“This life is yours.
Take the power to choose what you want to do and do it well.
Take the power to love what you want in life and love it honestly.
Take the power to walk in the forest and be a part of nature.
Take the power to control your own life.
No one else can do it for you.
Take the power to make your life happy.”
― Susan Polis Schutz
Finally, I began to combine home workout to YouTube workout videos with running in the woods. I am a runner for several years (in the warm months) but if you want real results, you have to combine running with something else and you have to change your running habits now and then. Usually I run in the evening but if I'm honest, it bothers me that there are so many people in nature at that time. Therefore, I would like to get used to the morning run. Today I went running for the third time this year, not in the morning but at one o'clock in the afternoon. I din't run that far, just 4 km because I started to run up the hill this year, which I haven't done before, and as I mentioned, this was only my third running session after a six months break. Even though I workout regulary at home since January, that didn't do much for my running stamina, because this is a completely different stamina. Being in the woods ... .. oh ... Forest means a lot to me. It has good energy, everything is green, peaceful, quiet, clean air. That's why I prefer if I come across to fewer people, because I don't know ... I can just feel more at peace this way. Despite the fact that I didn't run a long time, I've been in the woods for almost two hours because I walked a lot, and I sit on a log and, of course, I sat on the resin and walked the rest of the time with a large resin stain on my ass. When I got home, I made a salad, I put clothes in a washing machine and baked bread. Yeah, I'll often returned to the forest. This is the third recipe with wild garlic. Most of you already know hummus, I like to spread it on bread, and in fact I've never eaten it with anything else. With love, Neja |
Končno sem začela kombinirati domačo telovadbo preko telovadnih videov, s tekom v gozdu. Že kar nekaj let tečem v toplih mesecih ampak, če želiš konkretne rezultate, moraš tek kombinirati še z nečem drugim in tudi sam tek moraš vsake toliko časa spremeniti. Po navadi tečem proti večeru ampak, če sem iskrena, me moti to, da je takrat preveliko ljudi v naravi. Zato bi se rada navadila na jutranji tek. Danes sem šla šele tretjič letos teči, sicer ne zjutraj ampak ob enih popoldne. Sicer nisem prav veliko pretekla, le 4 km, ker sem začela teči v hrib, česar prej nisem počela in kot sem omenila, to je bil šele tretji tek po pol letni pavzi. Ne glede na to, da od januarja redno telovadim doma, se mi to pri teku ne pozna toliko, ker je to čisto druga kondicija. Biti v gozdu ….. oh… gozd mi ogromno pomeni. V njemu je tako dobra energija, vse je zeleno, mir, tišina, čist zrak. Ravno zato mi je zelo všeč, če je čim manj ljudi, ne vem….vse to pride bolj do izraza. Kljub temu, da sem v bistvu zelo malo pretekla, sem bila v gozdu skoraj dve uri, ker sem veliko hodila, sedela na hlodu in se seveda usedla na smolo in preostali čas hodila z velikim madežem smole na riti. Ko sem prišla domov, sem si naredila solato, dala obleke prat in kruh peči. Ja, pogosteje sem bom vračala v gozd. Tukaj pa je že tretji čemažev recept. Humus vas večina pozna, sama ga rada namažem na kruh in v bistvu ga še nikoli nisem jedla s čim drugim. Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
The Recipe
Ingredients 400 g canned chickpeas, rinsed and drained 1 handful fresh wild garlic leaves, rinsed couple of spoonfuls of water (use chickpeas water) 4 Tbsp extra-virgin olive oil 2 Tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice salt and freshly ground black pepper The process Drain the chickpeas and place to the food processor with the rest of the ingredients. Blend until you've got a smooth paste. Taste for seasoning - if you wish, add some more lemon juice or salt. Excellent with toasted pita bread, or on a slice of toast. |
Sestavine 400 g čičerike, sprana in odcejena 1 pest svežih listov čemaža, oprani nekaj žlic vode (uporabite čičerikino vodo) 4 žlice ekstra deviškega oljčnega olja 2 žlici sveže stisnjenega limoninega soka sol in mlet črni poper Postopek Odcedimo čičerko in stresemo v multipraktik z ostalimi sestavinami. Miksamo, dokler ne dobimo gladke paste. Začinimo po okusu - če želite, dodajte še malo več limoninega soka ali soli. Odličen z popečenim pita kruhom, ali rezino kruha/toasta. |
Meni je v naravi najlepše zjutraj. Prav poseben mir je in da ti energije za cel dan.
OdgovoriIzbrišiAnede =). Zato se bom res potrudila in začela zjutraj hoditi v gozd. Hvala, ker si prebrala <3