ENG: One of the things I love are picnics in nature. Imagine ... a blanket, a basket full of good food, a meadow, a forest nearby, maybe even a lake or a river, the sea .. and the best company. Is there anything better in the summer? Or autumn and late spring. I like it the most if it's done in an non-stressful and perhaps even spontaneous way. There is no need to worry about food. Just go to the grocery store and bakery and choose a few things that are already cooked/baked, some fruits, croissants, good bread, cookies, various cheeses .. interesting drinks. Then you only need a nice and not too crowded location, you can even go to a local park. It's so simple, but most people don't even think about doing something like this.
There is no need to worry about food.
I wanted to experience picnic in nature and photograph it for my blog almost from the very beginning of this blog, so almost 5 years. This year I finally said to myself, okay, I will really do it, and fortunately my friend was down for it. In mid-June, we went to their country house for two days where there is peace and everything is green, so you feel better right away. A picnic, whose purpose is also to take pics of, is, unfortunately, quite stressful. First of all, you can't go to the grocery store to buy prepared food if your intention is to publish a new recipe. I was cooking and baking all morning and in the afternoon and stressing out, because certain things didn't go according to plan. In addition, I had a very long list of things that I had to take with me, especially the decor for food styling. We arrived a lot later than I planned, and of course, the natural lighting for photography was already not the best. The next day the wind was a problem. Weather is a classic and the worst problem when you plan to shoot, because it ruins everything.
This year I finally said to myself, okay, I will really do it…
Thus, I had to constantly adjust that "tent" because of the wind, plus we were on a slight hill so everything was tilted, the vase with lavender in it fell on the ground at least 5 times and water splashed on some of the food. Total nightmare. Something that should be relaxing was so stressful. Now I'm laughing at the thought of it, and I laugh even more at how different women and men are. While I was stressing about photography, the only thing that was important to my friend was that he had to eat warm food, which is almost impossible when you do food photography :D.
I could finally breathe when I finished shooting and be in the moment. I am grateful to my friend that I even had the opportunity to organize this picnic, that I was in good company, that he was down for it and that I was in such a beautiful location.
… and be in the moment.
The first recipe I'm posting from this picnic is for these spinach tarts that are very easy to prepare and at the same time ideal for storing in the freezer. You can prepare them for picnics, trips, for breakfast, snack, dinner .. They're great!
SLO: Ena od stvari, ki jih obožujem so pikniki v naravi. Predstavljaj si .. odeja, košara polna dobre hrane, travnik, gozd v bližini, morda celo jezero ali reka, morje.. in najboljša družba. Je poleti sploh lahko kaj boljšega? Ali jeseni in pozno spomladi. Najbolj mi je všeč, če je to storjeno na nestresen in morda celo spontan način. Glede hrane se sploh ni potrebno obremenjevati. Greš v trgovino in pekarno in izbereš par stvari, ki so že pripravljene, kakšno sadje, rogljičke, dober kruh, piškote, različne sire .. zanimivo pijačo. Potem pa potrebuješ le lepo in ne preveč obljudeno lokacijo, lahko greš celo v lokalni park. Tako preprosto je, a kljub temu večina ljudi sploh ne pomisli na kaj takega.
Glede hrane se sploh ni potrebno obremenjevati.
Piknik v naravi sem želela doživeti in fotografirati za blog že skoraj od samega začetka bloga, torej skoraj 5 let. Letos sem si rekla, ok ..dovolj, res bom to naredila in na srečo je bil moj prijatelj za. Sredi junija sva se za dva dni odpravila do njihovega vikenda kjer je tak mir in vse zeleno, da se takoj počutiš boljše. Piknik katerega namen je tudi fotografiranje je na žalost precej stresen. Kot prvo ne moreš iti v trgovino po pripravljeno hrano, če je tvoj namen objava novega recepta. Celo dop in pop sem kuhala, pekla in psihirala, ker določene stvari niso šle po planu. Poleg tega sem imela zelo dolg seznam stvari, ki jih nisem smela pozabiti, predvsem dekor za fotografiranje. Prispela sva veliko kasneje kot sem imela v planu in seveda je bila svetloba za fotografiranje že preslaba. Naslednji dan je bil problem v vetru. Vreme je klasičen in najhujši problem, ko imaš v planu fotografiranje, ker ti vse pokvari.
