nedelja, 6. januar 2013

Ginger cookies / Ingverjevi piškoti

Happy 2013! I'm glad that this December circus finally ended! It's about time =). Where were you, what were you doing, who did you meet? I want to know everything! I was partying on 31. December, which is like a miracle for me (hmmm. ... maybe miracles will continue in 2013 ..). My last party night was in the summer, well at least I think...I'm not sure...oh who cares!My partying days are over and there's a lot of other things that enrich me and make me happy. I agreed that we go partying only because we all decided to go in this new club, called Goodlife, on Ljubljana Castle. I've never been there, so I thought, hmmm this could be interesting. So we went,  five guys and me .... hmmm. Each year there's a fireworks on Ljubljana Castle and I found it insanely cool, that for the first time at midnight I will be right on the spot of all this happening. Well, it was foggy, we couldn't see anything but that's not the main problem. The main problem was that I felt like a deer in the woods, chased by men with guns! The whole time I just kept thinking poor animals scared by this, the pollution of nature and I almost turned into one of those trees huggers, seriously, no bullshiting! I know you probably aren't like that but I have to shout at someone: "People are miserable, arrogant, aggressive, and think only of themself and I like animals more the humans!" So....that will keep me calm for a little while.
Then we went inside the club ... I really liked the inside, the atmosphere. It was something different, it looked like a cave. The beat was seriously awesome as hell and it felt good, to feel that beat in my heart, after a long time. Since I do not drink,  one Heineken was enough that I was slightly intoxicated. I drank another one ... I think..and juice and vodka, and that was it. All within normal limits ... until 4:20, when I was at home, I was already quite sober. The next day I was fresh as a peony and ahhhh, this is my kind of partying!
In 2013, I wish you passion in your heart, courage in your head and sincere smile on your face! Oh and these cookies, eat them fresh, they aren't that good days after, trust me!

With love, Neja

  • 150 grams of butter
  • 4 tablespoons agave syrup (instead of sugar)
  • 2 eggs
  • tablespoon of vanilla sugar
  • pinch of salt
  • juice of one orange (medium)
  • handful of chopped almonds
  • handful of chopped hazelnuts
  • 100 grams of dark chocolate - chopped
  • 250 grams of hard flour
  • half ob baking powder
  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa
  • grated zest of one organic orange and lemon bio
  • grated ginger root (about 5 cm thick finger)
  • teaspoon of cinnamon
  • half teaspoon of nutmeg

The process
Melt butter, cool butter a little, add the agave syrup and vanilla sugar. During stirring, one by one, add the eggs and orange juice, grated orange and lemon zest and grated ginger.
Chopped hazelnuts, almonds and chocolate add to the mix.
In another bowl, mix flour, baking powder, cocoa, cinnamon and nutmeg. Mix ingredients and quickly stir with a spatula.
Design balls, flatten them and place them next to each other on the baking paper in a baking dish. Bake 16 minutes at 190 degrees.

Srečno 2013! Prav vesela sem, da je tega decembrskega cirkusa konec! Bil je že čas =). Kje ste bili, kaj ste počeli, koga spoznali?? Vse hočem vedeti! Sama sem 31. december prežurala, kar je že čudež zame (hmmm....mogoče se bodo pa čudeži v letu 2013 nadaljevali..). Nazadnje sem žurala enkrat poleti, se mi zdi, nisem niti prepričana, ah vseeno mi je. Moji žurerski dnevi so uglavnem mimo in ogromno drugih stvari je, ki me bogatijo in osrečujejo.  Za žuranje sem se strinjala edino zaradi tega, ker smo se z družbo odločili, da gremo žurat v club Goodlife, na Ljubljanski grad. Še nikoli nisem bila tam notri, tako da se mi je zdelo vse skupaj zanimivo. Torej pet fantov in jaz....hmmm. Pa smo šli! Z ljubljanskega gradu vsako leto spustijo ognjemet in zdelo se mi je blazno cool, da bom prvič ob polnoči ravno tam gori. No, bila je megla, nič se ni videlo ampak to sploh ni glavni problem. Glavni problem je bil  ta, da sem se sredi raket počutila kot srna, ki jo ljudje lovijo s puškami! Ves čas sem mislila samo na uboge živali, ki jih te rakete strašijo, na onesnaževanje narave in malo je manjkalo, da se nisem prelevila v eno izmed tistih objemalcev dreves, resno, brez nakladanja! Vem, da vi verjetno niste taki ampak moram se sprazniti: "Ljudje bedni ste, objestni, agresivni, samo nase mislite in rajši imam živali kot vas!" Tako, za nekaj časa sem pomirjena.
Potem smo šli noter v club...prostor mi je res všeč, nekaj drugačnega, kot kakšna jama izgleda. Beat je bil hud, kot hudič in pasalo je po dolgem času, čutiti beat muske v srcu. Ker ne pijem, je bil en Heineken dovolj, da sem bila rahlo opita. Spila sem še enega mi zdi in juice vodko in to je bilo to. Vse v mejah 4:20, ko sem bila že doma, sem bila že čisto trezna. Naslednji dan sem bila sveža kot potonika in ahhhh, to je zame žuranje!
V letu 2013 vam želim strast v srcu, pogum v glavi in iskren nasmeh na obrazu!

Z ljubeznijo, Neja

  • 150 gramov masla
  • 4 žlice agavinega sirupa (namesto sladkorja)
  • 2 jajci 
  • žlica vanilijevega sladkorja
  • ščepec soli
  • sok ene pomaranče (srednje velika)
  • pest sesekljanih mandljev
  • pest sesekljanih lešnikov
  • 100 gramov temne čokolade - sesekljane
  • 250 gramov ostre moke
  • pol žličke vinskega kamna (pecilni prašek)
  • 2 žlici nesladkanega kakava
  • naribana lupinica ene bio pomaranče in bio limone
  • naribana korenina ingverja (cca 5 cm za prst debela)
  • žlička cimeta
  • pol žličke muškatnega oreščka
Stopimo maslo, ga ohladimo, dodamo agavin sirup in vanilijev sladkor. Med mešanjem eno po eno dodajamo jajci in na koncu pomarančni sok z naribanima lupinicama pomaranče in limone ter nariban ingver.
Lešnike, mandlje in čokolado sesekljamo, jih dodamo v maso in premešamo.
V drugi posodi zmešamo moko, vinski kamen (pecilni prašek), kakav, cimet in muškatni orešček. Zmešane sestavine presejamo v maso, na hitro z lopatko premešamo.
Iz nastale mase sva oblikujemo krogljice, katere sploščimo in jih položimo eno zraven druge na papir za peko v pekaču. Pečemo 16 minut na 190 stopinjah.


8 komentarjev

  1. Tvoje objave so vedno tako ljubko slastne, da bi se kar takoj zapodila v kuhinjo in kaj sprobala. :)

    1. OOooh Tamara, hvala ti! Zaradi takih komentarjev je tole ustvarjanje še toliko bolj dragoceno.

  2. Ta recept moram preizkusiti. Pa vse tako lepo opremiš s čudovitimi fotografijami

  3. Sory za tako pozen odziv. Šele sedaj sem opazil, da imaš tudi ti blog. In to super blog. Tole so res eni boljših in res dišečih piškotov.

    1. Hey.. he he ni panike =). TI Hvala ti za obisk in te pohvale, jih zelo cenim pa obožujem tvoj sproščen stil pisanja na blogu! Recept paa itak rock's!

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  5. Hey very nice blog!

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