sobota, 2. maj 2015

Wild Garlic Scones / Čajni kolački s čemažem

I kind of eat anything, 
so I guess I have to work on that. 
But all in moderation. 
When I was in the UK, 
I had scones with clotted cream, 
which is like pure fat, 
but a lot of fat is delicious, 
so I couldn't help myself.

- Anna Kendrick 

Question: Why are you reading food blogs? Because of the recipes? Food photography? Culinary information? Or for the mere blogger, the one who writes that blog? I'm really interested in this, tell me, please =).

I am avoiding culinary information on this blog. Not because I would not be interested. I am very interested, very! But this is not what I like to read on other food blogs. I want to learn about the person who writes those word and I want to see food photos. I feel like, if you read my blog, then you are probably capable of searching information about which vitamins are in avocado. But my thoughts, my memories in connection with certain meals or fruit,…, my associations, my food photos, can't be find elsewhere. This, of course, also applies to other bloggers.

I am posting about wild garlic again. This year I really took full advantage of wild garlic. I got a little bit tired of it. I am looking for new tastes. New colors. New flavors.

With love, Neja
Vprašanje: Zakaj bereš kulinarične bloge? Zaradi receptov? Kulinaričnih fotografij? Kulinaričnih informacij? Ali zaradi samega blogerja, ki blog piše? Res me zanima, povej mi =).

Sama se na svojem blogu izogibam kulinaričnih informacij. Ne zaradi tega, ker me ne bi zanimale. Zelo me zanimajo, zelo! Ampak to ni tisto, kar sama rada berem na drugih kulinaričnih blogih. Zanima me oseba, fotografije. Zdi se mi, da če bereš moj blog, potem si verjetno sposoben tega, da poiščeš informacije o tem, katere vitamine vsebuje avokado. Mojih misli, mojih spominov v povezavi z določeno jedjo ali plodom,.., mojih asociacij, mojih fotografij pa drugje ni možno poiskati. Tako kot to velja tudi za druge blogerje.

Nadaljujem s čemažem. Letos sem ga pa res popolnoma izkoristila. Sedaj ga imam kar malo dovolj. Iščem nove okuse. Nove barve. Nove okuse.

Z ljubeznijo, Neja

Recipe from: Thinly spread

The Recipe


220g white flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon fine sea salt
50g butter
1 egg beaten
120g grated  cheese
a generous handful of wild garlic, finely chopped
a pinch of cayenne pepper

The process

Preheat the oven to 200°C.

Sift the flour and salt into a large bowl, add baking powder.

Rub the butter in until it resembles fine breadcrumbs.

Stir in the grated cheese and finely chopped wild garlic.

Add the pepper and mix.

Add enough milk to the beaten egg to make it up to 150ml of liquid.

Make a well in the centre of the flour mixture and pour in the egg/milk mixture.

Mix to a soft dough with a metal knife.

Turn onto a floured surface and knead gently and lightly until it is just smooth.

Press out to a round about 2½cm deep and cut out rounds with a 7cm pastry cutter gathering the scraps together each time, re-rolling and stamping until you have 6 or 7 scones.

Pop the scones onto a lightly oiled baking sheet, brush the tops with a little milk and bake them for 15 – 20 minutes until well risen and golden brown.

Leave to cool on a wire rack.

220g bele moke
1 žlička pecilnega praška
½ žličke morske soli
50 g masla
1 jajce, razžvrkljano
120g naribanega sira
Velika pest čemaža, drobno sesekljan
ščepec kajenskega popra


Pečico segrejte na 200 ° C.

Moko presejemo veliko skledo, dodamo pecilni prašek in sol.

V moko vtrite maslo, da dobite kroglice.

Vmešajte nariban sir in sesekljan čemaž.
Dodajte poper ter premešajte.

Razžvrkljanemu jajcu dodajte dovolj mleka, da bo skupna količina tekočine 150 ml.

Naredimo jamico v sredini mešanice z moko in vlijemo mešanico jajce+mleko.

Zmešamo, pomagamo si s kovinskim nožem, da dobimo testo.

Testo položimo na pomokano površino in dobro pregnetemo.

Testo razvaljamo do debeline 2½cm in s kozarcem ali okroglim modelčkom izrežemo kroge (dobili jih boste približno 6-7).

Kroge položimo na pekač, na katerega smo položili peki papir in jih na vrhu premažemo z malo mleka. Pečemo jih 15-20 minut, dokler ne narastejo in dobijo zlato rjave barve.

Pustimo, da se ohladijo.

3 komentarji

  1. OMG! These look absolutely delicious!!! Definitely have to try them next year (in Austria it's nearly impossible to still find wild garlic - it's blooming already)!
    I shared some wild garlic recipes on my blog too in case you are interested:

    Have a great day!
    Cheers from Vienna,

  2. Those look delicious! Thanks for sharing with the Thursday Blog Hop!


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