I'll keep house for you.
I'll wash and sew and sweep and cook.
Dwarfs: Cook?
Doc: Uh, can you make dapple lumplings? Er, lumple dapplings?
Grumpy, Sleepy: Apple dumplings.
Doc: Yes, crapple dumpkins.
Snow White: Yes, and plum pudding and gooseberry pie.
Dwarfs: Gooseberry pie? Hooray! She stays!
- Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
Truffle and I did the March along barbed wire on Saturday. It is almost 35 km long route around Ljubljana, where between the Second World War the wire fence of Italian and later on the German occupiers was and is therefore called “March along barbed wire”. We walked for 6 hours and 41 minutes, and we felt pretty tired for entire weekend. I'll probably do a post on this in my Neja's Milkshake category. I was thinking today, during a walk through the woods, about the fact that, in my most ideal life I would own a peaceful forest, that only I would walk in (and people that are close to me) and it would be full of foxes, deer, squirrels, rabbits and birds ... hey! But, does this mean that I want to be a Snow White ?? =) And certainly there would be dogs and cats and spruce, pine trees, hazelnuts and walnuts. When I would bake a photogenic cake or pie, I would take it in the woods, and photograph it. That reminds me! I plan on taking some food photography in nature this year. I was planning this last year but in the end it didn't work out. I will do it this year, for real!! Today's recipe is for all who love patties without meat. Light, Springy, interesting patties! With love, Neja |
V soboto sva se s Tartufijem udeležila pohoda okoli Ljubljane – Pot ob žici, ki je dolga 35 km. Hodila sva 6 ur in 41 minut in potem sva bila zaradi tega cel vikend trda in malo ožuljena =). Verjetno bom naredila eno objavo o temu v moji Neja's Milkshake kategoriji. Danes med sprehodom po gozdu razmišljala o temu, da bi v svojem idealnem življenju najraje imela svoj miren gozd, v katerem bi se samo jaz sprehajala (in moji bližnji) in v njemu bi bilo polno lisic, jelenov, srnic, veveric, zajcev, ptičev… hej! A to pomeni, da si želim biti Sneguljčica?? =) In sigurno ne bi šlo brez psov in mačk ter smrek, borovcev, lesk in orehov. Ko bi spekla fotogenično torto ali pito, bi jo pa odnesla v gozd in fotografirala. Ko sem že pri tem, za letošnje leto planiram tudi kakšno fotografiranje v naravi. To sem planirala že lani pa se na koncu ni izšlo. Letos pa res!! Današnji recept je pa za vse, ki imate radi polpete brez mesa. Lahki, spomladanski, zanimivi polpeti! Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
Recipe from: 80 Twenty
The Recipe
Ingredients 1.5 cups quinoa 16 wild garlic leaves 1 small red onion, finely diced (~ 1 cup) 2-3 eggs, lightly whisked 2 green chiles, seeded and finely diced ½ cup cottage cheese ¼ cup coarsely grated Cheddar ½ + 1 tbsp dried bread crumbs ¼ cup olive oil 1 large lemon, cut into wedges, optional Salt and black pepper Salbitxada Sauce 1 med red pepper 2 red chiles 5 cloves garlic, skin on ⅓ cup sliced almonds, toasted 4 tomatoes, peeled, seeded, and coarsely chopped 2 tsp sherry vinegar 7 tbsp olive oil The process Preheat oven to 425°F. First make the sauce. Place the red pepper, chiles, and garlic cloves on a baking sheet and roast for 10 minutes. Remove the chiles and garlic, turn the red pepper, and continue cooking for another 20 minutes. Once the skin is blistered and the pepper roasted, remove it and place in a bowl covered with plastic wrap. When cool, peel and seed the pepper. Do the same with the chiles and also peel the garlic. Lower the oven temperature to 400ºF/200ºC. Place the almonds in the bowl of a small food processor or high speed blender and grind to a coarse powder. Add the pepper, chile, garlic, and tomatoes and continue to process to a paste. Add the sherry vinegar and ¼ teaspoon salt and then slowly pour in the oil until you have a thick sauce. Throw the quinoa into a saucepan with plenty of boiling water and simmer for 9 minutes, until tender but still with a bite. Drain in a fine sieve, refresh under cold water, and set aside until completely dry. Place the wild garlic leaves, red onions, eggs, green chiles, cottage cheese, Cheddar, bread crumbs, 1 teaspoon salt, and a good grind of pepper in a large bowl. Add the quinoa, stir well, and form the mixture into 2-oz/60-g patties each about 2½ inches/6 cm wide and ¾ inch/2cm thick. Place a nonstick pan over medium heat and add half the oil. Fry the patties in batches for 3 minutes on each side, until golden, adding oil as needed. Transfer to a baking sheet and finish off in the oven for about 8 minutes. Serve hot with a squeeze of lemon juice, or with the sauce spooned on top or alongside. (Or you can just fry them or just bake them. I just baked them). |
Sestavine 270 g kvinoje 16 listov čemaža 1 majhna rdeča čebula, drobno sesekljana 2-3 jajci, rahlo razžvrkljana 2 zelena čilija, očiščena in drobno sesekljana 115 g skute 115 g naribanega čedarja ½ + 1 žlica krušnih drobtin 55 g olivnega olja 1 velika limona, narezana na rezine, neobvezno Sol in poper Omaka Salbitxada 1 rdeča paprika 2 rdeča čilija 5 strokov česna, z lupino 35 g mandljev, v lističih (rahlo jih popecite v ponvi) 4 paradižniki, olupljeni, na drobno sesekljani 2 žlički kisa iz vina šeri 7 žlic olivnega olja Postopek Pečico segrejte na 220 stopinj. Najprej naredite omako. Postavite rdečo papriko, čilije in česen na pekač in pecite 10 minut. Odstranite čilije in česen, nato rdečo papriko obrnite in pecite še 20 minut. Papriko položite v posodo in pokrijte s plastično ali srebrno folijo. Ko se ohladi odstranite lupino, semena. Enako storite tudi z čiliji in olupite česen. Znižajte temperaturo pečice na 200ºC. Postavite mandlje v multipraktik in na visoki hitrosti zmeljite do finega. Dodajte papriko, čilije, česen in paradižnik in sesekljajte do paste. Dodajte šeri kis in ¼ žličke soli in nato počasi vlijte olje, dokler ne boste dobili gosto omako. Kvinojo sperite v cedilu, zavrite vodo in v vrelo vodo stresite oprano kvinojo, pustite vreti 9 minut. Kuhano kninojo precedite, sperite s hladno vodo in pustite, da se posuši. V veliko posodo stresite sesekljane čemaževe liste, rdečo čebulo, jajca, zelene čilije, skuto, nariban čedar, krušne drobtine, 1 žličko soli, in poper ter dobro premešajte. Dodajte kvinojo, dobro premešajte in oblikujte kroglice, nato jih položite na pekač s peki papirjem in pritisnite dol, da dobite polpete. Polpete lahko ocvrete na vsaki strani po 3 minute in nato specite do konca v pečici na 200 stopinj, ali pa jih samo ocvrete ali samo spečete (jaz sem jih samo v pečici pekla-15 minut). Preden jih zaužite lahko polpete po želji pokapate z limoninim sokom. |
The patties look marvelous. And wouldn't it be cool to have your own forest?
OdgovoriIzbrišiThese look so good...thanks for sharing them with the Thursday Blog Hop!