nedelja, 9. marec 2014

Chocolate Fudge Cheesecake / Čokoladna 'cheesecake'

In the name of my blog is the word cake. But ... how? Why? There has never been a cake photographed on this website. UNTIL TODAY.

Why then, such a blog name? American’s saying '’You can’t have your cake and eat it too " means that you can’t have everything. You can’t have the cake and eat it at the same time . You can look at it and you have it or you eat it and you don’t have it anymore. You can’t have everything. But because I don’t want or like to be negative, pessimistic, and have a bunch of obstacles on my path I say, that you can have everything. I played with this saying in nutritional meaning too. My motto about eating is that extremes are not cool. I'd rather eat a little of everything. It's great if you pay attention to what you put in your body, that you eat meals that you cook yourself, avoid pre-prepared meals and processed foods. That you eat a huge quantities of vegetables .... and you also indulge in something sweet, something with a lot of calories. Not every day. Of course.

Another meaning of my blog name relates to life. '' I can’t  do this, I don’t know how, what will the people say or think about me ... '' Such doubts, concerns hinder us. If you really don’t want to do something or try it for the first time, then okay, be loyal to yourself. If you want to achieve or do something specific, then do it ... Come on, do it. You can have what you want, just work in that direction.

Although the name of my blog does not have much to do with cakes, it is true that I want to bake a lot of cakes in my life. After all, my mom’s occupation was baking cakes and other sweet treats =). This beauty on today’s pics is literally the first cake that I had baked in my entire life. Truffles had a birthday and since he loves cheesecakes, it seemed to me to be the best to start with one of those. I was most worried that I will not succeed. Truffles said that he allows me to prepare it again :D. Which means that he liked it ;).

With love, Neja
V imenu mojega bloga je beseda Torta. Ampak…kako? Tukaj še nikoli ni bila fotografirana nobena torta. DO DANES.

Zakaj potem tako ime bloga? Ameriški rek ‘You can’t have your cake and eat it too’ pomeni, da ne moreš imeti vsega. Ne moreš hkrati imeti torte in jo še pojesti. Lahko jo gledaš in jo imaš ali pa jo poješ in je nimaš več. Ne moreš imeti vsega. Jaz pa nočem biti negativna, pesimistična in si postavljati over ter mej in trdim, da imaš lahko VSE. S tem rekom sem se malo poigrala tudi v prehranskem smislu. Moj moto glede prehranjevanja je, da ekstremi niso cool. Raje jejmo vsega po malo. Super je, če pazimo na to, kaj damo vase, da si sami skuhamo, se izogibamo vnaprej pripravljenih jedi in procesirane hrane. Uživamo v ogromnih količinah zelenjave….in si privoščimo tudi kaj sladkega, tudi kaj kaloričnega. Ne vsak dan. Seveda.

Drug pomen mojega obrnjenega reka pa je življenjski. ‘’Tega ne morem, ne smem, ne znam, kaj si bodo mislili…’’ Taki dvomi, zadržki nas ovirajo. Če si res nečesa ne želiš početi, probati..potem bodi temu zvest. Če si nekaj želiš doseči, početi ... potem DAJ, naredi to. Lahko imaš tisto, kar si želiš, samo delaj v tej smeri.

Čeprav ime mojega bloga nima toliko zveze s tortami, je res, da si jih želim veliko speči v življenju. Navsezadnje, je moja mami slaščičarka =). Današnja je dobesedno prva torta,ki sem jo sama spekla. Tartufi je imel rojstni dan in ker obožuje cheesecakes, se mi je zdelo, da bo najboljše, da začnem z eno tako. Najbolj me je skrbelo, da mi ne bo uspelo. Tartufi je rekel, da mi dovoli, da jo še kdaj pripravim :D. Kar pomeni, da mu je bila všeč. ;).

Z ljubeznijo, Neja

Recipe from: Grandmother's Kitchen

The Recipe

Chocolate Crust
1 1/2 cups (about 22 cookies) cream-filled chocolate cookie crumbs (such as Oreos), including the filling
3 tablespoons butter, melted

300g cream cheese, room temperature (I used Philadelphia)
1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
5 eggs, room temperature
1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup whipping cream
1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
3 (1-ounce) squares semisweet chocolate, melted and cooled
1/2 cup semisweet chocolate chips

Chocolate Sour Cream Topping
3 tablespoons powdered (confectioners) sugar
2 teaspoons unsweetened cocoa powder
1 cup sour cream
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

Plus chocolate (200g)  to pour it (melted) all over the cake.

The process

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and position rack in center of oven (too high or too low of rack placement will cause baking problems). Lightly grease (butter) a 9-inch springform pan.

