Today I have a slightly different post. A cool and good news for me personally. Where do I start ? At the beginning ....
A couple of months ago I received an email from Lubka. She mentioned a calendar in which she would like to include me. Ummm ... what? Bloggers receive a lot of emails and often it turns out that it wasn’t sent by an honest person with honest intentions. I had no clue what was going on but agreed regardless =). Over time, I realized it’s all real ... I'm really going to be on a calendar ! ! Lubka is a nice girl from Bulgaria, living and working in London. Her passion is graphic design. She also writes a blog and got the idea to make a calendar in which she could present 12 bloggers from around the world. And my silly face is a part of that!! Me? How the hell is this possible ? ? That's why I like blogging, because you may become part of such fun things and you never know what is going to happen next. I am grateful that she chose me as well and I really don’t regret this. Calendars can be purchased online, no matter in which country you live. I wish she will create many beautiful things and that her passion for creating never dies. I love people who have ideas and make them real. I always take that as an inspiration and an example to which I want to follow.
With love, Neja
Buy it here: Buy calendar Bloggers world
Her words about this project
The idea came to me long time ago, but needed a lot of preparation to even get it started. Since I’ve become a blogger, I’ve learnt a lot about blogging - how to be consistent when writing, how to be brave when sharing ideas, and how to be honest with my readers - but most of all… how to keep my head up even when I’m feeling down. I find myself reading so many other blogs in search of cooking ideas, fashion trends, inspirational thoughts, good causes, catching up with news from real people rather than from the media, etc, etc. Many of those bloggers are people I haven’t met in person yet, but they already feel like close friends, and keep me going when I experience some troubles. Seeing how other people cope during their times of trouble, whilst still managing to carry on, encourages me that I can do it too!
With these thoughts in mind, I’ve decided to share this inspiration with as many people as I can. I believe that through blogging we all learn a lot about ourselves, but we also help others, and there are no geographical borders to stop us. We all can make the world a better place!
The Creation
First, I had to find the right people to inspire you. It took me a couple of months of searching. I read lots of blogs, followed new posts, read stories about how and why they had started blogging, how it changed their lives and what achievements they had been sharing.
I found the exact number of 12 people who I’d like to introduce to you. They are people from more than 10 different countries around the world, who despite their different cultures and areas, share their success, experience, journeys and aspirations with extreme honesty and passion.
In the last 2 months we have exchanged numerous messages, emails and conversations, working on the content for this calendar. Between us, we’ve approved images, sketches, templates and text. I’ve designed the calendar along very clean and modern lines, so that you can enjoy the beauty of the photos, and discover the essence about each person within its pages.
The Final Result
After a long wait, it’s finally in front of me - a beautiful work of 14 stylish pages, full of colourful images and stories, printed on luxury paper, with a silky touch. 14 pages dedicated to the oncoming 2014, during which you’ll meet 12 inspirational people.
An initial pack of calendars is printed, but to spread the word and the inspirational stories around the world, I'll need to print some more copies. You can help by donating as little as £1 or buying a copy from the colander for you or as a Christmas gift for someone who you want to inspire.
The Bloggers World 214 Calendar makes a nice gift for:
- A newbie blogger or someone thinking of starting a blog
- An experienced blogger who wants to meet new inspirational people
- If you're interested in fashion, beauty, family life, sports activities, good causes, inspiring others, healthy lifestyle, good food and cooking tips
- Anyone who appreciates beautiful photography
Danes imam malce drugačno objavo. Zame osebno veselo in lepo novico. Kje naj začnem? Na začetku….
Par mesecev nazaj sem od Lubke prejela email. Omenjala je nek koledar v katerega bi rada vključila tudi mene. Ummm…kaj? Blogerji dobimo veliko emailov in velikokrat se izkaže, da za emailom ne stoji iskrena oseba z iskrenimi nameni. Nič mi ni bilo jasno ampak sem bila vseeno za =). Čez čas se je pokazalo, da vse drži… res bom na koledarju!!!! Lubka je prijazna punca iz Bolgarije, ki zadnja leta živi in dela v Londonu. Njena strast je grafično oblikovanje. Tudi sama piše blog in dobila je idejo, da bi naredila koledar, na katerem bi predstavila 12 blogerk iz celega sveta. In med njimi sem tudi JAZ!! Jaz? Moj trapast obraz? Kako hudiča je to možno?? Prav zato mi je všeč bloganje, ker zaradi njega lahko postaneš del takšnih zabavnih stvari in nikoli ne veš, kaj vse se bo še zgodilo. Lubki sem hvaležna, da je izbrala tudi mene in res mi ni žal, da sem sodelovala z njo. Koledarje lahko kupite preko spleta, ne glede na to, v kateri državi živite. Želim si, da bi ji uspelo, da bi ustvarila še veliko lepega in da bi jo njena strast do ustvarjanja vedno gnala naprej. Najraje imam ljudi, ki se jim utrne ideja in jo tudi izpeljejo. Sama to vedno vzamem kot navdih in vzgled, ki mu hočem slediti.
