I needed something heartfelt for my Tea party. Something you can eat without cutlery, looks nice, it's easy to make, warms my heart and in some way reminds me of my childhood. These Hi-hat cupcakes remind me of some Slovenian dessert I ate as a child ( I can’t find an English expression). I remember that we often bought it in a local grocery store-before it was demolished and replaced by some other brand. When I was in the center of Kranj, I always ordered this dessert in a pastry shop. I found the perfect recipe. This recipe is useful for three desserts: for muffins (just out of curiosity I baked out of the box cupcakes a few weeks ago and the difference between these muffins and the other ones is so very obvious. Those were dry, these are luscious, moist, rich), cupcakes or for that dessert I can’t find an expression for. With love, Neja |
Za Čajanko sem potrebovala nekaj prisrčnega. Nekaj, kar se je z roko, lepo zgleda, je preprosto, pogreje pri srcu in me na nek način spomni na otroštvo. Te mini tortice me spominjajo na indijančke-nekaj, kar sem najraje jedla kot otrok. Spomnim se, da smo jih velikokrat kupili v takratni lokalni trgovini Živila-preden so jo porušili in postavili Mercator. Kadar sem bila v centru Kranja, sem v slaščičarni vedno naročila indijančka. Našla sem idealen recept. Ta recept je trojno uporaben: za mafine (zadnjič sem za hec spekla mini tortice iz škatle in razlika med to maso in tisto iz škatle je tako zelo očitna. Tista iz škatle suha, ta sočna, bogata), mini tortice ali indijančke (samo za podlago potem poiščite kaj drugega). Papirčki in okraski iz Popolne dekoracije so tako pasali zraven, da se sploh nisem preveč naprezala z aranžiranjem pogrinjka. Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
Recept iz: Martha Stewart
The Recipe
Ingredients For the Batter 3 ounces unsweetened chocolate, chopped 1 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened 1 1/4 cups sugar 2 large eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1/2 cup sour cream For the Chocolate Coating 2 cups chopped (about 12 ounces) semisweet chocolate 3 tablespoons canola or vegetable oil For the Frosting 1 3/4 cups sugar 3 large egg whites 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract The process Step 1 Preheat oven to 350 degrees with rack in center. Prepare the batter: Place chocolate in a medium heatproof bowl, and set it over a medium saucepan of barely simmering water; stir chocolate until melted and smooth. Remove bowl from heat, and set aside to cool slightly. Step 2 Meanwhile, whisk together flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a medium bowl; set aside. Step 3 In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream butter and sugar on medium speed, scraping sides of bowl as needed, until light and fluffy. On low speed, mix in melted chocolate. Increase speed to medium, and add eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Add vanilla, and beat until mixture is creamy and color has lightened slightly, about 1 minute. Mix in sour cream. On low speed, add half of reserved flour mixture, beating until just incorporated. Mix in 1/2 cup water. Add remaining flour mixture, and mix until just incorporated. Step 4 Line a cupcake pan with paper liners. Fill each liner with enough batter to come 1/8 inch from top, about 1/3 cup. Bake, rotating pans halfway through, until tops are firm and a cake tester inserted in the center comes out clean, about 20 minutes. Transfer cupcakes to a wire rack to cool in pan for 10 minutes. Step 5 Use a small knife to loosen any tops stuck to the pan. Carefully invert cupcakes onto the wire rack. Turn cupcakes right side up, and let cool completely. Step 6 Prepare the frosting: In a large heatproof bowl, combine sugar, 1/4 cup water, egg whites, and cream of tartar. Using a handheld electric mixer, beat on high speed until foamy, about 1 minute. Set bowl over a pan of barely simmering water. Beat on high speed until frosting forms stiff peaks, about 12 minutes; frosting should register 160 degrees on a candy thermometer. Remove from heat; stir in vanilla extracts, and beat