“You can never get a cup of tea large enough
or a book long enough to suit me.”
― C.S. Lewis
Those who know me, know that I like tea parties. I have never actually attended any tea parties, because I don't live in England and people here are not that familiar with tea parties. I drink tea almost every day. I drink Camellia sinensis, I especially love white tea with pomegranate or black tea with vanilla ... oh, and jasmine tea ... yes, that I must not forget to mention! Sometimes I use the ones in tea bags ... .and only God knows what they swept in them, but I don't have extreme approaches in life towards anything and I prefer to be as little worried & stressed as possible. Dishes that go well with tea are muffins, scones, finger sandwiches, croissants, coffee cakes .... Ahhhh! Seriously, I live for these things. Just an hour ago I baked scones with rhubarb .. recipe will be posted in a few days. I watched a program about garden cress with my mom and then she bought cress seeds, planted it and gave it to me. How awesome! You put it on the window and when you prepare yourself a sandwich or salad you cut the cress with scissors and add it to your dish. It is full of minerals! I add it to these egg finger sandwiches, that I would be happy to offer at my tea party. With love, Neja |
Tisti, ki me poznajo vedo, da so mi všeč čajanke. Sicer se nikoli še nisem udeležila kakšne čajanke, ker pač ne živim v Angliji in ljudem to ni tako blizu. Čaj pijem skoraj vsak dan. Prave čaje, še posebno mi je ljub beli čaj z granatnim jabolkom ali pa črni čaj z vanilijo …oh, pa jasminov čaj … ja, tega ne smem pozabiti omeniti! Včasih pa uporabim tudi tiste, v vrečkah….kjer je bogve kaj skupaj pometeno ampak v življenju pri nobeni stvari nimam ekstremnega pristopa in najraje se čim manj sekiram. K čaju pašejo kolački, mafini, scones, finger sendviči, rogljički, coffee cakes…. Ahhhh! Resno, živim za take stvari. Ravno eno uro nazaj sem spekla scones z rabarbaro … recept še sledi. Z mami sva gledali oddajo o vrtni kreši in potem jo je mami kupila, posejala in jo meni dala. Kako super! Postaviš jo na okno, si pripraviš sendvič ali solato, s škarjicami postrižeš svežo krešo in jo dodaš jedi. Polna je mineralov! Jaz sem jo dodala jajčnim finger sendvičem, ki bi jih z veseljem ponudila na svoji čajanki. Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
Recipe from: About food
The Recipe
Ingredients 4 eggs 4 Tbsp. softened butter 4 Tbsp. mayonnaise or mayo alternative Sea salt Fresh-ground black pepper Paprika taste 8 slices white bread 1/2 cup fresh, chopped garden cress (Optional) fresh, chopped parsley, to taste The process Hard boil the eggs, rinsing with cold water when they are done. While the eggs are still warm, peel them and mash them with the butter and using a potato masher or a fork. Stir the mayo and spices into the egg mixture. Spread the egg salad onto two slices of bread. Add the watercress (and, optionally, the parsley). Top the watercress with the remaining two slices of bread. Remove the crusts and slice the sandwiches two times, diagonally, to make four tea sandwiches from each large sandwich. | Sestavine 4 jajca 4 žlice zmehčanega masla 4 žlice majoneze ali podobne alternative Morska sol Sveže mlet črni poper Rdeča paprika, mleta Rezine toasta ali kruha brez skorje 1/2 skodelice sveže postrižene vrtne kreše Sveže sesekljan peteršilj, po želji Postopek Jajca trdo skuhamo, speremo s hladno vodo. Medtem ko so jajca so še vedno toplo, jih olupimo in skupaj z maslom pretlačimo (uporabimo vilico). Jajcem dodajte majonezo in začimbe. Maso namažite na kruh. Na vrh dodajte vrtno krešo, po želji tudi svež peteršilj. Na vrh položite še eno rezino kruha (uporabite 2-5 rezin kruha in vsakih vmes namažite maso in dodajte vrtno krešo. Če boste uporabili 5 rezin kruha, kot sem jih jaz, potem narejene sendviče raje postavite za kakšne 20-30 minut v hladilnik, da masa ne bo tako mehka, saj jih bo težje jesti. Svetujem, da uporabite le 3 rezine). Odstranite skorjo (če ste uporabili toast) in sendvič prerežite, lahko le enkrat po diagonali, lahko pa tudi 2x, da dobite 4 mini sendviče. |
this looks so delicious. You present your recipes so beautifully. xo
OdgovoriIzbrišiSo inviting! Thanks for sharing with the Thursday Blog Hop!
OdgovoriIzbrišiTole je za preizkusit. Tako kot vse na tvojem blogu. ^_^
OdgovoriIzbrišiLooks so wonderful I just came back from Butchart Gardens in Victoria, BC where we had English Tea with sandwiches like these. I am new and linked up and hope to make new friends. :) Please stop by Notably Wonderful and say hello. Happy 4th of July!
Thanks so much for linking up with #recipeoftheweek. This and the other recipes you added look amazing. Did you add the badge?