Z ljubeznijo, Neja
Tukaj lahko kupite koledar: Kupi Koledar Bloggers World
Lubkine besede o projektu
Zamisel sem dobila že zdavnaj, vendar je bilo potrebno veliko priprav, preden sem jo lahko realizirala. Odkar sem postala bloggerka, sem se veliko naučila o blogganju - kako biti dosledna pri pisanju, kako biti pogumna, kadar z bralci delim ideje, kako biti poštena do svojih bralcev - predvsem pa ... kako ohraniti glavo gor, tudi takrat, ko gre počutje navzdol.
Velikokrat prebiram druge bloge, pa naj gre za iskanje idej za kuhanje, sledenje modnim trendom, iskanje inspiracijskih misli, dobrodelnih akcij, novic, ki jih napišejo resnični ljudje namesto medijev, itd, itd. Večino od teh blogerjev nisem nikoli spoznala osebno, vendar jih vseeno čutim blizu, kot prave prijatelje, ki me porinejo naprej, kadar sem zaradi nečesa na tleh. Ko vidim, kako se drugi ljudje spopadejo s težavami in grejo naprej, me to spodbudi in da občutek, da to zmorem tudi sama!
S temi mislimi sem se odločila, da delim ta navdih, s čim večjim številom ljudi. Verjamem, da se z blogganjem veliko naučimo o nas samih, hkrati pa pomagamo tudi drugim, tu ne obstajajo geografske meje, ki bi nas ustavile. Vsi lahko prispevamo k izboljšanju sveta!
Najprej sem morala najti prave ljudi, ki bi vas navdihnili. Potrebovala sem nekaj mesecev, da sem jih našla. Prebrala sem veliko blogov, sledila novim objavam, brala zgodbe o razlogih za začetek pisanja bloga, kako jim je to spremenilo življenje in kaj so zaradi tega dosegli.
Našla sem 12 ljudi, ki bi vam jih rada predstavila. To so ljudje iz več kot 10 različnih držav po vsem svetu, ki kljub različnim kulturam in območjih delijo uspehe, izkušnje in želje z izjemno iskrenostjo in strastjo.
V zadnjih 2 mesecih smo si izmenjale veliko elektronske pošte glede vsebine koledarja. Dogovarjale smo se o odobritvi slik, skic, predlogov in besedila. Odločila sem za čiste in moderne linije, da boste lahko uživali v lepoti fotografij ter odkrili bistvo vsake blogerke.
Končni rezultat
Po dolgem času je končno pred mano - 14 elegantnih strani, polnih barvitih podob in zgodb, natisnjenih na luksuznem papirju. 14 strani, namenjenih prihajajočemu letu 2014, na katerih boste spoznali 12 navdihujočih ljudi.
Koledar je lahko lepo darilo za:
- Blogerje, ki so komaj pričeli pisati blog ali pa si ga želijo začeti pisati
- Izkušene blogerje, ki želijo spoznati nove navdihujoče ljudi
- Za vse, ki jih zanima moda, lepota, družinsko življenje, športne aktivnosti, zdrav način življenja, dobra hrana in nasveti za kuhanje
- Vsakega, ki ceni lepe fotografije
Čestitam! Pa super izgleda.
OdgovoriIzbrišinice post, good luck to all
OdgovoriIzbrišiI added your blog ...if you blog WWW.OLLYUP.COM
see you soon :-D
Woow, Neja. To pa je res nekaj posebnega. Čestitam!! :D
OdgovoriIzbrišilovely idea and i really like the idea behind the calender! would you like to follow each other?
OdgovoriIzbrišixx toney
What an amazing idea! And you are so lucky to be part of it! Congrats!
OdgovoriIzbrišiwowoww, that is amazing and your page looks great in the calendar! loving your blog, so so much! i followed you on gfc :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiciao, love taylor! xo
wow this is so amazing! your blog is so lovely & congratulations on being featured on a calendar! what an accomplishment =] so happy i stumbled across your blog, its adorable! andddd I am your newest follower hey-o! hopefully you can swing by mine sometime!
OdgovoriIzbrišixo, Kelsey Belle | Happie Reading Blog