Today I cooked from leftovers. For breakfast I made frtalja-that's an Italian omelette (this was my first time preparing it). I opened the fridge and realized that yes, this could be done. First I fried onions and mushrooms, which have remained from a picnic. I scrambled eggs with a fork I scrambled eggs with a fork, added salt and black pepper and picked a few leaves from fresh basil on the window sill. Mmm, fresh basil smells so nice. Sometimes I just slightly brush basil against the fingers, so I have that scent of summer on my fingers. I added basil leaves to scrambled eggs and poured everything over roasted onions and mushrooms. Then I sliced tomatoes, which were also leftovers from a picnic and put it on top. When I put the omelette onto a plate, I again topped it with fresh basil. I was thinking, while cutting vegetables, about how happy I am, because things in my life are sorted out, because so much new is happening, we are all healthy and because I have so many reasons, to be happy, at peace and grateful for. Speaking of new things that are happening. Here is my new sponsor: Holy art |
Danes sem kuhala iz ostankov. Za zajtrk sem naredila frtaljo (prvič sem jo delala). Pogledala sem v hladilnik in ugotovila, da ja, to bi pa šlo. Najprej sem popekla čebulo in gobice, ki so ostale od piknika. Razžvrkljala jajca, jih solila, poprala in iz bazilike na okenski polici utrgala nekaj listov. Mmm, sveža bazilika tako lepo diši. Včasih jo kar tako malo podrgnem med prsti, da mi potem prsti dišijo po poletju. Bazilikine liste sem dodala jajcem in vse skupaj zlila čez praženo čebulo in gobice. Potem sem še paradižnik narezala na rezine, ki je prav tako ostal od piknika in jih položila na vrh. Ko sem frtaljo preložila na krožnik, sem po vrhu natrgala še malo svežih bazilikinih listov. In med rezanjem zelenjave sem razmišljala o temu, kako sem srečna, ker so se stvari postavile na svoje mesto, ker se dogaja toliko novega, ker smo vsi zdravi, ker imam toliko razlogov zato, da sem lahko srečna, pomirjena in hvaležna. Ko že omenjam nove stvari, ki se dogajajo. Tukaj je nov sponsor: Holy art |
''We are the first religious art shop in Italy, which sells exclusively on-line! We are a team of sincere people driven by a simple and clear goal: offering our customers the best service possible!'' They sell many religious items, but I was interested in their edible products (and btw, they taste great): -chocolate: ''Fine milk and dark chocolate bars, with almonds, nuts, chocolate cream, cocoa powder produced by Trappist monks. 100% natural products.'' -jam and marmalade: ''In this section, you can find jams and marmalades of high quality. Our jams and marmalades are 100% natural and organic with no additives. These jams are produced by Italian monks and nuns.'' -liqueurs: ''Liqueurs, Grappa by the monks: liqueurs made by the monks with natural ingredients and following the traditional recipes.'' -products from the hive: ''Natural products from the hive: honey (flower essence honey, acacia honey, lime honey, eucalyptus honey, orange flower honey), royal Jelly, bee pollen bee propolis. All the products are produced with natural recipes by Italian monks.'' -red and white wines: ''A fine selection of white and red Italian wines produced by monks and nuns in various monasteries in Italy. These wines are 100% natural and produced using organic processes.'' -sweets: ''In this section, you can find a broad selection of sweets produced by the monks and manufactured using organic and natural ingredients.'' -teas and brews: ''In this section, you can find a broad selection of herbal teas, brews and herbal infusions, produced by the monks and manufactured using natural ingredients.'' With Love, Neja |
''Mi smo prva verska art trgovina v Italiji, ki svoje artikle prodaja izključno preklo spleta! Smo ekipa iskrenih ljudi s preprostim in jasnim ciljem: ponuditi našim strankam najboljšo možno storitev''! Prodajajo številne verske predmete, ampak mene so zanimali užitni produkti (in btw, res so okusni): -čokolade: ''Kvalitetne mlečne in temne čokolade, z mandlji, orehi; čokoladne kreme, kakav v prahu, ki jih izdelujejo trapistovski menihi. 100% naravni izdelki.'' -jam in marmelade: ''V tej kategoriji lahko najdete marmelade visoke kakovosti. Naši džemi in marmelade so 100% naravni in brez dodatkov. Izdelujejo jih trapistovski menihi in nune.'' -likerji: ''Likerji, ki jih izdelujejo menihi so iz naravnih sestavin in po tradicionalnih receptih.'' -produkti iz panja: ''Naravni izdelki iz panja: med (cvetlični, akacijev, lipov, evkaliptusov,med iz pomarančnih cvetov), matični mleček, cvetni prah. Vsi izdelki so izdelani z naravnimi recepti italijanskih menihov.'' -rdeča in bela vina: ''Izbor belih in rdečih italijanskih vin, ki jih izdelujejo menihi in nune, v različnih samostanih v Italiji. Ta vina so 100% naravna in proizvedena z uporabo naravnih procesov.'' -sladkarije: '' V tej kategoriji boste našli širok izbor sladkarij, ki jih proizvajajo menihi z uporabo naravnih sestavin.'' -čaji: '' V tej kategoriji boste našli širok izbor zeliščnih čajev, zvariti in zeliščnih čajev, ki jih proizvajajo menihi, pri čemer uporabljajo naravne sestavine.'' Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
