četrtek, 14. maj 2015

Wild Garlic Butter / Maslo s čemažem

“If you just stop expecting perfection 
from everyone and everything, 
you might see the good stuff outweighs the bad. 
And then someday you'll look in the mirror 
and see the same thing.
 Because the person you're most disappointed in 
is yourself.” 

― Erin Lange

For the last recipe with wild garlic, I saved the most simple of them. 3 ingredients + food processor + a few minutes. That's all! I realized that I prefer recipes that don't require much from me. Nevertheless, I still like recipes that contain a long list of ingredients and steps but I think that really quick & simple recipes are really nice for everyday life.
If you don't have wild garlic, you can replace it with arugula, parsley, spinach, basil, rosemary, chives, tarragon, water cress, laurel trees ....

Homemade bread, buttered with wild garlic butter, a slice of prosciutto and a slice of cheese .. that's how my dinner looked like recently.

With love, Neja
Za zadnji čemažev recept sem pustila najbolj preprostega med njimi. 3 sestavine + multipraktik + par minutk. To je vse! Ugotovila sem, da imam vedno raje recepte, ki ne zahtevajo veliko od mene. Kljub temu, so mi še vedno všeč recepti, ki vsebujejo dolg seznam sestavin in več korakov ampak za vsak dan, so hitri recepti res prijetni.
Če nimate čemaža, ga lahko nadomestite z rukolo, peteršiljem, špinačo, baziliko, rožmarinom, drobnjakom, pehtranom, vodno krešo, lovorjem, ….

Domač kruh, nanj namazano maslo s čemažem, rezina pršuta in rezina sira.. takole so izgledale moje večerje zadnje čase.

Z ljubeznijo, Neja

The Recipe


250 g butter
1 shallot
10-15 leaves of wild garlic

The process

Place all the ingredients in food processor, mix it. Scrape the container and store butter in a refrigerator (2 weeks, you can also freeze it).

250 g masla
1 šalotka
10 – 15 listov čemaža


Vse sestavine položimo v multipraktik, zmiksamo. Postrgamo v posodico in hranimo v hladilniku (2 tedna, lahko ga tudi zmrznjemo).

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