sreda, 13. november 2013

Apple pie (without refined sugar) / Jabolčna pita

Homemade apple pie was on my wish list (the baking wish list) for quite some  time now. I personally see an apple pie as a symbol of home. I just do not know which home, probably the U.S. one =). I like the idea of women's hands peeling apples. Peeled apples are placed in a bowl and on an antique white wooden table apple peelings are piling up. Then she starts to make  dough from scratch.  She stirs and kneads dough and her curly hair strand falls on her eyes. She rubs one hand  into apron and quickly  tucks her hair behind one ear. Sunday is sunny, through an open window you can see an old apple tree and you can hear beats on the radio that suits only her. 55 minutes later the open oven releases apple, sweet fragrance that warms you up in your heart. Apple pie in the middle of the table, placed on a white cloth napkin, is waiting  and inviting to taste it. Served on vintage plate with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, which, when in contact with hot pie immediately starts melting ... And when you get a taste of warm apples, sweet cinnamon and delicate crispy crust, you can not be without sparkles in your eyes.

I chose a recipe for apple pie that contains no refined sugar. Maple Syrup seems to me a really good replacement. You can use it anywhere instead of refined sugar or pour it over the classic American pancakes.

With love , Neja

Recipe adapted from: Naturally Ella

The recipe

1 ½ cups flour
½ cup butter
½ teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons maple syrup
2-4 bucket of cold water

Apple filling
6 apples
juice of 1 lemon
¼ cup water
½ cup maple syrup
2 teaspoons cinnamon
½ teaspoon nutmeg
1 vanilla pod
1 tablespoon melted butter

The process
1. Peel the apples and cut them into pieces. Sprinkle them with flour and drizzle with lemon juice. In a small bowl, combine maple syrup, cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla seeds (split the vanilla bean in half and scrape out the vanilla to get the seeds ). Heat over low heat until bubbles begin to form , stirring occasionally. 
Remove, and pour the mixture over the apples, mix them, so they are all coated with this mixture.

2. Dough: In a bowl, combine flour and salt. Add the cubed butter. Knead with your hands or use a food processor. Once butter are broken down to the size of peas, add maple syrup and water ( 1 tablespoon at a time). Knead until the dough comes together. Place the dough on a floured surface and divide it into two equal parts. Both parts wrap with plastic wrapper and place in the fridge for 20 minutes.

3. Heat the oven to 375˚F. Roll out one piece of dough and place it in the pie pan, press with your fingers so that it fits (leave a little dough to hang over the edge) .

4. Pour filling into the pie pan. Roll out the other piece of dough and cut it into strips. Crimp the edges and cut slits in the top if using the crust whole. Brush the pie with melted butter.

5. Bake for 45 - 55min.

Že nekaj časa sem imela na seznamu želja (kar se peke tiče), peko domače jabolčne pite.  Jabolčna pita se meni osebno zdi simbol doma. Samo ne vem katerega, verjetno ameriškega=).  Všeč mi je ideja o ženskih rokah, ki lupijo jabolka. Olupljena jabolka položi v skledo, na starinski beli leseni mizi pa se kopičijo olupki. Nato se loti priprave testa. Mesi in gnete testo, ob tem pa ji pramen kodrastih las pade na oči. Eno roko podrgne ob predpasnik in si pramen las hitro zatakne za ušesa. Dan je sončno nedeljski, skozi odprto okno se vidi stara jablana in na radiu vrtijo ritme, ki pašejo le njej. Čez 55 minut se iz odprte pečice sprostijo jabolčne, sladke vonjave, ki pogrejejo pri srcu. Jabolčna pita sredi mize, položena na belem prtičku iz blaga čaka in vabi, da se jo okusi. Postrežena na vintage krožniku, s kepico vanilijevega sladoleda, ki se ob stiku s toplo pito začne takoj topiti… In ko okusiš topla jabolka, nežen cimet in hrustljavo skorjo, ne moreš, da se ti ne bi iskrilo v očeh. 

Izbrala sem recept za jabolčno pito, ki ne vsebuje  rafiniranega sladkorja. Javorjev sirup se mi zdi tako fina nadomestitev. Lahko ga uporabite kjerkoli namesto rafiniranega sladkorja ali pa z njim prelijete klasične ameriške palačinke. 

Z ljubeznijo, Neja


187g bele moke
113g masla
½ žličke soli
60g javorjevega sirupa
2-4 žlice hladne vode

Jabolčna fila
6 jabolk
sok 1 limone
60ml vode
160g javorjevega sirupa
2 žlički cimeta
½ žličke muškatnega oreščka
1 vanilijev strok
15g stopljenega masla

1. Olupite jabolka ter jih narežite na krhlje. Potresite jih z moko in pokapajte z limoninim sokom. V manjši posodi združite javorjev sirup, cimet, muškatni orešček in semena vanilije (Vanilijin strok prerežite na pol in z nožem podrgnite po stroku, da dobite semena). 
Na nizkem ognju grejte toliko časa, da se začnejo tvoriti mehurčki in občasno premešajte. Odstavite in mešanico prelijte čez jabolka, premešajte krhlje, tako, da so vsi prekriti s to mešanico.

2. Testo: v skledi zmešajte moko in sol. Dodajte na koščke narezano maslo. Z rokami pregnetite ali uporabite mixer z nastavki za gnetenje testa. Ko nastanejo majhne kroglice dodajte javorjev sirup in vodo (1 žlico naenkrat). Gnetite toliko časa, dokler ne nastane testo. Testo položite na pomokano površino in ga razdelite na dva enaka dela. Oba dela ovijte s plastičnim ovojem in položite v hladilnik za 20min.

3. Pečico ogrejte na 190°C. Razvaljajte en kos testa in ga položite v pekač za pito, s prsti pritisnite tako, da se lepo prilega (malo testa naj visi čez rob).

4. V pekač stresite jabolka. Razvaljajte drug kos testa in ga narežite na trakove. Trakove mrežasto položite na vrh jabolk. Robove spodnjega testa obrnite navzgor in stisnite skupaj zgornjo in spodnjo plast testa. Pito premažite s topljenim maslom.

5. Pecite 45-55min.


7 komentarjev

  1. love your pictures!!

  2. mmm tole izgleda pa super dobro =)

  3. Nikoli ni dovolj receptov za jabolčno pito. Lepo predstavljeno in to v tvojem prepoznavnem stilu.

  4. YUM!!!! I should attempt this for Thanksgiving! If you get a chance, link up this recipe with us!

  5. This is a great recipe, I love apple pie. It is probably my favorite type of pie. I had never though about using maple syrup instead of sugar but that is such a great idea! I'm going to have to try this next time I make an apple pie!

  6. I believe you have noted some very interesting details, thanks for the post.


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