My grandmother was always buying those little meringues in white, pastel pink and green color. Therefore today's recipe immediately drove me in my mind to those days. Who knew these were so easy to make at home. What I like the most about writing this Blog is that I’m learning to cook along the way. That I can now prepare delicious dishes, desserts ... that I stare at in cookbooks, windows of pastry shops or on Pinterest. This blog has completely changed my view on cooking. It does not seem impossible and difficult anymore. I can honestly say from my own experience to those that don’t cook, that you only need to break the ice. Pick up a cook book and start. Just start. The more recipes will you deal with, the more experienced you’ll become. You only need time .. and practice. That's it! Happy cooking =).
With love, Neja
Group giveaway!
We have banded together to present you with a $105 visa giftcard just in time to buy your sweetie (or yourself) a bang-up treat.
So that's fun.
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And DO NOT forget to visit all these fine gals…because they are total doll-faces. that's for sure.
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clockwise from the top jess // natalie // amy // erin // mackenzie // jessica // emily // karissa // karli // neja |
a Rafflecopter giveaway
P.S.- If you like reading my blog and you have a few moments, then click on the link below and leave a comment that you are voting for YOU CAN HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO and write a reason why are you voting for my blog. Thank you :)
Recipe from: The British Larder
The recipe
Ingredients 200g egg whites 400g caster sugar Pinch of salt 25g Cocoa cinnamon The process Always weigh the egg whites and double the amount of sugar in ratio to the egg whites. Preheat the oven to 110°C and line two large baking trays with parchment paper. Mix the powdered cinnamon with the cocoa powder. Place the egg whites, salt and sugar in a large saucepan. Place the saucepan over a very low and small flame to gently heat the egg whites and to melt the sugar. You should not heat the egg whites and sugar above 37°C. Stir it all the time to help dissolve the sugar. Once the temperature has reached 37°C, remove the saucepan from the heat and transfer the whites to an electric mixer or some other bowl if you have a hand electric mixer. Whip the warm egg whites until thick ribbon stage; the meringue must hold its shape. |
Remove the bowl from the machine, and sieve the cocoa powder and ground cinnamon over the meringue. Use two large spoons to scoop a large spoonful of the mixture, scoop deep to get a ripple effect of cocoa and meringue. Do not be tempted to mix the cocoa in as you will spoil your rustic cocoa effect. Drop the heaped spoonful of meringue onto the prepared baking trays. Leave sufficient gaps as they swell when they cook. The more the hot air that can circulate around the meringues, the more even they will bake. Place the giant meringues in the preheated oven. Bake the meringues for two hours. Check that they are cooked by touching their outsides, it they are firm on the outside but still slightly gooey in the centre then they are done. Let them cool for 10 minutes on the trays before you gently transfer them to a cooling rack to cool completely. Keep the meringues in an airtight container for up to three days. |
Moja babica je vedno kupovala tiste trde poljubčke v beli, pastelno roza in zeleni barvi. Zato me je današnji recept takoj odpeljal v tiste čase. Kdo bi vedel, da jih je tako preprosto narediti doma. Pri tem, da pišem ta blog mi je najbolj všeč to, da se učim kuhati. Da znam sedaj sama pripraviti jedi, sladice…ki jih imam najraje, jih gledam v izložbah čokoladnic, na krožnikih slaščičarn, kuharskih knjigah ali Pinterestu. Zaradi tega bloga se je popolnoma spremenil moj pogled na kuhanje. Ne zdi se mi več tako nemogoče in težko. Vsem, ki ne kuhate, lahko iz lastnih izkušenj rečem, da morate samo predreti led. Vzemite kuharsko knjigo v roke in začnite. Več receptov se boste lotili, bolj jasno vam bo vse skupaj. Samo čas potrebuje..ter vajo. To je vse! Veselo kuhanje =).
Z ljubeznijo, Neja
P.S.- Oi! Potrebujem vašo pomoč. Če radi berete moj blog in imate sekundo časa, potem kliknite na spodnjo povezavo in v komentar napišite, da glasujete za YOU CAN HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO in napišite razlog zakaj. Hvala :)
Recept: The British Larder
Sestavine 200 g beljakov 400g sladkorja v prahu Ščepec soli 25g kakava cimet Postopek Vedno stehtajte beljake in uporabite dvojno količino sladkorja v razmerju do beljakov. Pečico segrejte na 110°C in položite dva peki papirja na pekač. Zmešajte cimet v prahu s kakavom. Postavite beljake, sol in sladkor v veliko ponev. Postavite ponev nad zelo nizek ogenj in počasi segrevajte beljake, da se sladkor stopi, ne segrevajte nad 37 ° C, mešajte ves čas. Ko se sladkor stopi, prelijte mešanico v posodo z električnim mešalnikom ali kakšno drugo skledo, če imate ročni električni mešalnik. |
Z mešalnikom mešajte toliko časa, dokler ni masa res gosta, svetleča, kompaktna. Po vrhu mase posujte kakav s cimetom. Samo posujte, ne zmešajte, saj boste na ta način dobili rjavo mešanico. Uporabite dve veliki žlici, zajemite maso in z drugo žlico ''postrgajte'' maso na peki papir. Tako ohranite rustikalen videz, ko se bela in rjava prelivata. Tako porabite vso maso. Med vetrci pustite nekaj prostora, da se ne stikajo. Postavite pekač v ogreto pečico. Bolj kot lahko vroč zrak kroži, bolj enakomerno se bodo meringe (vetrci) spekle. Pečemo 2 uri (na 110°C). Po dveh urah naj bi bile trde na zunaj ampak votle in mehke znotraj. Dovolite, da se ohladijo za 10 minut na pladnjih, preden jih nežno prenesete. Meringe lahko hranite v nepredušno zaprti posodi do treh dni. |
Ohhh those certainly look neat and tasty. Cocoa and cinnamon together? Yes please.
OdgovoriIzbrišimmm takoj zdaj ob sedmih zjutraj bi to probala :) imam pa samo eno vprašanje, a se beljak na ognju ne strdi, ko topimo sladkor? :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiPriprava je res ful simpl, zgleda veliko teksta pri receptu ampak to samo zaradi extra napotkov. Ne, ne strdi se...mogoče zato ker je sladkor zraven, pa ker ne daš na ogreto ponev, ampak daš takoj notr. Samo pazi, da mešaš stalno in da imaš na nizkem ognju. Sama nimam termometra za kuhanje tako, da nisem mogla preveriti temperature, samo na nizek ogenj sem pazila.
IzbrišiMmmm, izgledajo 10x lepše kot tisti kupljeni... Pa tvoje slike so vedno tako dodelane in umetniške. Obvladaš..
OdgovoriIzbrišiMene zmeraj pritegnejo tele krasne slike dobrot. Zelo, zelo. Če boš imela odveč časa, imam pa tule nalogo zate ;) -
OdgovoriIzbrišiThese look and sound amazing!
OdgovoriIzbrišixx Kelly
Sparkles and Shoes
Se povsem strinjam s teboj glede kuhanja. Na začetku je vse tako težko, ampak sčasoma se sprašuješ zakaj nisi že prej začel s tem :) vsaj pri meni je tako, čeprav sem še vedno bolj kot ne amater, toda veliko več veselja in volje imam za eksperimentiranje in preizkušnjo novih receptov.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI will eat all of these