Americans are celebrating Thanksgiving today. Last year I had some stupid idea about how Truffle and I should celebrate it. So we would eat typical food that Americans prepare on this day and say what are we thankful for. It was utter fiasco. I cook for 5 hours, it was already too dark to take normal photos for my Blog, Truffles was not interested, we didn’t say what are we grateful for and the whole thing was so unnecessary. This year I'm wiser and I didn’t even think of repeating something like that again. I've learned to choose which battles are worth fighting for =).
Instead of some stupid, complicated three course meal I have for you today a simple recipe for hot apple cider, for these days, that are getting colder each day . Find the largest cup, knee high socks , find some cookies in the kitchen cabinets, a good movie, candle or essential oil with autumn scent ( I have essential oil with pomegranate scent), pour your hot cider and enjoy. Honestly, such simple moments are my favorite and I hope I will always appreciate it.
With love, Neja
PS-Don't forget to enter our group Giveaway
Recipe adapted from: Inspirations by D
The recipe
Ingredients (for two cups) 2 cups of apple cider (steps to make home apple cider) 2 whole cinnamon sticks 1 teaspoon of whole cloves 3 teaspoons of brown sugar |
The process Pour the cider into a small sauce pan, turn on the heat to high. Add cinnamon sticks, whole cloves and brown sugar. Bring it to a boil and then reduce the heat and keep it warm. Pour it to a cup and add garnish if you wish, then serve. |
Danes Američani praznujejo Zahvalni dan. Lani sem imela neko neumno idejo o tem, da bi ga s Tartufijem praznovala. Da bi jedla tipično hrano, ki jo Američani pripravijo na ta dan ter povedala, za katere ''stvari'' sva hvaležna. Bil je totalen polom. Kuhala sem 5 ur, bilo je že pretemno, da bi za Blog škljocnila normalne fotografije, Tartufi ni bil zainteresiran, nisva povedala za kaj vse sva hvaležna in vse skupaj je bilo res čisto odveč. Letos sem pametnejša in nisem niti pomislila na to, da bi kaj takega ponovila. Naučila sem se izbirati bitke za katere se je vredno boriti=).
Namesto neumnega, zakompliciranega jedilnika s tremi hodi imam danes za vas preprost recept za vroč jabolčnik, za te vedno bolj mrzle dni. Poiščite največjo skodelico, dolge nogavice, ki segajo do kolen, izbrskajte piškote iz kuhinjske omare, en dober film, svečko ali eterično olje z jesenskim vonjem (jaz imam eterično olje z dišavo granatnega jabolka), nalijte si vroč jabolčnik in uživajte. Iskreno, meni so najbolj všeč taki preprosti trenutki in upam, da jih nikoli ne bom prenehala ceniti.
Z ljubeznijo, Neja
Recept prilagojen po: Inspirations by D
Sestavine (za dve skodelici) 2 skodelici jabolčnega mošta (koraki za pripravo domačega mošta) 2 celi cimetovi palčki 1 žlička celih nageljnovih žbic (klinčki) 3 čajne žličke rjavega sladkorja |
Postopek V lonec zlijte mošt, ogenj dajte na najvišjo temperaturo. Dodajte cimetove palčke, klinčke in rjavi sladkor. Ko zavre zmanjšamo ogenj in nekaj minut pustimo na nizkem ognju. Jabolčnik prelijemo s skodelice, okrasimo in postrežemo. |
Tole bo pa treba sprobat, nekaj drugačnega od kuhanega vina :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiFotke v tvojem "že" prepoznavnem stilu. Všeč!
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala!Oooo, končno imam prepoznavni stil=)
IzbrišiAh, these moments are my favorite too! The simple ones that smell like cloves ;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiYou have a beautiful site here. I can't wait to hear more from you. I stumbled on from a group on google and can't wait to try out some of your recipes.
Uuuu, prav si povedala!! Ne bi se mogla bolj strinjam.. Cheers na preproste trenutke in da jih bomo znali ceniti (: