Papirnate slamice - cikcak rumene črte / Trgovina Popolna Dekoracija
“When life gives you lemons,
you don't make lemonade.
You use the seeds to plant a whole orchard - an entire franchise!
Or you could just stay on the Destiny Bus
and drink lemonade someone else has made, from a can.”
― Anthon St. Maarten
Do any of you watch MasterChef? I never watched foreign MasterChefs, but I of course started watching Slovenian MasterChef and I quite like it. Last week, something happened to one of the contestants. Something that anyone who cooks, is afraid of. When he took asparagus quiche out of the oven, it has fallen to the floor. Holy Chocolate have mercy !!! Perfect quiche scattered everywhere! Ugh, I felt it with him. That's the worst! And then he started to cry. This is actually the point of today's post. I like it (I can't emphasize strongly enough how much I like it) when I see someone who has a passion for something. People who have interest in something and are trying to learn something new and want to achieve something with it. This passion is what in life is worth it to seek out and cultivate it. For yourself, because it means something to YOU. Every new day of Spring, I can't get enough of what is going on outside. All the trees turned green, it's warm, the sun is shining ... So much positivity. Therefore, I have a lemonade on the platter for you. I often drink lemonade, without sugar but if I'm quite honest, I like it with sugar more. Because I rarely drink it with sugar, I enjoyed drinking this lemonade with a clear conscience. Very simple recipe for all those hot days when you read a book on the patio, have picnics with friends at sea, or simply, when you watch TV =). With love, Neja |
Ali kdo od vas gleda MasterChef? Sama nikoli nisem gledala tujih MasterChefov, sem pa seveda pogledala slovenskega in za enkrat mi je kar všeč. Prejšnji teden se je enemu od tekmovalcev zgodilo nekaj, česar se vsak, ki kuha, boji. Ko je iz pečice vzel špargljev kiš, mu je ta padel na tla. Sveta Čokolada imej milost!!! Popoln kiš raztreščen po tleh! Oh, kar čutila sem z njim. Ni ga hujšega! In potem je začel jokati. To je pravzaprav pomen današnje objave. Všeč mi je (ne morem dovolj močno poudariti kako zelo mi je to všeč), ko vidim nekoga, ki goji strast do nečesa. Ljudje, ki imajo interes do stvari in se trudijo v tej smeri, da se naučijo nekaj novega in nekaj dosežejo s tem interesom. Ta strast je tisto, kar je v življenju vredno poiskati in jo gojiti. Zase, ker TEBI nekaj pomeni. Vsak nov pomladni dan se ne morem dovolj naužiti tega, kar se zunaj dogaja. Vse je ozelenelo, toplo je, sonce sije, … Sama pozitivnost. Zato imam danes na pladnju limonado za vas. Limonado pogosto pijem, sicer brez sladkorja ampak, če sem čisto iskrena, mi je veliko boljša s sladkorjem. Ker jo tako redko pijem s sladkorjem, sem čisto brez slabe vesti uživala v tej. Sila preprost recept za vse te tople dni, za branje knjige na terasi, za piknik s prijatelji ob morju ali pa čisto preprosto, za pred TVjem =). Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
Recipe from: A few shortcuts
The Recipe
Ingredients 3 Cups Sugar 1 Cup Boiling Water 3 Cups Lemon Juice 2 Tbsp Grated Lemon Peel (organic lemons) (you can skip this ingredient) The process In a large heat-proof container, dissolve sugar in boiling water. Cool. Add fresh squeezed lemon juice and peel; mix well. Cover and store in the refrigerator for up to 1-2 weeks. For 1 serving, combine ¼ to ⅓ cup lemonade syrup and ¾ cup cold water in a glass; stir well. |
Sestavine 600 g sladkorja 150 ml vrele vode 450 ml limoninega soka 2 žlici naribane limonine lupine (bio limone) (to sestavino lahko tudi izpustite, če nimate bio limon ali če se vam sirupa ne ljubi precejati) Postopek Zavremo 150 ml vode in ji dodamo sladkor, mešamo toliko časa, da se stopi. Odstavimo, pustimo, da se ohladi. Dodamo limonin sok in limonino lupino, dobro premešamo. Prelijemo v steklenico in hranimo v hladilniku (1-2 tedna). Za 1 porcijo, zmešajte ¼ do ⅓ kozarca limonadinega sirupa in ¾ kozarca hladne vode; dobro premešajte. |
Interesting blog you have here. Love that you can read any language at the same time
OdgovoriIzbrišiLooks really good ♥ Yummy