nedelja, 14. junij 2015

Rhubarb & Strawberry Jam / Jagodna marmelada

“Jam on a winter took away the blue devils. 
It was like tasting summer. ” 

― Sandra Dallas 

We just returned from a 3 day break in Austria. We were in Gmunden and for a short time in Hallstatt. So many mountains and big lakes everywhere ... and a lot of greenery and peace. It was really nice! It is also nice when you return back home, you take a shower and feel the sun burned skin, you have freshly washed hair and you are typing a new post for a blog, and you realize that you're now full of new, beautiful memories.

Two weeks ago, I made my first strawberry and rhubarb marmalade. Who knew that this is so easy! I can't wait to make  blueberry and some other marmalade!

I put marmalade into these cute ceramic hearts, created by a company named  Restaurantware. They offer  great eco-friendly products for sophisticated restaurants and culinary events such as items made of porcelain, plastic, bamboo, paper, wood, glass and some edible things too. I loved all their products, when I reviewed their online store.

With Love, Neja
Ravno sva se vrnila iz 3-dnevnega oddiha v Avstriji. Bila sva v Gmundnu in za kratek čas tudi  v Hallstattu. Same gore in velika jezera … ogromno zelenja in miru. Res je bilo lepo! Je pa tudi to lepo, ko se vrneš domov, se stuširaš in čutiš od sonca opečeno kožo, imaš sveže oprane lase in tipkaš novo objavo za blog ter se zavedaš, da boš odslej v sebi nosil veliko na novo ustvarjenih, lepih spominov.

Dva tedna nazaj sem iz domačih jagod in rabarbare naredila svojo prvo marmelado. Kdo bi vedel, da je to tako preprosto! Komaj čakam, da naredim še borovničevo in kakšno drugo!

Za fotografiranje sem marmelado zlila v te luštne porcelanaste srčke iz podjetja Restaurantware, ki ponuja veliko artiklov za prefinjene restavracije in kakšne kulinarične dogodke, kot so artikli iz porcelana, plastike, bambusa, papirja, lesa, stekla  in tudi jedilni dodatki ne manjkajo. Ko sem pregledala njihovo spletno trgovino mi je bilo praktično vse všeč.

Z ljubeznijo, Neja

Recipe from: One perfect bite

The Recipe

Ingredients (for three small jars):

5 cups rhubarb (about 1-1⁄4 pounds), cut into 3⁄4 x 1⁄2-inch cubes
2 cups hulled and quartered strawberries (about 1⁄2 pound)
2 1⁄4 cups sugar
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

The process:

1) Combine rhubarb, strawberries, sugar and lemon juice in a 4-quart saucepan set over medium heat. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to medium-low. Cook, stirring occasionally, until rhubarb breaks down and jam has thickened, about 1 hour. To determine whether jam has set, place a small spoonful on a chilled plate; if the dollop of jam holds firm and doesn't get runny around edges, it is ready for canning. If it runs, continue to cook for another 10 minutes.

2) Meanwhile, submerge three 1-cup canning jars, along with their lids and ring bands, in a large pot of boiling water and sterilize over high heat for 10 minutes. Transfer sterilized jars, lids, and bands to a clean dish towel. Fill each jar with hot jam, leaving at least 1⁄4" of space at the top. Wipe jar rims with a clean dish towel, place lids on jars, and secure ring bands.

3) Transfer filled jars to a canning rack; place rack in a pot of gently boiling water so that jars are submerged by at least 1"; let boil for 10 minutes. Transfer jars, set at least 1" apart, to a dish towel and let cool, undisturbed, for 24 hours. To test that jars have properly sealed, unscrew bands and lift each jar by the edge of the lid; if the lid holds, the jar is sealed. If it loosens, jar is not fully sealed, and jam should be refrigerated and used within 2 weeks. Sealed jars will keep, in a cool, dark place, for up to a year.
Sestavine (za tri manjše kozarce):

5 lončkov  rabarbare (narezane na koščke velike 1cm)
2 lončka očiščenih jagod
450 g sladkorja
1 žlica svežega limoninega soka


1) Na srednje močan ogenj postavite kozico in vanjo stresite vse sestavine. Pustite, da zavre in ogenj zmanjšajte. Kuhajte približno 1 uro in občasno premešajte.  Po eni uri naj bi bila marmelada dovolj gosta, če ni, jo kuhajte še kakšnih 10 minut. Naredite test gostote: Na hladen krožnik zlijte eno žlico marmelade, če marmelada ne steče, potem je dovolj gosta.

2) Medtem, segrejte do vretja  velik lonec vode in 3 kozarce s pokrovi vred postavite vanj (za sterilizacijo), 10 minut jih segrevajte pri visoki temperaturi.  Odstranite jih iz vode in postavite na čisto kuhinjsko krpo, da se posušijo. Vanje vlijte marmelado in pustite nekaj prostora na vrhu (vsaj ¼). S čisto krpo obrišite robove in jih dobro zaprite.

3) Polne kozarce postavite v vrelo vodo in pustite, da voda vre 10 minut. Nato jih postavite na čisto kuhinjsko krpo in pustite, da se ohladijo. Tako jih pustite 24 ur. Zaprte marmelade bodo ostale nepokvarjene vsaj 1 leto. Hranite jih v temnem, hladnem prostoru.


6 komentarjev

  1. draga Neja,
    čudovite fotke, recept in vse. in tole je precej off-topic. ampak že 14 dni brezplodno iščem sadiko rabarbare. in je nikjer na gorenjskem ne najdem. morda ti veš, če jih kje še prodajajo.

    1. O hvala =)! Sem sedaj mami poklicala, ki prav tako živi na Gorenjskem. Ona jih je kupila letos spomladi v Kaliji, to je vrtnarija nasproti vojašnice v Kranju. Jeseni jih bo še enkrat šla kupit. Upam, da ti jih uspe dobiti, ker rabarbara je res super za marmelade, pite, kolače..ali pa čisto preprosto, za kompot =).

    2. o, hvala hvala .... skocim pogledat. vse lepo.

  2. I have never cooked with Rhubarb! I really need to try it! Thanks for sharing with the Thursday Blog Hop!


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