Recipe from: Bojon gourmet (click for step by step photos)
The Recipe
Ingredients (Makes 12 medium-sized pains au chocolat) 1 1/4 cups (10 ounces / 285 grams) whole milk 1 1/2 tablespoons (1/3 ounce / 11 grams) active dry yeast (from 1 1/2 packets) 3/4 cup (3.5 ounces / 100 grams) white flour, plus more for rolling the dough 2 cups (10 ounces / 285 grams) bread flour, more as needed 1/4 cup (2 ounces / 55 grams) sugar 1 1/4 teaspoons fine sea salt 2 tablespoons (1 ounce / 30 grams) unsalted butter, cut into small chunks and softened slightly 3 sticks (1.5 cups / 340 grams) unsalted butter, cut into cubes and kept cold Filling ideas: -Chocolate, Nutella,.. -Cheese -slices of apple, pear,... -smoked turkey, ham, prosciutto, or cooked bacon -fresh soft herbs (basil, oregano, chives, thyme) -caramelized onion, roasted garlic, or green onion -pesto -frangipane or almond paste -peaches, cherries, apricots, or berries -cinnamon or cardamom sugar The process (A long process that can take up to 24 hours) Prepare the detrempe: Heat the milk over a low flame until it is just warm to the touch (110 - 120ºF), and place in the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the dough hook. Sprinkle the yeast over the milk and let stand 10 minutes. Add the 3/4 cup rye flour, 2 cups of the bread flour, and the sugar and salt to the bowl. Mix the dough on medium-low speed for 7 minutes, adding more bread flour by the tablespoon within the first 2 minutes until the dough comes away from the sides of the bowl but still feels slightly sticky to the touch. Add the softened butter a little at a time and mix until completely incorporated. Scrape the dough into a medium-sized bowl, cover tightly, and chill for 1 hour. This dough is called the detrempe. (No need to wash the mixer just yet.) Prepare the butter block: Meanwhile, place the 3 sticks of cold butter cubes in the bowl of the stand mixer and beat with the paddle attachment on medium-high speed until the butter is smooth, but still cool. Scrape the butter onto a piece of plastic wrap and shape it into a fairly thin 6" square. Chill the butter block 30 minutes. Laminate the dough: Scrape the chilled detrempe onto a surface dusted lightly with rye flour and shape it into a square. Use the blades of your hands to press a diamond shape into the center of the detrempe leaving 4 triangular wings. Roll out the wings into flaps and flatten the center diamond slightly. Place the butter square atop the diamond, and fold the flaps up over the butter to enclose it. Gently begin rolling the dough into a large rectangle, dusting the rolling pin and surface with just enough rye flour to keep the dough from sticking, and brushing off the excess flour with a pastry brush. When the dough is thin enough that you can see the butter through the dough (but not so thin that it breaks and exposes the butter), fold the rectangle in thirds, like folding a letter. Starting with a short end, roll the dough into a loose spiral. Wrap the dough and chill 1 hour to relax the dough and firm up the butter. Repeat the rolling and folding process once more. Wrap the dough and chill at least 1 hour and up to 1 day. Shape the pastries: Roll the dough out into a 12x18" rectangle, dusting the surface with rye flour as needed and sweeping away the excess with a pastry brush. Trim away the outer inch or so of dough to form an even rectangle. (The scraps can be tied into loose knots, brushed with egg wash, dusted with cinnamon sugar and baked.) Use a pizza wheel or sharp chef's knife to cut the dough in half the long way, then cut each half crosswise into six smaller rectangles. Place about 3/4 ounce of chocolate down the center of each rectangle, the short way, and fold up each end so that the edges overlap loosely. Repeat with the remaining rectangles. Place the pastries seam side-down on two rimmed baking sheets lined with parchment paper (for easy clean-up). Slip the whole baking sheet into a large, clean, plastic trash bag, inflate the bag so that it isn't touching the croissants, and secure it shut with a