Yup, I did it again..this time I teamed up with a bunch of new cool girls. We are giving away add space. The winner will have his blog button added to each of these blogs. Good Luck!
Last week I watched Jamie Oliver 's Food Revolution for the first time. At the beginning I was half listening and surfing the internet at the same time. One of my stupid habits is that I always have too much things on at the same time :/. Anyway ... The show got my attention pretty soon. Why? Because I was shocked. From the perspective of someone who works on master's degree in Dietetics, I was quite mad. Before you attack me because of calorie recipes that I have up here .. I have to explain a couple of things: those things that are high in calories, are mostly desserts. Desserts (I think we all know that … well, actually, no, not really, not everyone is aware of that) are not meant to be enjoyed in every day. Or more times per day. Of course, it can absolutely happen (it does to me) that you just have to eat everything you see, the whole bag of candy, box of chocolates…. Okay, shit happens, but let’s move on, tomorrow is a new day.. it doesn’t mean that you eat 250g of chocolate every day. And I never intend to be obsessed with every bite I take and I've always and always will eat EVERYTHING (meaning different types of food, not the whole fridge). So my recipes are healthy, unhealthy, vegan, gluten-free, classical, non-classical .... People, please .... everything should be in moderation, including moderation ;). | Zadnjič sem prvič gledala oddajo Jamie Oliver’s food revolution. Na začetku sem jo na pol poslušala in zraven klikala po internetu. Ena izmed mojih neumnih navad je ta, da imam vedno preveč stvari prižganih :/. Kakorkoli… kmalu sem postala pozorna na dogajanje v oddaji. Zakaj? Ker sem bila šokirana. Iz vidika nekoga, ki dela magisterij iz dietetike sem bila čisto frapirana. Preden me napadete glede kaloričnih receptov, ki jih imam tukaj gor..par stvari: tiste stvari, ki so ultra kalorične, so večinoma sladice. Sladice (menda to vsi vemo..no, ne, v bistvu ne, tega ne vedo vsi) niso mišljene, da bi jih uživali vsak dan. Ali večkrat na dan. Seveda se popolnoma lahko zgodi (kot se meni), da se ti kakšen dan malo utrga in padeš preveč notri v konzumiranje čokolade. Okej, šit se zgodi, ampak gremo naprej..to ne pomeni, da pojem vsak dan 250g čokolado. In nikoli ne nameravam biti obsedena z vsakim grižljajem in vedno sem in vedno bom JEDLA VSE. Zato so moji recepti zdravi, nezdravi, veganski, brezglutenski, klasični, neklasični…. Ljudje, prosim….vse naj bo zmerno, vključno zmernost ;). |
So Jamie .... He went to America (I'm not sure when this happened, it was probably a couple of years ago) because he wanted to change eating habits in schools (he did the same project in England). What were children eating for lunch? Pizza, flavored milk (chocolate / strawberry ... never plain milk), chicken nuggets, mashed potatoes out of the bag, french fries, bread .... no fruit, no vegetables, no normal drinks ... Christ ! Jamie was there to cook for some time along with the school cooks to see what are kids eating, to create a new menu and offer it to children, to try to convince the policy to approve such menus and money budget. I don’t think I've ever seen more ignorant people, as these school ‘’cooks’’ were. They literally hated him. Instead of being happy that someone wants to offer children food that does not come out of the box and is full of artificial additives, they made his job harder, they didn’t cooperate, despised his efforts and rolled their eyes like some stupid teenagers. As cooks, they should be ashamed, that they are offering such crap to children (because I do realize that themselves have no effect on this, because I know that politicians decide about these things). | Torej Jamie…. Odpravil se je v Ameriko (nisem prepričana kdaj je bilo to, verjetno že par let nazaj) in želel spremeniti način prehranjevanja v šolah (tako, kot se je tega projekta lotil v Angliji). Kaj so imeli šolarji za malico? Pico, mleko z okusom (čokoladno/jagodno…nikoli navadno mleko), piščančje krokete, umeten pire krompir iz vrečke, pomfri, kruh….nobenega sadja, nobene zelenjave, nobene normalne pijače… Kristus! Jamie naj bi nekaj časa kuhal skupaj s kuharicami, da bi videl kako poteka prehranjevanje tam, da bi sestavil svoj jedilnik in ga ponudil otrokom, da bi poskušal prepričati politike, da bo odobrili take jedilnike, da bi odobrili denar. Ne vem, če sem kdaj videla bolj ignorantne ljudi, kot so bile te kuharice. Dobesedno sovražile so ga. Namesto, da bi bile vesele, da si nekdo želi, da ponudijo otrokom hrano, ki ne prihaja iz vrečk in je polna umetnih dodatkov, so mu dobesedno ovirale delo in zavijale z očmi, kot kakšne zabite najstnice. Kot kuharice bi jih lahko bilo sram, da morajo tako sranje ponujati otrokom (ker se zavedam, da same nimajo vpliva na to, ker za tem stoji politika). |
