Christmas has already passed but still, I hope you had a nice Christmas! I think this year's Christmas was my favorite so far. This year, my family for the first time succeeded in sticking to our agreement, that we will not be buying gifts. Because if we are real (let's get real now) ... these are just things. And I do not need more new things, but I do need socializing in a pleasant home atmosphere, good food, cat who actually wants to cuddle with me and as few added pounds on my thighs as possible. This is my first December, when I didn't go overboard with eating everything that smells sweet. Well, I'm quite proud of myself... how did I managed to do this?! For the next few days I plan to post all the cookies that I baked in December. Please don't be mad at me, I know I should published them earlier...I know, who needs recipes for cookies in January .. but you will get them anyway =)! Just be patient with me. When I publish all these cookies, I'll transform this blog a bit, I think it's time for change, even though I just started, haha! Ideas grow, they click in my head at night when I can't sleep, I get some from very special people and yes, it is time for a change. Yep, these cookies are super good, try them, don't just look ;).
With love, Neja
- 3 sticks (1 1/2 cup) unsalted butter, softened
- 1 1/2 cup dark brown sugar, packed
- 1/2 cup granulated sugar
- 2 eggs
- 4 tsp. vanilla extract
- 4 cups all-purpose flour
- 4 tsp. cornstarch
- 2 tsp. baking soda
- 1 tsp. salt
- 1 1/2 cups chocolate chunks
- 1/2 cup dark chocolate, finely chopped
- 18 caramel candies, cut in half to give you 36
The process
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line baking sheets.In a large bowl, add flours, cornstarch, baking soda, and salt. Whisk to combine. Set aside.
In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream together butter and sugars for 2 minutes until light and fluffy. Then add in the eggs and vanilla extract and beat for 2 more minutes.
Slowly add in the flour mixture and mix until all combined and well-incorporated. Using a spatula, fold in the chocolate chunks and finely chopped dark chocolate.
Take a scoop of cookie dough, roll it into a ball, then using your thumb, press into the center, put the caramel candy in the center, then re-roll the ball to cover the caramel candy. Repeat until all dough has been used up.
Bake for 11-13 minutes. They will look super soft but they continue cooking after you remove them from the oven. Let cool on baking sheet COMPLETELY before you move them to a wire rack. If you move them too soon, they’re too delicate so they’ll break and the caramel will ooze out from beneath the cookie. Store in an airtight container.
Je že mimo pa vseeno, upam, da ste imeli lep Božič! Mislim, da je bil letošnji Božič moj najljubši do sedaj. Letos je moji družini prvič uspelo, da smo se res držali dogovora, da si ne bomo kupovali daril. Ker če smo realni (bodimo malo realni za sekundo)...to so samo stvari. In jaz ne potrebujem več novih stvari, ampak potrebujem druženje, v prijetni domači atmosferi, dobro hrano, mačka, ki se dejansko hoče crkljati z mano in čim manj dodanih kil na stegnih. Tole je zame prvi veseli december, ko se nisem prenažirala z vsem kar diši po sladkem. Hja, prav ponosna sem nase, kako mi je to sploh uspelo??! Za naslednje dni imam v planu objavo vseh piškotov, ki sem jih spekla decembra. Prosim, ne me kregat, vem, da bi jih morala prej objaviti, le kdo potrebuje januarja recepte za piškote..ampak vseeno jih boste dobili=)! Bodite potrpežljivi z mano. Ko bom objavila vse te piškote, bom obrnila nov list in malce preoblikovala tale blog, čas je za spremembe, pa čeprav sem komaj začela, haha! Ideje rastejo, klikajo mi ponoči, ko ne morem spati, nekaj jih dobim od posebnih ljudi in ja, čas je za spremembo. Jep, tile piškoti so super hudi, probajte, ne samo gledati ;).
Z ljubeznijo, Neja
- 340g nesoljenega masla (zmehčan)
- 300g rjavega sladkorja
- 100g kristalnega sladkorja
- 2 jajci
- 4 žličke vanilijevega ekstrakta
- 500g vse namenske moke
- 4 žličke gustina
- 2 žličke soda bikarbone
- 1 čajno žličko soli
- 265g čokoladnih solzic
- 90g temne čokolade, drobno sesekljane
- karamelni bonboni (mehki)
Pečico segrejte na 180 Stopinj C in položite peki papir na pekač. V veliki skledi zmešajte moko, gustin, sodo bikarbono in sol.
V skledi z mešalnikom zmešajte maslo in sladkor, do kremastega. Nato dodajte jajca in vanilijo ter miksajte 2 min.
V mikser počasi dodajajte mešanico z moko in miksajte dokler niso vse sestavine združene.
Z lopatico dodajte vso čokolado. Vzemite kepo mase in jo zrolate v kroglico, pritisnite nanjo s palcem, položite karamelo v center in jo prekrijte z maso.
Pečemo 11-13 minut. Na pogled bodo po tem času iugledali mehki, vendar se še naprej pečejo, ko jih malo pustite zunaj. Piškoti se naj popolnoma ohladijo, preden jih odstranite iz pekača, saj so drugače premehki in lahko razpadejo.
Mmmmmmm! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHe he, ti ti =)
IzbrišiMhhhmmm :-) Te pa sem že delal nekaj časa nazaj in so še boljši kot "trgovinski". Aja, si delala že čili kekse? :D
OdgovoriIzbrišiČist so hudi!! =) Noup, never, moram probat, navsezadnje je čokolada s čilijem ful dobra. Tenx za predlog.