“Would you like some warm Spring pie?
Then, take a cup of clear blue sky.
Stir in buzzes from a bee,
Add the laughter of a tree.
A dash of sunlight should suffice
To give the dew a hint of spice.
Mix with berries, plump and sweet.
Top with fluffy clouds, and eat!”
― Paul F. Kortepeter, Holly Pond Hill: A Child's Book of Easter
I admit that I don't particularly care for Easter. Of course, because I'm not religious. Also, if I look at this holiday out from a commercial point of view, these holidays don't represent any special joy to me. I don't like ham, horseradish and typical Slovenian festive dish potica. I like Easter eggs, because I like hard boiled eggs anyway. The very process of dyeing Easter eggs is actually something nice. Well, of course, chocolate eggs are also good, there is no doubt. However, I wanted to do something culinary in the spirit of the Easter holidays. Recipe for chocolate bird nests with mini eggs is, of course, easy, this was my goal. It doesn't require a lot of ingredients, planning and time. It seems to me that this recipe would be great for involving your kids in the process. Happy Easter! With love, Neja |
Priznam, da mi ni posebno mar za veliko noč. Seveda zato, ker nisem verna. Tudi, če na ta dan pogledam iz komercialnega vidika, mi ti prazniki ne predstavljajo nekega posebnega veselja. Ne maram šunke, hrena in potice. So mi pa všeč pirhi, ker imam tako ali tako od jajc najraje trdo kuhana. Sam proces barvanja pirhov je v bistvu nekaj lepega. No, tudi čokoladna jajca so seveda dobra, tu ni dvoma. Vseeno sem želela narediti nekaj kulinaričnega v duhu velikonočnih praznikov. Recept za čokoladna ptičja gnezda z mini jajčki je seveda preprost, to je bil tudi moj cilj. Zanj ne potrebujete veliko sestavin, planiranja in časa. Zdi se mi, da bi bila priprava super za nekaj, pri čemer bi tudi otroci sodelovali. Lepe velikonočne praznike! Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
The Recipe
Ingredients 375 g shredded wheat, crushed 500-600 g chocolate mini Easter Eggs The process Shred wheat. Melt chocolate: over boiling water or 3x for 30 seconds in a microwave oven. Pour the melted chocolate over the crushed wheat and mix well. Spoon the chocolate wheat into cupcake cases and press the back of a teaspoon in the centre to create a nest shape. Chill the nests in the fridge. Place 3 mini chocolate eggs on top of each nest. |
Sestavine 375 g Kosmičev Kellogg's Toppas (jaz sem jih kupila v Šparu) 500 – 600 g čokolade Mini jajčka Postopek Kosmiče zdrobite. Stopite čokolado: V posodi nad vrelo vodo ali 3x po 30 sekund v mikrovalovni pečici. Stopljeno čokolado prelijte čez zdrobljene kosmiče in dobro premešajte. Čokoladne kosmiče z žlico položite v papirčke za mafine, z žlico pritisnite v sredini, da napravite vdolbino za jajčka. Gnezda postavite v hladilnik, da se čokolada strdi in vanje položite 3 jajčka. |
Just cannot get too much chocolate! Thanks for sharing with the Thursday Blog Hop!
OdgovoriIzbrišiSuch a cute recipe! <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiIsobel x
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