Then he visited some family. Mother-fat, father-fat, a son, on the border of diabetes. Their freezer was full of frozen pizzas, honestly, two piles - up to the top of the freezer, about 30 pizzas. Jamie put all junk food from the refrigerator on the table. Have you ever noticed how all the junk food is yellow? Well, everything was yellow ! Hamburgers, hot dogs in pastry, chicken nuggets .... I don’t even know what else. But the difference here was…unlike those school cooks…. that mom at least recognized that it is not okay to eat all that junk. She was ashamed she gives such food to their children. At least there was hope. It’s nothing worse for me personally than that moment, when you realize, that someone just doesn’t get it. When it makes no sense to knock on their conscience or common sense because they don’t have any. In winter, I like toasted sandwiches. I really love them, I admit it. This winter I've eaten too much of those. So instead of eating those classic ones, I tried something different. Parsley adds such a good flavor here! It’s so fresh. I know that I will make these again. With Love, Neja |
Potem je šel domov k neki družini. Mama debela, oče debel, en sin na meji diabetes. Skrinja polna zmrznjenih pic, res, dva kupa pic-do vrha skrinje, približno 30 pic. Jamie je dal vso junk hrano iz hladilnika na mizo. Ste kdaj opazili, kako je vsa junk hrana rumene barve? No, vse je bilo rumeno! Hamburgerji, hrenovke v testu, piščančji kroketi….niti ne vem kaj še vse. Ampak razlika je pa bila v nečem. Za razliko od tistih kuharic je ta mama vsaj priznala, da ni okej, da uživajo ves ta junk. Bilo jo je sram, da daje tako hrano svojim otrokom. Vsaj upanje je obstajalo. Zame osebno ni hujšega občutka, ko začutiš, da nekdo ne dojame nečesa. Ko nima smisla trkati na njihovo vest ali pamet, ker je nimajo. Pozimi imam rada tople sendviče. Res jih imam rada, priznam. Letošnjo zimo sem jih pojedla preveč. Namesto, da bi se basala s tistimi klasičnimi, sem preizkusila nekaj drugačnega. Peteršilj tako dobr paše tuki! Tako sveže izpade. Vem, da jih bom še velikokrat pripravila. Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
Recipe from: Naturally Ella
The recipe
Pesto (Serves:2) 2 tablespoons shelled, roasted pistachios 1 clove garlic 1½ cups packed parsley 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons olive oil ¼ teaspoon salt Plus ½ small red onion, thinly sliced 3-4 ounces cheese, sliced 4 slices whole wheat or multigrain bread Olive oil for brushing In a food processor, pulse pistachios until resembling course meal. Add garlic and parsley, run processor until minced. Drizzle in lemon juice, olive oil, and salt. Run food processor until pesto comes together, adding more olive/lemon juice as needed. Preheat grill pan or regular pan over medium-low heat. Brush outsides of bread with olive oil. Place on piece of bread, olive oil side down, in the grill pan and smear on 1 tablespoon of pesto. Layer with sliced red onions and cheese. Smear 1 more tablespoon of pesto on remaining piece of bread and place olive oil side up. Cook on each side until crisp and cheese has melted. |
Pesto (za dve porciji): 2 žlici oluščene pistacije 1 strok česna 1 ½ skodelice peteršilja (40g) 2 žlici limoninega soka 2 žlici oljčnega olja ¼ žličke soli Plus ½ majhna rdeča čebula, narezana na tanke rezine 3-4 rezine sira po želji 4 rezine polnozrnatega kruha Oljčno olje V multipraktiku zmiksajte pistacije. Dodajte česen in peteršilj. Pokapajte limonin sok, olivno olje in dodajte sol. Dodajte več olivnega olja / limoninega soka, če je potrebno-da nastane pesto. Segrejte žar ponev/pekač za tople sendviče. Kruh pokapajte z olivnim oljem. Položite kos kruha na pekač (stran s pokapanim oljem obrnjena navzdol), premažite kruh s pestom, položite čebulo in sir na vrh (ali pa sir naribajte in vmešajte v pesto), še eno rezino kruha, premažite z oljčnim oljem po vrhu zadnje rezine. Pečemo, dokler kruh ni hrustljav in sir stopljen. |
P.s.- SOOOOooooo…it seems that Đubox voting thing is back on..yupppi, I have another shot at this. Click on the link below and leave a comment on that website that you are voting for….You can have your cake and eat it too http://dzuboksblogs.blogspot.com/2014/01/prisleki-st-6.html
Thank you
That just sounds delicious - what a great quick lunch treat :o) Xx
OdgovoriIzbrišiMakeup by Candlelight
Zanimivi sendviči, pistacije in peteršilja, njam!
OdgovoriIzbrišiPri tebi mi je ravno to všeč, ker grešiš in negrešiš in imaš recepte vseh vrst.. Vsi najdemo nekaj zase.. Jaz skoraj preveč, ker si želim da bi te slike bile 3D pred mano... Čisto vse bi jedla.. Pa sem kot mala punčka bila zelo izbirčna :P
OdgovoriIzbrišiGlede Amerike in njihovih prehranjevalnih navad pa itak brezveze zgubljat besed... Sem hvaležna da imam to znanje, da se zavedam in da junk fooda, sploh oz. le redko zaužijem...
Tile topli sendviči izgledajo zelo okusno. Samo jaz ne maram ravno peteršilja, mislim lahko je..samo se ga ne sme okušat... Zato bi ga vsekakor dala manj..