your peanut butter sauce even better. I need to give it a try next time I make drop scones for my family (which is likely to be Sunday lol)

  4. Njami, zgledajo odlično!! Moram nujno sprobat :)

  5. Ah these look too delicious I am definitely gunna have to try them

    The Quirky Queer


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