My suggestion for Valentine's Day No.2! Macaroons that have that Paris scent will make everyone, who knows at least a little bit about the sweet side of life, really happy. I made them some time ago, for Živa’s blog, but I wanted to present them in Slovenian language too. Mine turned out bubbly because I used food coloring in the wrong way:/, but otherwise yours should come out perfect. Today I organized two playlists…one for all those sweet, slow songs and another for energetic songs. These second ones contain quite strong, hard beats and immediately that feeling came over me, that I want to go running in the woods. In fact, these were the songs that I listened to last summer, mostly during the run. The weather is lousy, rainy .. nooooo, in that I will not run, clearly! But, I really like the fact that the running bug started to itch. I can’t wait for March to start. So I can lose this pile of fat and erase the traces of these romantic recipes. In the meantime, I can work out at home ;). With love, Neja |
Predlog Št. 2 za Valentinovo! Makroni, ki dišijo po Parizu bi razveselili vsakega, ki se vsaj malo spozna na sladke plati življenja. Spekla sem jih že nekaj časa nazaj, za Živin blog, vendar sem jih želela predstaviti še v slovenščini. Moji so bili mehurčkasti, ker sem narobe uporabila jedilno barvo :/, drugače pa bi morali lepo uspeti. Danes sem si organizirala dve playlisti..eno za mirne, nočne pesmi in drugo za energične. Tile, z druge playliste vsebujejo precej močne ritme in takoj me je prijelo, da bi odšla na tek v gozd. Pravzaprav so bile to pesmi, ki sem jih lani poleti večinoma poslušala med tekom. Vreme je ušivo, deževno..neeeee, v takem ne bom tekla, jasno! Mi je bilo pa všeč, da me je začel srbeti running bug. Komaj čakam marec. Da spravim svoj špeh v red in zbrišem sledove teh romantičnih receptov. Vmes pa lahko telovadim med štirimi stenami ;). Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
Recipe from: Makroni
The Recipe
Ingredients Macarons (16 halfs) 75 grams blanched, ground almonds (make sure to grind more than 75 grams) (or buy them already grind) egg whites of 2 eggs, aged 1 day at room temperature 15 grams cocoa powder or food coloring (liquid or in a form of paste) 165 grams powdered sugar 4 tablespoons sugar For the ganache filling: 4 ounces bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped 1/2 cup heavy cream 2 tablespoons unsalted butter (1/4 stick), at room temperature and cut into cubes The process Macarons 1. Grind the almonds in a mixer or a food processor. Push the almond flour through a sieve to get rid of any large pieces or lumps. 2. Mix the powdered sugar and cocoa powder or food coloring together with the ground almonds in a food processor. 3. In a large bowl, whip the egg whites with a hand- or stand mixer. As the egg whites start foaming, add the sugar one tablespoon at a time and continue whipping until the mixture is glossy and stiff. You should be able to hold the bowl upside down without the meringue sliding out. 4. Fold the dry mix carefully and slowly into the meringue, use a spatula. Don't overmix! 5.. Fill your piping bag and pipe the macarons onto a baking sheet. Don't pipe too much of the mixter, because it spreads. Let them set for 60 minutes to form a dry skin. 6. Preheat the oven to 150° C. Bake for about 14 minutes. Let cool completely, then spread caramel on them and sandwich them together. For the ganache filling: Place the chopped chocolate in a large bowl. Warm the cream in a small saucepan over medium heat until it just starts to boil. Stir it into the chocolate without creating bubbles. Let sit for 1 minute. Add the butter and stir until smooth. Chill in the refrigerator until thickened but still spreadable, about 30 minutes. To assemble: Pair macarons of similar size. Remove the ganache from the refrigerator. If you choose to pipe the ganache, transfer it to a resealable plastic bag and snip about a 1/2 inch off a bottom corner. Squeeze or scoop the ganache to about the size of a cherry (about 1 teaspoon) onto the center of a macaron half. |
Sestavine Makroni (16 polovic ) 75g olupljenih, mletih mandljev ( poskrbite, da zmeljete več kot 75 gramov, za vsak slučaj ) (ali pa jih kupite že mlete ) beljaki iz 2 jajc, ki so bili 1 dan starani na sobni temperaturi 15 g kakava v prahu ali jedilne barve( tekoča ali v obliki paste ) 165 gramov sladkorja v prahu 4 žlice sladkorja Čokoladni ganaš: 120g čokolade, drobno sesekljane 60g sladke smetane 28g nesoljenega masla, pri sobni temperaturi in narezano na kocke Proces Makroni 1. Zmeljemo mandlje v multipraktiku. Mandljevo moko presejajte, da se znebite morebitnih velikih kosov ali grudic. 2. Zmešajte sladkor v prahu in kakav ali jedilno barvo hrani skupaj z mletimi mandlji v multipraktiku. 3. V drugi skledi ročno z metlico spremenite beljake v sneg, ali uporabite električni mešalnik. (Kot se beljaki začnejo peniti, dodamo sladkor, eno žlico naenkrat in še naprej miksajte, dokler sneg ne postane gladek in stabilen-tako da ostane v posodi, če posodo obrnete na glavo. 4. Mandljevo mešanico z lopatico vmešajte v beljakovo peno, tretjino za tretjino. Ko so vse suhe sestavine temeljito vmešane, še naprej počasi malo pomešajte zmes, da dobite svetlečo, gosto teksturo. Ne mešajte preveč! 5. Zmes vlijte v dresirno vrečko z gladkim nastavkom širine 1cm. Na pekač, na katerem je peki papir nabrizgajte kroge. S pekačem potolcite po delovni površini, da odstranite zračne mehurčke. Pustite stati na sobni temperaturi vsaj 30min, da se na površju naredi kožica. Ogrejte pečico na 160° C. Pecite 10-15min. Pustite, da se 10min ohlajajo, nato jih pazljivo odlepite s papirja in pustite, da se ohladijo do konca. Čokoladni ganaš: Postavite sesekljano čokolado v skledo. Segrejte smetano v majhni kozici na srednje močnem ognju, dokler ni tik pred vrenjem. Smetano vijemo v čokolado, naj sedi 1 min, dodamo maslo in mešamo toliko časa, dokler ni čokolada stopljena in masa gladka. Postavitev hladilnik za 30min, da bo ganaš gost, vendar ne pretrd, mazljiv. Makrone s polnilom povežite v pare. |
OdgovoriIzbrišiMacroni so vedno IN!
OdgovoriIzbrišiMmm, zgledajo zelo njamy - pridem enkrat preverit še okus :) Pa skodelica in sovica sta mi od nekje zelo znani ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiPa oblečena skodelica bi ti tudi morala biti znana =). Glede na tvojo obsesijo s sovami, bi mogoče bilo bolje, če jo kar tebi dam :D
IzbrišiAlthough, you say you used the food colouring the wrong way, I just love the bubbly look to these!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiYou just have to enter your recipe to the Macaron Master Challenge!