Did you miss me? I'm baking cookies and enjoying in my sparkly, freshly cleaned apartment. I love order and cleanliness! Today was suuuuuch a nice day. It reminded me of the beginning of spring. Neja please be patient, it will be here soon. When I went to the store to buy the ingredients for the cookies, I had the biggest smile on my face because of the sun. And then what happened? Horror, I'm kinda ashamed to say. Smiling I walked, I imagined how birds fly around my head and then I almost fell! Yep! On the sidewalk...there it was, a wire circle on the pavement and I got myself tangle in it! I barely managed not to fall on the asphalt! It happened so quick! But it lasted long enough to made me feel like shit. I was so embarrassed. And it happened to me next to the most busy road. I hope that only few people saw me, on the other hand ... if I made them laugh, then it's not that bad. This is worth something :). I don't know why this happens to me all the time. Once I fell during running. It was in the spring or summer, I know that it was already dark. I was listening my ipod, jogging and all of a sudden I was on the floor! What the hell! Two women asked me if I was okay, I was so happy that it was dark outside, so they couldn't see my red face. I said, that 'I'm cool and started to run again. Nothing upsets me more than not reaching the goal that I had set. Then the next time I fell was in a parking lot next to a building where I live. I ran because I wanted to catch the bus. I fell pretty hard and today I have a scar on my knee. So today I didn't fell because I caught myself, but I later hit the edge of something at home and ... yep, I had a bloody knee. Everything is fine, let's go to today's recipe :). I always wanted to try a cupcake, they look so stunning! They made me feel so full and even I could eat only one at a time. I was looking for the recipe for the glaze quite some time and only the third day I was able to do exactly as I imagine it. It's totally UNhealthy and if you will do it, do not apply so much as I did, because I did that just because of photos.
With love, Neja
Ingredients for muffins
- 220 g of flour
- 1 bag of baking powder
- 200 ml milk
- 80 g cocoa
- 100 g of sugar
- 2 eggs
- 2 teaspoons vanilla sugar
- 90 g melted butter
- Nutella
The process
In a large bowl place the flour, sugar, baking powder, cocoa and vanilla sugar. Stir. In a separate bowl, combine the eggs, milk and melted butter. Each one thoroughly, then pour the liquid mass to the first mass and mix well to remove lumps.
Take baking molds for muffins and add in to 1/2 mass, then add a teaspoon of Nutella, which Iyou heated a little, so it is more liquid. Then add the reat od mass to cover Nutella.
Bake 15 minutes at 180 ° C.
Allow the muffins to cool, make frosting and decorate cupcakes with it.
Ingredients for buttercream icing
- 1/2 stick unsalted butter - room temperature
- 1/2 stick salted butter - room temperature
- 1/2 cup of margarine
- 1 tablespoon Clear Vanilla extract
- 1 pound of powdered sugar
- 2-3 tablespoons very cold milk
- Coloring for food (I used raspberry)
The process
Cream the butter and margarine in the bowl of an electric or stand mixer. Add the clear vanilla extract and combine well. Begin adding in the sugar and mixing thoroughly after each addition, add coloring for food. After all of the sugar has been added and mixed thoroughly, begin adding the very cold milk... one tablespoon at a time, combining very well after each addition (mixer on medium-high to high speed) until you reach the desired consistency.
Z ljubeznijo, Neja
Sestavine za mufine
- 220 g moke
- 1 vrečka pecilnega praška
- 200 ml mleka
- 80 g kakava
- 100 g sladkorja
- 2 jajci
- 2 žlički vanilijevega sladkorja
- 90 g stopljenega masla
- Nutella
V večjo skledo damo moko, sladkor, pecilni prašek, kakav in vanilijev sladkor. Premešamo. V posebni skledi zmešamo jajca, mleko in stopljeno maslo. Vsako posebej premešamo, nato tekočo maso zlijemo k prvi masi in dobro premešamo, da odpravimo grudice.
V pekač za mafine zložimo modelčke in v njih do 1/2 nadevamo maso, nato dodamo čajno žličko nutelle, ki jo prej malo segrejemo, da je bolj tekoča. Nato nadevamo maso tako, da napolnimo modelček do 4/5.
Pečemo 15 minut pri 180 °C.
Počakamo, da se muffini ohladijo, naredimo glazuro in z njo okrasimo cupcakes.
Sestavine za glazuro
- 57g nesoljenega masla - sobna temperatura
- 57g soljenega masla - sobna temperatura
- 108g margarine
- 1 žlica vanilijevega ekstrakta
- 450g sladkorja v prahu
- 2-3 žlici zelo mrzlega mleka
- Barvilo za hrano (jaz sem uporabilo malino)
V mikserju zmešajte maslo in margarino. Dodajte ekstrakt vanilije. Dodajte sladkor v prahu in temeljito zmešajte, dodajte barvilo. Ko je vse temeljito zmešano dodajte žlico mleka, nato spet sladkor in spet žlico mleka. Masa ne sme biti preveč mokra zato bodite res previdni z mlekom.
Original recipe for muffins
Original recipe for buttercream icing
Ti povem še mojo zgodbico. 2 leti nazaj, dan pred odhodom v tujino z mislimi že pri pakiranju... kar naenkrat sem bila na tleh. Padla sem tako močno, da so se mi hlače požgale v koleno, pa po rokah sem imela odrgnine ampak pristanek je bil pa na zadnjo plat.
OdgovoriIzbrišiTo še ni vse. Pride do mene starejši gospod s palico in me vpraša če mi pomaga vstat :) Pa sem mu lepo odgovorila, da moram še malo posedeti in zadihati in da bom sama vstala.
Drugače pa muffini. MMmmm...
Hihihi, dobr si mu odgovorila. Še ena "padalka" =).
IzbrišiTile muffini so bili odliiični (še dobro, da tko lepo skrbiš za fante in na mojo srečo, niso pojedli vseh naenkrat :D)! Hehehe, ne sekiraj se zaradi padcev, ti bom enkrat pokazala moja kolena :D!
Hey Lili..hihihi, naj majo še oni kej koristi od tega mojega projekta. Sigurno bom še veliko hrane poslala v pisarno=)
IzbrišiDeliciosas estas madalenas. Presentación y fotografias preciosas.
OdgovoriIzbrišiMe gusta.
Hi! I am hosting my first ever Cunning Ladies' Friday Party in my blog. I would love for you to join us and add this beautiful post there. Love your pictures and this post! http://easytocookmeals.com/cunning-ladies-friday-party/
OdgovoriIzbrišithank you for this yamy recipe this is my article how to saving food
OdgovoriIzbrišiHow to saving food