The day when everything screams hearts, roses, sarcastic comments made by single people, strawberries, red and pink, men jokes and disappointed girls, is here. Valentine's Day. I like our approach to this day. We don’t give a f***. Our philosophy about everything is: AS LITTLE STRESS AS POSSIBLE. There is no pressure to buy gifts, plan surprises, no corny bears and other unnecessary junk. Bit I do like to cook or bake something, since I started writing a blog. I bought these classic white cups for chocolate soufflé one year ago and today I used them for the first time! I really wanted to finally try to make this classic chocolate dessert. Today was a perfect reason to do it. They were perfect! Instead of feeling all stressed out, just bake something for Christ’s sake! Another good and simple idea for Valentine's Day is a chocolate fondue with strawberries. Food is love, passion, affection. With love, Neja |
Dan, ko vse brizga in puhti po srčkih, vrtnicah, sarkastičnih pripombah samskih ljudi, jagodah, rdeči in roza barvi, moških šalah in razočaranih puncah, je tu. Valentinovo. Všeč mi je najin pristop k temu dnevu. Dol nama visi. Najina filozofija glede vsega je: ČIM MANJ STRESA. Nobenega obremenjevanja z darili, presenečenji, nobenih osladnih plišastih medvedov in druge odvečne krame. Odkar blogam se mi zdi pa samoumevno, da kaj spečem/skuham. Te klasične bele skodelice za čokoladni sufle sem kupila že eno leto nazaj in jih danes prvič uporabila! Res sem si želela, da bi končno probala narediti to klasično čokoladno sladico. Današnji dan je bil popoln razlog, da uresničim to. Uspelo mi je! Namesto, da polni stresa skačete po trgovskih centrih, raje specite kaj zaboga! Še ena dobra in preprosta ideja za Valentinovo pa se mi zdi čokoladni fondu z jagodami. Hrana je ljubezen, strast, naklonjenost. Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
Recipe adapted from: The F word
The Recipe
Ingredients 200ml milk 20g cornstarch 1 tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon butter 100g chocolate ( 60-70% cocoa ) 3 eggs drops of rum or vanilla extract 50g granulated sugar butter for smearing it on the walls of cups grated chocolate for buttered cups The process Grease cups with butter, grate a couple of pieces of chocolate and grated chocolate sprinkle on the greased cups walls. Preheat oven to 200 ° C. In a saucepan, heat milk, butter, cornstarch, flour - on low heat and mix with a whisk, so you can get rid of any lumps. When it becomes thick turn off the fire, remove from heat and add pieces of chocolate, mix with a whisk , so that all chocolate melts. Add 3 egg yolks, make sure that the chocolate is cooled, because the temperature affects the yolks. With a whisk slowly stir well. Add drops of rum extract or vanilla extract. Beat egg whites : beat 3 egg whites and slowly add 50g granulated sugar. With a spatula, slowly fold this whites puff in the chocolate mass. Pour the mass into prepared cups, slide your finger across the edge of the cups, so your soufflé will rise. Place cups in baking dish so you can easily take it out of the oven when it’s done. The original recipe says you have to bake them for 6 min, but I baked them 15min ( after 6 minutes everything was still liquid state. Depending also on the size of cups , if you have a larger ones, bake longer). And Voila! You will get a light soufflé that will be liquid inside. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, serve. You can probably prepare at least 8 of these mini cups souffles. |
Sestavine 200ml mleka 20g koruznega škroba-gustin 1 žlica bele moke 1 žlica masla 100g čokolade (60-70% kakav) 3 jajca kapljice ruma ali vanilijin ekstrakt 50g kristalnega sladkorja maslo za namazane stene skodelice naribana čokolada za stene skodelic Postopek Skodelice namažite z maslom, naribajte par koščkov čokolade in naribano čokolado posujte po namaščenih stenah skodelic. Pečico segrejte na 200°C. V ponvi segrejte mleko, maslo, gustin-na nizkem ognju,moko in mešajte z metlico, tako da se znebite grudic. Ko je masa goste konzistence ogenj ugasnite, odstavite in dodajte na koščke nadrobljeno čokolado, mešajte z metlico, tako da se vsa čokolada stopi. Dodajte 3 rumenjake, pazite, da čokolada ni pretopla, ker to vpliva na rumenjake. Z metlico počasi dobro premešajte. Dodajte kapljice ruma ali vanilijenega ekstrakta. Naredite sneg: beljake 3 jajc stepite v sneg in počasi dodajajte 50g kristalnega sladkorja. Z lopatko počasi dodajte sneg v čokoladno maso. Prelijte maso v pripravljene skodelice, s prstom potegnite po robu skodelic, da bo soufflé lahko narastel. Skodelice postavite v pekač, da ji boste z lahkoto vzeli ven iz pečice. V originalnem receptu naj bi jih pekli 6 min, sama sem jih 15min (po šestih je bilo vse skupaj še čisto preveč tekoče. Zdi se mi, da bi jih lahko še kakšno minute več. Odvisno je tudi od velikosti skodelic, če imate večje, pecite dlje). In Voila! Dobili boste rahel soufflé, ki bo notri tekoč. Posipajte s sladkorjem v prahu, postrezite. Na začetku se mi ni zdelo, da bo veliko mase ampak na koncu sem ugotovila, da je je bilo kar precej, vsaj za 8 teh mini skodelic. |
Dear Neja, Happy Valentine's Day! You have prepared a beautiful post to celebrate. Your chocolate souffle looks perfect. There is nothing better than chocolate and strawberries. Blessings dearest, Catherine xo
OdgovoriIzbrišiI hope you had the sweetest Valentine's day Catherine!
IzbrišiZelo dobro zgleda!
OdgovoriIzbrišiKje si kupila skodelice?
Hvala=). te se da pa povsod kupiti: V Mercatorju, Šparu, Nami, Mullerju...
OdgovoriIzbrišiMmm, tole pa obvezno speči! Kje si dobila tako lepe vžigalice?
OdgovoriIzbrišilp, S.
Moraš! =) V Nami, v 4. nadstropju kjer prodajajo home decor …na pultu pri blagajni ;)
IzbrišiLepe fotke, pogrešam pa fotko s tekočo sredico ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiJa, se strinjam...svetloba je bila skos slabša, že od starta mi ni bila všeč in sem potem hitela in čimprej končala in jedla..pozabila pa fotkat bila pa res tekoča=)
IzbrišiThis looks delicious. I appreciate your having it posted in both languages. I plan to substitute the flour for a gluten free flour blend. Thanks for sharing.
OdgovoriIzbrišiMmm, izgleda res dobro! In zelo so mi všeč vžigalice <3
OdgovoriIzbrišiNeja, tudi jaz sem že pred kakim letom kupila 2 taki skodelici, še nikoli pa ju nisem uporabila! Groza! :) Mislim, da ju bom krstila s temle tvojim krasnim predlogom. ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiJOJ, hude slike kot vedno!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiSounds great...
OdgovoriIzbrišiit looks soooo yummy!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiIf only i can find the time to make them...
Looks simply delicious :)