…ok ..dovolj, res bom to naredila…
Tako sem morala zaradi vetra ''šotor'' stalno popravljati, poleg tega teren ni bil raven in so bile stvari postrani, vaza s sivko se je vsaj 5x prevrnila in njena vsebina se je zlila po hrani. Totalna nočna mora. Nekaj, kar bi moralo biti sproščeno je bilo stresno. Sedaj se temu itak samo še smejim, še bolj se pa smejim temu, kako različni smo si ženske in moški. Medtem, ko sem jaz psihirala glede fotografiranja, je bilo mojemu prijatelju pomembno le to, da bo jedel toplo hrano, kar je pri fotografiranju s hrano skoraj nemogoče :D.
Ko sem zaključila s fotografiranjem sem končno lahko zadihala in bila v trenutku. Hvaležna sem prijatelju, da sem sploh imela priložnost organiziranja tega piknika, da sem bila v dobri družbi, da je bil on za in da sem bila na tako lepi lokaciji.
… in bila v trenutku.
Prvi recept iz tega piknika so špinačne košarice, ki so zelo preproste za pripravit in hkrati idealne za shranjevanje v zamrzovalniku. Lahko jih pripravite za piknik, za na pot, za zajtrk, malico, večerjo.. Odlične so!
Recipe from: Bake Play Smile
The Recipe
2 sheets puff pastry sheets defrosted
1 onion chopped finely
1 tbs olive oil
250 g frozen spinach thawed and strained
200 g ricotta cheese
50 g parmesan cheese finely grated
salt and pepper
1 egg whisked
Preheat oven to 180 degrees celsius.
Lightly grease 1 X 12 hole muffin tin with cooking oil spray.
Cut each pastry sheet into 6 squares and press into the muffin holes. Set aside.
Saute the chopped onion and olive oil in a frying pan until soft.
Place into a bowl.
Place the thawed frozen spinach into a strainer and remove any excess liquid (the more liquid you can remove, the crispier your pastries will be).
Add the spinach to the onion.
Add the ricotta cheese, parmesan cheese and season with salt and pepper.
Mix until well combined.
Divide the mixture evenly between the pastry cases.
Brush the whisked egg over the pastry.
Cook in the oven for approximately 20 minutes or until golden and crispy.
Allow to cool for 5 minutes in the tray before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.
2x listnato testo
1 čebula, fino sesekljana
1 žlica olivnega olja
250 g zamrznjene špinače, odmrznjena in odcejena
200 g ricotte
50 g fino naribanega parmezana
sol in poper
1 jajce
Pečico segrejte na 180 stopinj Celzija.
Pekač za mafine na rahlo namastite.
Vsako rolo listnatega testa narežite na 6 enakih kvadratov, pritisnite jih na dno pekača za mafine.
Na olivnem olju prepražite sesekljano čebulo.
Čebulo stresite v skledo.
Odmrznjeno zamrznjeno špinačo postavite v cedilo in odstranite morebitno odvečno tekočino (več tekočine boste odstranili, bolj hrustljavo bo pecivo).
Čebuli dodajte špinačo.
Dodajte sir ricotta, parmezan in začinite s soljo in poprom.
Vse skupaj dobro premešajte
Zmes enakomerno razdelite v košarice.
Z vilicami razžvrkljajte jajce in ga s čopičem premažite po robovih listnatega testa.
Pecite približno 20 minut ali do zlatorumene barve.
Pustite jih 5 min, da se rahlo ohladijo.
Lepa :)