četrtek, 13. avgust 2015

Smoothie Bowl

“It's the action, 
not the fruit of the action, 
that's important. 
You have to do the right thing. 
It may not be in your power, 
may not be in your time, 
that there'll be any fruit. 
But that doesn't mean you stop doing the right thing. 
You may never know what results come from your action. 
But if you do nothing, there will be no result.” 

― Mahatma Gandhi
When I look at my calendar, where my workout days are marked, I'm pretty proud of myself. Workout was my New Year's resolutions, and I still live by it. The first change that I had to make, was a regular exercise. I didn't limit the things I ate, because I decided that I would make life changes. It's difficult to change everything at once and cut out everything that gives you comfort.

Now, that working out became a habit of mine, the time has come for a new step. THIS GODDAMN FOOD! I make sure that I have 4-5 meals / day, at normal hours. I'm doing this a few months now. In the last month I've also changed the content of these meals. Strangely enough, I have not killed anyone, cat is still in one piece, I don't feel any nervousness and I am not feeling hungry. In theory, I of course knew what I have to eat, but it's much more difficult in practice  and I needed time. I eat so much vegetables lately. Luckily the good kind, from my mother's garden, so it's without pesticides. Of course, I also have a lot of fruit available, because of Summer. The day starts with a smoothie, in which I add some vegetables and protein powder so that meal contains every macronutrient. Smoothie Bowls seemed very interesting to me on Pinterest and tumbler and here is mine Smoothie bowl!

With love, Neja
Ko pogledam svoj koledarček, na katerega označujem telovadne dneve, sem ponosna nase. Gibanje je bila moja novoletna zaobljuba in še vedno se držim tega. Prva sprememba, ki sem jo morala narediti pri sebi je bila redna telovadba. Pri hrani se nisem toliko omejevala, ker sem se odločila, da bom naredila življenjske spremembe. Težko je na enkrat spremeniti vse in ukiniti vse, kar ti nudi udobje.

Sedaj, ko je usmerjeno gibanje postalo nekaj samoumevnega, je prišel čas za nov korak. TA FRDAMANA HRANA! Že kar nekaj mesecev sem pozorna na to, da imam 4-5 obrokov ob normalnih urah. V zadnjem mesecu sem spremenila tudi vsebino teh obrokov. Začuda nisem še nikogar ubila, maček je cel, ne čutim nobene nervoze in sploh nisem lačna. Teoretično tako ali tako vem, kaj je potrebno jesti, a v praksi je to veliko težje in potrebovala sem čas. Zadnje čase pojem toliko zelenjave, kot je nisem še nikoli. Na srečo domače, nešpricane. Seveda imam tudi sadja ogromno na voljo, ker je poletje. Dan se začne s smoothijem, v katerega dam tudi kaj zelenjave in proteinov, da je obrok sestavljen. Smoothie bowle so se mi zdele kar zanimive na Pinterestu in tumblerju in tukaj je moja!

Z ljubeznijo, Neja

The Recipe


Ground wheatgrass
vineyard peaches

The process

First, blend banana (you can add a little bit of water or (plant) milk) and add the ground wheat grass, re-grind that both components are thoroughly mixed.

Smoothie pour into your breakfast bowl and add chopped fruit, oatmeal and cashews.

mleta pšenična trava
ovseni kosmiči
vinogradniške breskve
indijski oreščki


Najprej zmeljite banano (lahko dodate malo vode ali (rastlinskega) mleka) in ji dodajte mleto pšenično travo, ponovno zmeljite, da se obe sestavini dobro premešata.

Smoothie vlijete v skodelico in dodate narezano sadje, kosmiče ter indijske oreščke.

2 komentarja

  1. I've seen a lot of smoothie bowls about recently and I love the look of them but I don't have a blender - I think I'm going to have to go kitchen shopping :)

    1. Oh you definitely need a blender, I couldn't live without it! I know, I see these smoothie bowls ALL THE TIME :D. I had to try one! Thank you for your nice visit! Take care!


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