četrtek, 20. avgust 2015

Currant Ice Cream / Sladoled iz črnega in rdečega ribeza

“August rain: 
the best of the summer gone, 
and the new fall not yet born. 
The odd uneven time.”

~ Sylvia Plath

I had to empty my freezer so I decided to make light & fresh and sour homemade ice-cream. Farewell summer! It rained again yesterday and although rain seemed romantic and I was cursing again, because I don't have rubber boots so I could go into the woods, despite the rain and all that mud, I stopped fantasize how nice it is when it rains, when it literally poured ALL DAY LONG.

I quit eating food that is really fattening (absolutely not for life, just some time) because I would like to refresh my taste buds and learn how many pieces, bites, portions are enough to eat, when this period will end, so that I will be able to eat unhealthy things but in much smaller quantities and not every day, week. So I will mostly consume foods that are okay and a few of which that are not.

I still have some recipe photos that were prepared prior to this decision,so don't think I gave up when I publish them. This will only be memories of those fattening times =).

With love, Neja
Praznjenje skrinje me je prisililo v kreacijo lahkega & svežega in kislega domačega sladoleda. Za slovo poletju! Včeraj je cel dan deževalo in čeprav se mi je dež zjutraj zdel romantičen in sem spet preklinjala, ker nimam gumijastih škornjev, da bi lahko šla v gozd, kljub dežju in blatu, me je potem, ko je dobesedno CEL DAN deževalo minilo, da bi fantazirala o temu, kako je lepo, ko dežuje.

Za nekaj časa sem se odpovedala vsem močno redilnim stvarem (absolutno ne za celo življenje), ker bi si rada na novo inštalirala okušalne brbončice, se naučila tega, koliko kosov, grižljajev, porcij je dovolj, da bom po temu obdobju lahko jedla tudi kakšne nezdrave stvari ampak v veliko manjših količinah in ne vsak dan, teden. Da bom resnično večinoma zaužila živila, ki so okej in malo takih, ki niso.

Na zalogi imam še nekaj receptov, ki so bila pripravljena pred to odločitvijo, da ne boste mislili, da sem obupala, ko jih bom objavila. To bodo le spomini na redilne čase =).

Z ljubeznijo, Neja

The Recipe


Black currant
Greek yogurt
maple syrup


Red currant
sweet cream

The process

Freeze currants.

In a food processor blend frozen currants and add Greek yogurt / sweet cream and maple syrup / honey  agave syrup, ..) according to taste.


črni ribez
grški jogurt
javorjev sirup


rdeči ribez
sladka smetana


Ribez zamrznite.

V multipraktiku zmeljite zamrznjen ribez in dodajte grški jogurt/sladko smetano in po okusu javorjev sirup/med (lahko tudi agavin sirup,..).


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