torek, 9. junij 2015

Chocolate Espresso Mousse / Čokoladno-kavni mousse

''My life just got taken over by my cooking. 
If you don't have any discipline, 
which I don't, 
you can make 10 gallons of chocolate mousse, 
take a spoonful and another and another, 
and you won't realize you've eaten like five servings of it. 
It's just what you do.''

-Duff Goldman

Although I don't drink coffee, I love to eat coffee desserts. Desserts with coffee are one of my favourites. Strangely enough, they I rarely eat them, perhaps because they are not as frequent, well tiramisu is quite popular dessert, but I have never prepared it myself and I rarely eat it.

I had quite a long period during which I ate almost exclusively coffee yogurt. Uhh, not to mention some coffee candies and chocolates! They seem so decadent to me!

When they contacted me from Italian roastery Nero Scuro, I thought to myself: '' Yes!! This is ideal opportunity for some fine coffee dessert!'' Honestly, this was the best mousse I have ever eaten and I know that I will prepare it again and again. You need few ingredients for this recipe, that are quite basic and inexpensive. The fact that I used such fine Colombian coffee, was a fabulous ''icing on the cake''.

The cafe Nero Scuro:

''Nero Scuro is a small, quality-focused roastery based in Italy. Our goal is to be among the best coffee roasters in the world and to be a preferred source for quality coffee and innovation.

Nero Scuro began in 2013 when we decided to create something new, a company where we never have to buy or roast anything that does not excite us or we would not be pleased to sip. We are coffee purists, and we want to spread the tradition of Italian artisan coffee throughout the world.

Coffee is our passion, and we import, roast and sell what we believe to be the best coffees available.''

With love, Neja
Čeprav kave ne pijem, jo imam rada v sladicah. Sladice s kavo so mi najljubše. Začuda jih redko jem, morda zato, ker niso tako pogoste, no tiramisu je kar znana sladica, vendar ga še nikoli nisem sama pripravljala in redko naletim nanj.

Imela sem kar dolgo obdobje, v katerem sem jedla skoraj izključno kavni jogurt. Uhh, da ne omenjam kakšnih kavnih bonbonov in čokolad! Zdijo se mi tako dekadentne!

Ko so me kontaktirali iz italijanske butične pražilnice kave Nero Scuro , sem si mislila: ''Yes!! Idealna priložnost za kakšno kavno sladico!'' Iskreno, tole je bil najboljši mousse, kar sem jih jedla in vem, da ga bom še velikokrat pripravila. Za ta recept potrebujete malo sestavin, ki so čisto vsakdanje in poceni. To, da sem uporabila tako fino kolumbijsko kavo, je bila pa super pika na i.

O kavarni Nero Scuro:

''Nero Scuro je majhna pražilnica kave v Italiji, katere cilj je kvaliteta. Naš cilj je biti med najboljšimi pražilci kave na svetu in biti glavni vir kvalitetne kave in inovativnosti.

Zgodba Nero Scurose  je začela leta 2013, ko smo se odločili ustvariti nekaj novega, podjetje, kjer ne bomo nikoli primorani v nakup ali praženje nečesa, kar nas ne bo navdušilo in si ne bi želeli spiti. Po vsem svetu želimo širiti tradicijo italijanske kave.
Kava je naša strast in uvažamo, pražimo in prodajamo kavo, za katero menimo, da je najboljša kava med vsemi kavami, ki obstajajo''

Z ljubeznijo, Neja

Recipe adapted from: Real simple

The Recipe

Ingredients (for 5 servings)

8 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped, plus more, shaved, for garnishing
3 large egg yolks
2 teaspoons instant espresso powder
3 tablespoons granulated sugar
2 cups heavy cream

The process

Melt the chocolate in a medium bowl set over (but not in) a saucepan of simmering water, stirring often, until smooth. Remove from heat and let cool slightly.

In a small saucepan, whisk together the egg yolks, espresso powder, 1,5 tablespoons of the sugar, and ¾ cup of the cream. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly with a rubber spatula, until the mixture lightly coats the back of the spatula, 2 to 3 minutes (do not boil). Strain into the melted chocolate and whisk until smooth. Refrigerate until completely cooled, about 30 minutes.

Using an electric mixer, beat the remaining 1 ¼ cups cream and 1,5 tablespoons sugar until stiff peaks form.

In 3 additions, fold the whipped cream into the chocolate mixture. Divide among 8 serving glasses and refrigerate for at least 1 hour.

Sprinkle with the shaved chocolate before serving.
Sestavine (za 5 porcij)

240 g čokolade, plus ekstra za okrasitev
3 veliki rumenjaki
2 žlički instant espresso kave
3 žlice kristalnega sladkorja
470 g sladke smetane


Čokolado stopite nad vrelo vodo ali v mirkovalovni pečici (3x 30 sekund). Premešamo, da se vsa stopi, pustimo, da se nekoliko ohladi.

Vmes v majhni ponvi zmešajte skupaj rumenjake, kavo, 1,5 žlice sladkorja, in ¾ sladke smetane. Kuhamo na srednje močnem ognju, nenehno mešam 2 do 3 minute (naj ne zavre).

Mešanico precedite v stopljeno čokolado, dobro premešajte z metlico in postavite v hladilnik za 30 minut.

Z električnim mešalnikom stepite preostalo sladko smetano in sladkor.
Stepeno smetano dodajte čokoladi, vmešajte. Postavite v hladilnik za 1 uro.

Pred serviranjem potresite z nastrgano čokolado.

5 komentarjev

  1. Zgleda zeloooo okusno in fotografije so kot vedno krasne!

  2. A delicious and beautiful post. xo Catherine

  3. It sounds delightful. And your pictures are so wonderful.

  4. Looks and sounds so good! Thanks for sharing with the Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. I adore chocolate and could really do with some now. Great post.


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