clothespin. (Alternately, you can cover the croissants loosely with plastic wrap sprayed with non-stick spray.) Let the pastries rise in a warm-ish spot until they're puffy, 1 - 1 1/2 hours; they won't double in bulk. If you poke one gently, it's ready to bake if the depression left by your finger doesn't bounce back. Meanwhile, position racks in the upper and lower thirds of the oven and preheat to 400ºF. Bake the pains au chocolat: Unwrap the pastries and brush them with the beaten egg. Bake the pastries until deep golden brown, 18-22 minutes, rotating the pans once toward the end of the baking time. Let the pastries cool for at least 10 minutes. Pains au chocolat are best when warm, when the chocolate is still soft, but extras will keep at room temperature for up to a few days. Rewarm in an oven or toaster oven for yummiest results. Baked pastries can also be frozen and "refreshed" in a hot oven when ready to eat. |
Sestavine (za 12 rogljičkov) 285 g polnomastno mleko 11 g suhi kvas 100 g gladka bela moka, plus več za valjanje testa 285 g ostra moka 55 g sladkorja 1/4 čajne žličke fina morska sol 30 g maslo, narežemo na manjše kose in pustimo, da se zmehča 340 g maslo, narežemo na kocke in hranimo na hladnem Ideje za nadev: -čokolada, Nutella,… -sir -rezine jabolka, hrušk,… -šunka, pršut,slanina,… -Sveža mehke zelišč (bazilika, origano, drobnjak, timijan) -karamelizirana čebula, pražen česen, ali zelena čebula -pesto -mandljeva pasta -breskve, češnje, marelice, jagode,.. -cimet, kardamom Postopek (Dolg proces, ki lahko traja tudi 24 ur) Pripravite detrempe: Segrejte mleko nad nizkim plamenom, dokler je le topel na dotik (43-48 stopinj C), in ga vlijte v skledo za električni mešalnik. V mleko potresite kvas pustite stati 10 minut, nato premešajte. Dodajte gladko moko, ostro moko ter sladkor in sol. Z nastavkom za gnetenje pregnetite sestavine (z nizko hitrostjo 7 minut), prvi dve minuti lahko dodate še malo več moke, če je to potrebno (počasi, po žlicah). Testo mora biti tak, da odstopi od posode, a je hkrati še vedno malo lepljiv na otip. Dodajte zmehčano maslo (malo naenkrat) in mešajte, dokler ni popolnoma ''vgneten''. Testo postrgajte v manjšo posodo, ga prekrijte s plastično folijo in postavite na hladno za 1 uro. To testo se imenuje detrempe. Pripravite maslo: Medtem, postavite hladne kocke masla v skledo za električni mešalnik, izberite nastavek za stepanje. Maslo stepajte na srednji hitrosti, toliko časa, dokler ni gladko, ampak še vedno hladno. Maslo postrgajte iz posode in ga preložite na plastično folijo, oblikujte v kvadrat, zavijte in postavite v hladilnik za 30 min. Ohlajen detrempe testo položite na rahlo pomokano površino in ga oblikujte v kvadrat. Testo razvaljajte tako, da imate srednji del, ki bo debelejši in tanko, razvaljano testo zgoraj, spodaj, levo in desno (klikni na originalen recept, za fotografije postopka). Center testa z rokami rahlo potlačite dol. Na to sredino postavite kvadrat masla in ga prekrijte iz vseh strani (kot, da bi zaprli kuverto). Testo začnite nežno valjati, vmes zelo narahlo posipavajte z moko. S čopičem odstranite višek moke. Testo razvaljajte v velik pravokotnik. Ko je testo tako tanko, da lahko vidite maslo, ampak ne tako tanko, da bi se strgal, prepognite testo na tretjine, tako, kot da bi zložili pismo.. Začenši s kratkim koncem, razvaljamo testo v ohlapno spiralo. Ovijte testo in postavite na hladno za 1 uro, da se bo maslo strdilo. Ponovite postopek valjanja, testo ponovno prepognite v spiralo in postavite na hladno za 1 uro ali en dan. Oblikujemo pecivo: Testo razvaljajte v pravokotnik, površino na rahlo pomokajte in odstranite višek moke. Izrežite pravokotnik (odrežite neravne robove). Pravokotnik po dolžini razrežite na polovici in nato še pravokotno izrežite več manjših pravokotnikov. Sredino pravokotnikov premažite s čokoladnim namazom ali postavite kaj drugega. Prekrijte čokolado (tako levo, kot desno ''krilo'' zavihajte čez. Preložite na pekač, na katerem je peki papir. Pecivo postavite tako, da je odprt konec na dnu. Pekač prekrijte s plastično folijo ali čisto večjo vrečko, ki jo lahko rahlo napihnete in zavežete-zaprete z elastiko (da se vrečka ne dotika peciva). Tako bo testo še malo vzhajalo. Postavite na toplo mesto za 1 uro/uro in pol. Po tem času lahko preverite, če je testo pripravljeno. Medtem segrejte pečico na 190-200 stopinj C. Peka: Pecivo odvijte in na rahlo premažite z razžvrkljanim jajcem. Pecivo pečemo do zlato rjave barve, 18-22 minut. Pustite, da se ohladijo (vsaj 10 minut). Pecivo je najboljše, ko je toplo, dobro je tudi par dni zatem. Lahko jih tudi zmrznete. |
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