In my little space, with Pu Erh Exotic tea in beer mug, with my feet in washing bowl full of hot water, bath salts with the smell of chamomile and lime shower gel for the effect of foam, YouTube Playlist on, with nail polish shade Colour & Go, TV on with the sound turned off.
I didn’t focus too much on seasons the first year of blogging. I was like a crazy deer. It didn’t even cross my mind to think and see what the nature is offering in current season. For the second round I promised myself that I will do as the wind blows the sun shines? As the temperature drops? Anyway, in the coming weeks expect apple, pumpkin, warm, Fall and sweet recipes. I will lose my mind when December festivities kick in! Fun time for cooking & baking! I'm already making a list of important recipes for December..
Everyone loves the smell of cinnamon rolls ... this recipe is a little different from the classic cinnamon rolls. Yes, it smells like Fall.
With love, Neja
Recipe adapted from: Canadian living
The recipe
Ingredients Dough 1/4 cup (60 mL) granulated sugar 1-1/2 tsp (7 mL) active dry yeast 2/3 cup (150 mL) milk 1 egg 2 tbsp (30 mL) butter, melted and cooled 1/2 tsp (2 mL) vanilla 3 cups all-purpose flour, (approx) 1/2 tsp (2 mL) salt Apple Filling 1/4 cup (60 mL) butter 4 apples, peeled, cored and finely diced 1-1/2 tsp (7 mL) cinnamon Caramel Sauce 1/4 cup (60 mL) butter 1 cup (250 mL) packed brown sugar 2 tbsp (30 mL) whipping cream, (35%) The process 1.In bowl, dissolve 1 tsp of the sugar in 1/3 cup warm water; sprinkle yeast over top. Let stand until foamy, about 10 minutes. 2. In separate bowl, whisk together milk, egg, butter, vanilla and remaining sugar; stir in yeast mixture. 3. In large bowl, whisk together all-purpose flour and salt. Stir in yeast mixture to form ragged dough. |
Turn out onto floured surface and knead, adding up to 2 tbsp more all-purpose flour if needed, until soft and smooth but not sticky dough forms, about 10 minutes. Transfer to greased bowl and turn to grease all over. Cover and let stand in warm draft-free place until doubled in bulk, about 2 hours. 4. Apple Filling: Meanwhile, in skillet, melt butter over medium-high heat; cook apples and cinnamon, stirring occasionally, until very tender and light golden, 6 to 8 minutes. Transfer to bowl; let cool. 5. Turn out dough onto lightly floured surface; roll out into 20- x 12-inch (50 x 30 cm) rectangle. Leaving .-inch (1 cm) border uncovered at 1 long side, spread apple filling over dough. Starting at long side opposite border, tightly roll up; pinch seam to seal. 6. With sharp knife, cut into 12 pieces; place, cut sides up, in caramel. Cover and let rise in warm draft-free place until doubled in bulk, about 1 hour. 7. Bake in 375 F (190 C) oven until golden and buns sound hollow when gently tapped, 25 to 30 minutes. Let stand for 5 minutes. Invert onto serving dish. 8. Caramel Sauce: In skillet, melt butter over medium heat. Stir in sugar and 1 tbsp water; cook, stirring often, just until sugar is dissolved, about 2 minutes. Remove from heat; stir in cream until smooth. Pour on top of rolls. |
V svojem malem prostoru, s Pu Erh Exotic čajem v krigli, s stopali v lavorju polnem vroče vode, kopalne soli z vonjem in cvetovi kamilice ter limetinim gelom za tuširanje za učinek pene, prižgano YouTube playlisto, lakom za nohte odtenek Colour & go, prižganim tvjem z izklopljenim zvokom.
Prvo leto bloganja se nisem prav veliko ozirala na sezono. Bila sem kot podivjana srna. Niti pomislila nisem na to, da bi pogledala kaj ponuja trenutni mesec. Za drugo rundo sem sama sebi obljubila, da se bom obnašala tako kot veter zapiha..kot sonce posije? Temperatura pade? Zato v naslednjih tednih pričakujte jabolčne, bučne, tople, jesenske, sladke recepte. Ko bo veseli december, se mi bo pa itak utrgalo! Že sedaj si delam seznam vsega česar ne smem izpustiti decembra.
Cimetove rolce vsem dišijo…ta recept je malo drugačen od klasičnih cimetovih rolc. Ja, po jeseni diši.
Z ljubeznijo, Neja
50g kristalnega sladkorja4g suhega kvasa 165g mleka 1 jajce 28g masla, stopljenega in ohlajenega 1/2 žličke vanilijevega sladkorja 375g moke 1/2 žličke soli Jabolčni nadev 57g masla 4 jabolka, olupljena, očiščena in naribana/narezana 1-1/2 čajne žličke cimeta Karamela 57g masla200g rjavega sladkorja 2 žlici sladke smetane, (35% mm) 1 . V posodi raztopimo 1 žličko sladkorja v 1/3 skodelice tople vode, dodamo kvas, zmešamo in pustimo stati približno 10 minut. 2 . V drugi posodi z metlico zmešamo mleko, jajce, maslo, vanilijo in preostali sladkor, vmešajte mešanico kvasa. |
3 . V veliki skledi zmešajte skupaj moko in sol. Vmešajte mešanico s kvasom , da nastane testo. Preložite na pomokano površino, gnetite in dodajte moko, če je potrebno. Preložite v namaščeno, na vrhu premažite testo z olje, pokrijte in pustite stati na toplem, približno 2 uri. 4 . Jabolčni nadev: Medtem v ponvi stopite maslo nad srednje visokem ognju, dodajte jabolka in cimet, občasno premešajte, pecite 6 do 8 minut. Preložite v skledo, naj se ohladi. 6 . Na rahlo pomokani površini razvaljamo testo. Prekrijemo z jabolčnim nadevom, pustimo prazno on robovih, nato zvijemo v rolo. 7 . Z ostrim nožem razrežemo rolo na kose in jih položimo v pekač. Pokrijte in pustite stati približno 1 uro. 8 . Pečemo pri 190°C 25 do 30 minut . Pustimo stati 5 minut. 9. Karamela: V ponvi na srednje močnem ognju stopite maslo. Vmešajte sladkor ter 1 žlico vode, pogosto premešajte, samo dokler se sladkor ne raztopi. Odstranite z ognja, vmešajte smetano, mešajte dokler ne nastane gladka masa. Prelijte rolice s karamelo. |
Soo cute, I really like it! (=, I' ve tried to cook something with a pumpkin..if you want look it.. (=
OdgovoriIzbrišiMmm, odlično!
OdgovoriIzbrišimmmm delicious!
Goodness gracious, those look delicious!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiI want one of these right NOW! Pinning it!
OdgovoriIzbrišiXO/Lena @ Root&Blossom
Looking forward to trying these. Yummy!
OdgovoriIzbrišiJammmi tole bom pa poskusla :) in kot vedno čudovite fotografije!
OdgovoriIzbrišiIf I make these I worry I WILL eat them all and not share with my family!
lhasa {}
Oh my goodness, your recipes look so delicious, and your pictures are gorgeous! Definitely need to spend some more time here : ) Thanks for sharing!