“Pestom madam."
"Yes, Floote, that!
Brilliant. Full of garlic."
To illustrate her point,
she took another mouthful before continuing.
"Seems they put garlic in positively everything here.
Absolutely fantastic.”
― Gail Carriger, Blameless
Last weekend my mom gave me a bag of wild garlic that she picked in the woods and I immediately decided that I will use it in recipes, which I would post on the blog. Bloggers mind are full of blog. Only last year I used wild garlic for the first time in a recipe and thought it was quite interesting. I was eating wild garlic dishes this week almost every day and when I open the fridge, that garlic smell hits me. I made 5 recipes with wild garlic and because wild garlic is such an Spring, current plant I have decided that I will post all recipes this week. It's really easy to make pesto. Most of you probably know that the classic pesto contains fresh basil leaves. You can use a lot of other things instead of basil, so you can be a little bit creative and make all kinds of different pesto. I used wild garlic. You can use dandelion, mint, arugula, avocado, parsley, coriander, ... Pesto is one of my favourite things, because I love pasta. You can use it as a cold pasta sauce for pasta (1-2 tablespoons are enough for one plate), gnocchi, rice, as bread spread, as a dip, you can drizzle your morning eggs with pesto, as a substitute for tomato sauce for pizza, stir it into bread dough, in salad dressing, drizzle over grilled or raw vegetables, coat the meat with it, season your soup ... With love, Neja |
Prejšnji vikend mi je mami dala celo vrečo čemaža, ki ga je nabrala v gozdu in takoj sem se odločila, da ga bom uporabila pri parih receptih, ki jih bom objavila na blogu. V mislih blogerja se vse vrti okoli bloga. Šele lani sem prvič uporabila čemaž in zdel se mi je precej zanimiv. Trenutno je pri meni situacija taka, da že cel teden jem čemaževe jedi in ko odprem hladilnik, vame butne vonj po česnu. Pripravila sem 5 receptov s čemažem in ker je čemaž taka hipna, trenutna rastlina sem se odločila, da bom vse recepte objavila ta teden. Priprava pesta je hitra in preprosta. Večina vas verjetno ve, da klasični pesto vsebuje liste sveže bazilike. Namesto bazilike lahko uporabimo marsikaj in tako naredimo malce drugačen pesto. Jaz sem npr. uporabila čemaž. Baziliko lahko zamenjate tudi z regratom, meto, rukulo, avokadom, s peteršiljem, koriandrom, … Pesto je meni nekaj najboljšega, ker imam rada testenine. Uporabi se ga torej kot hladno omako za testenine (1-2 žlici sta dovolj za en krožnik), njoke, riž, kot namaz, kot dip, z njim lahko pokapamo jajca pri zajtrku, uporabimo kot nadomestek paradižnikove omake pri pici, vmešamo v testo za kruh, v solatni preliv, pokapamo čez pečeno ali surovo zelenjavo, premažemo meso z njim, z njim začinimo juho, … Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
The Recipe
Ingredients 200 g wild garlic 100 g grated Parmesan cheese 100 g pine nuts 300 ml olive oil Salt Pepper The process Place all ingredients in a food processor and grind until you have a nice paste. Store in refrigerator up to 1 week. |
Sestavine 200 g čemaža 100 g parmezana 100 g pinjol 300 ml olivnega olja Sol Poper Postopek Vse sestavine zmeljite v multipraktiku, do paste. Hranite v hladilniku do 1 tedna. |
That looks so delicious, and you take such lovely pictures!
OdgovoriIzbrišiLove pesto...love garlic and pasta! This looks like a winner...thanks for sharing on the Thursday Blog Hop!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThis site looks awesome and what a beautiful recipe. This Wild Garlic Pesto / Cemazev pesto looks very delicious with this attractive images. I want to serve this to my family and for sure they will love this. Can't wait to try and serve this recipe. This is also a perfect weekend with my family with this dish.Thanks for sharing your healthy recipe as free. This is a nice blog post. I love it!