ENG: The recipe for homemade peach iced tea is the second recipe from a picnic I wrote about in the previous blog post. Now that the arrival of autumn is becoming more and more obvious, it's a little bit funny to post these summer recipes so late. My thoughts are already at plum, pumpkin, apple and chestnut recipes, and I have quite a few summer recipes that I have photographed in the last two months in the line-up.
My thoughts are already at plum, pumpkin, apple and chestnut recipes...
When I planned which recipes to prepare for that picnic, it seemed inevitable to include a recipe for a refreshing summer drink. I am such a tea lover, and given that peach iced tea was one of the most common drinks I ordered in bars in the past, I found it ideal to make homemade peach iced tea. I have recently been avoiding refined sugar and instead I use erythritol and stevia, but since we know that these ingredients are a little bit more expensive, I decided to use table sugar instead. Perhaps you will use this recipe in the summer of 2018, it's really simple to prepare it and it's so refreshing!
SLO: Recept za domači breskov ledeni čaj je drugi recept iz piknika o katerem sem pisala v prejšnji objavi. Sedaj, ko se prihod jeseni vedno bolj intenzivno čuti, je kar malo smešno, da šele zdaj objavljam te poletne recepte. Moje misli so že pri slivovih, bučnih, jabolčnih in kostanjevih receptih, na zalogi pa imam kar nekaj poletnih receptov, ki sem jih fotografirala v zadnjih dveh mesecih.
Moje misli so že pri slivovih, bučnih, jabolčnih in kostanjevih receptih...
Ko sem v glavi planirala jedi za piknik se mi je zdelo neizbežno, da ne bi vključila tudi kakšnega recepta za osvežilno pijačo. Čaje imam neizmerno rada in glede na to, da je bila ena od najbolj pogostih pijač, ki sem jo leta nazaj naročevala v lokalih breskov ledeni čaj, se mi je zdelo idealno, da bi naredila domači breskov ledeni čaj. Sicer se zadnje čase izogibam rafiniranega sladkorja in namesto tega uporabljam eritritol in stevijo, a saj vemo, da so te sestavine malo dražje, zato sem tokrat vseeno raje uporabila namizni sladkor. Morda pa boste ta recept uporabili poleti 2018, priprava je resnično enostavna, okus pa osvežilen!
Recipe from: Passion for savings
The Recipe
Peach Syrup:
1 cup Sugar
1 cup Water
2-3 sliced fresh Peaches
3 Tea Bags
6 cups Water
Bring syrup ingredients to boil. Then reduce heat to medium.
Crush peach slices as you stir to dissolve sugar.
Turn off heat cover and let sit for 30 minutes.
Boil water and brew tea letting steep 5 minutes.
Remove tea bags and refrigerate.
Strain syrup through a fine strainer to remove fruit pieces.
Add syrup to tea and serve over ice.
You can make tea in just about any fruit flavor,
here are a few other flavors you might want to try:
Breskov sirup:
230 g sladkorja
230 g vode
2-3 breskve, narezane na krhlje
3 čajne vrečke
700 ml vode
Združite vse sestavine za pripravo sirupa, postavite na ogenj, znižajte ogenj, ko tekočina zavre.
Zmečkajte breskve, medtem, ko mešate, da se sladkor stopi.
Odstranite iz ognja, pokrijte in pustite, da stoji pol ure.
Skuhajte čaj. Odstranite čajne vrečke in postavite v hladilnik.
Sirup precedite.
Sirup zlijte v čaj in mu dodajte ledene kocke.
Domači ledeni čaj lahko pripravite s katerimkoli sadežem.
Nekaj predlogov:
beautiful pictures and the peach iced tea looks refreshing!
hai, your blog is beautiful. Please kindly see my blog at segigitduagigit.blogspot.com and give a comment, thankyou
OdgovoriIzbrišiPrekrasno, zelo mi je všeč :)