for 2 minutes more until frosting thickens. Step 7 Transfer frosting to a large pastry bag fitted with a 1/2-inch plain pastry tip. Leaving a 1/8-inch border on each cupcake, pipe a spiral of frosting into a 2-inch-high cone shape, using about 1/2 cup of frosting per cupcake. Transfer cupcakes to a baking sheet, and refrigerate while preparing the chocolate coating. Step 8 Prepare the chocolate coating: Combine chocolate and oil in a medium heat-proof bowl set over a medium saucepan of barely simmering water; stir until melted and smooth. Transfer to a small bowl, and let cool about 15 minutes. Step 9 Holding each cupcake by its bottom, dip cupcake in the chocolate to coat frosting, allowing excess to drip off. Transfer to a baking sheet fitted with a wire rack. Spoon more coating around edge of cupcake and any exposed frosting; none of the frosting should show. Let cupcakes stand at room temperature 15 minutes. Step 10 Carefully remove paper liners from cupcakes, and discard. Place cupcakes on a serving platter, and refrigerate for 30 minutes to let coating set. Cover, and refrigerate for 2 hours more. Serve cold. Cupcakes can be refrigerated for up to 3 days. |
Sestavine MAFINI 85g nesladkane čokolade, sesekljane 125g bele moke 1/2 žličke pecilnega praška 1/2 žličke sode bikarbone 1/4 žličke soli 113 nesoljenega masla, zmehčanega 250g sladkorja 2 jajci 1 žlička ekstrakta vanilije 110g kisle smetane ČOKOLADNA GLAZURA 340g čokolade, sesekljane 3 žlice olja TOPING 350g sladkorja beljaki 3 jajc 1/4 žličke vinskega kamna 1 žlička ekstrakta vanilije Postopek KORAK 1 Pečico segrejte na 180°C. Pripravimo maso: čokolado stopimo v posodi, ki jo položimo nad ali v drugo posodo z vrelo vodo. Odstranite in pustimo, da se čokolada nekoliko ohladi. KORAK 2 Medtem v drugi posodi zmešamo skupaj moko, pecilni prašek, sodo bikarbono in sol. KORAK 3 V skledi z električnim mešalnikom zmešamo maslo in sladkor, toliko, da postane puhasto. Nastavite na nizko hitrost in dodajte stopljeno čokolado. Povečajte na srednjo hitrost in dodajte jajca, enega po enega, dobro premešajte. Dodajte ekstrakt vanilije in mešajte, dokler mešanica ne postane kremasta, približno 1 minuto. Dodajte kislo smetano. Na nizki hitrosti, dodajte polovico mešanice z moko, nato vmešajte 65ml vode, dodajte ostalo polovico prejšnje mešanice z moko in mešajte, dokler ni masa kremasta. KORAK 4 V pekač za mafine vstavite papirčke. Napolnite do 2/3 z maso. Pecite 20min pri 180°C. Po peki jih pustite vsaj 10min, da se ohladijo. KORAK 5 Obrnite jih na glavo, da se ohladijo še spodaj. KORAK 6 Pripravite toping: Na res nizkem ognju združite v posodi sladkor, beljake in 30ml vode. Stalno mešajte, toliko, da se sladkor stopi. Prelijte v posodo z mikserjem, dodajte ekstrakt vanilije in stepajte, dokler ne nastane kompaktna krema, približno 12min. KORAK 7 S plastično vrečko nabrizgamo kremo na ohlajene mafine. Prestavite jih v hladilnik. KORAK 8 Pripravite čokoladni preliv: Združite čokolado in olje v posodo in jo takoj kot prej, stopite nad vrelo vodo. Dobro premešajte, prelijte v majhno posodo, primerno za pomakanje mini tortic vanjo. Počakajte približno 15min, da se čokolada ohladi. KORAK 9 Potopite mini tortice v čokolado, tako da prekrijete celoten toping, da se nič belega ne vidi, na robovih si lahko pomagate s žličko. Držite toliko časa dvignjene, da odkaplja odvečna čokolada, obrnite in postavite na krožnik, pekač… KORAK 10 Postavite jih v hladilnik za 2 uri. V hladilniku jih lahko hranite do 3 dni. Postrezite jih hladne. |
Oo tole pa izgleda zelo okusno...morem čimprej sprobat :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiPrekrasno. Kaj več si ne bi mogel želeti na tvoji čajanki.
OdgovoriIzbrišimmm super,a lahko stojijo na sobni temperaturi par ur?Imam jih namen naredit za svoj rd v sluzbi ampak bi stali na mizi tri,stiri ure?Ali predlagas kaksen drug toping?
OdgovoriIzbrišiHmmm…se mi zdi, da ko enkrat stopiš čokolado, strdiš in pustiš na sobni temp. da se začne hitro spet topiti. Tele je najboljše postrežti direkt iz hladilnika. Mogoče bo bolje, da probaš kšn drug frosting, da ne boš za brezveze v stresu=)