Prepare Chocolate Crust (set aside to cool before using)
In a food processor, whirl cookie crumbs to fine crumbs. Add butter; whirl 5 to 10 seconds more. Put crumb mixture onto bottom of prepared pan, being careful not to get crumbs on sides of pan. Press crumb mixture firmly and evenly over the bottom.
Bake 10 minutes. Remove from oven and cool crust completely on a wire rack. Maintain oven temperature to bake the cheesecake

In a large bowl, combine cream cheese and sugar; cream just until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating after each addition. NOTE: Do not over beat the mixture.

Beat in flour, salt, whipping cream, and vanilla extract; set aside.

Gradually add melted chocolate; stir until well combined. Stir in chocolate chips; set aside.

Pour cream cheese mixture over prepared cookie crust.

Place cheesecake in center of middle oven rack. Position a baking pan filled halfway with hot water on lower rack. Bake 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 300 degrees F. Bake another 1 hour or until edges are light brown and center is almost set.

Prepare topping
In a medium bowl, combine sugar, cocoa, sour cream, and vanilla extract.

When cheesecake has cooled, spread topping overtop.

Plus I melted chocolate and poured it all over the cake and put the cake in the fridge for a couple of hours. Add some soft butter to melted chocolate if you don't want that hard chocolate all over your cake.

1 1/2 skodelice (približno 22 piškotov) polnjenih čokoladnih piškotov (kot npr. Oreos)
43g masla, stopljenega

300g kremnega sira, sobne temperature (jaz sem uporabila Philadelphio)
300g kristalnega sladkorja
5 jajc, sobne temperature
31g večnamenske moke
1/2 žličke soli
60g sladke smetane
1 žlička vanilijevega ekstrakta
30g stopljene čokolade, rahlo ohlajene (ne pretopla)
90g čokoladnih solzic

23g sladkorja v prahu
2 žlički nesladkanega kakava v prahu
226g kisle smetane
1 žlička vanilijevega ekstrakta

Plus čokolada, topljena, da z njo na koncu prelijemo celo torto (približno 200g)


Pečico segrejte na 180°C. Rahlo namastite (z maslom) 25cm pekač za torte.

Pripravite čokoladno skorjo, da se ohladi pred uporabo.

V multipraktiku spremenite piškote v fine drobtine. Dodajte maslo in še enkrat zmiksajte. Na dno pripravljenega pekača stresite pripravljene drobtine in fino potlačite s rokami, enakomerno, da bo plast brez lukenj. Pečemo 10 minut. Odstranite iz pečice in pustite, da se zunaj ohladi, pečico pa pustite prižgano pri enaki temperaturi.

V veliki skledi zmešajte kremni sir in  sladkor,  samo do puhastega. Dodamo jajca, enega po enega, stepajte, vendar ne preveč (uporabite metlico).

Dodajte  moko, sol, smetano in vanilijo.

Postopoma dodamo stopljeno čokolado, mešamo, dokler ni dobro premešano. Vmešajte čokoladne solzice.

Vlijte pripravljeno mešanico v pekač s pripravljeno skorjo.

Postavite pekač v pečico-na srednjo polico pečice. Postavite posodo napolnjeno z vrelo vodo na dno pečice (zato, da se bo torta primerno spekla). Pečemo 15 minut, nato zmanjšamo temperaturo na 150°C. Pečemo še 1 uro ali dokler so robovi svetlo rjave barve.

V srednje veliki posodi zmešajte sladkor, kakav, kislo smetano in vanilijev ekstrakt.

Ko se torta ohladi prelijte vrh s to mešanico.

Jaz sem na koncu stopila čokolado in z njo prelila celo torto in jo postavila za nekaj ur v hladilnik. Če ne želite trde čokolade (v katero je težko zarezati-tudi sama sem imela nekaj težav), potem stopljeni čokoladi dodajte nekaj mehkega masla.

7 komentarjev

  1. love!

  2. Neja, božansko izgleda. Tudi jaz imam rada chessecake... Se kar vračam gledat te slike in se mi sline cedijo... :P

  3. Zanimiva dekoracija tile listki, prav popestrijo fotke.

  4. Mnjam! Skutina torta je odlična, v čokoladni različici je pa še nisem poskusila. Izgleda mamljivo!

  5. Mmm izgleda odlično! Ne vem pa, če sem že kdaj jedla cheesecake.
    Sem pa enkrat pogooglala tvoj naslov in ko sem ugotovila, kaj želiš z njim povedat, mi je bil blog še toliko bolj všeč. Res si super napisala. "Jaz pa nočem biti negativna, pesimistična in si postavljati ovir ter mej in trdim, da imaš lahko VSE" - Se popolnoma strinjam! You CAN have your cake and eat it too! :D

  6. This sounds absolutely amazing, yum!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes

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