Heeeeeeey =)! ! ! Two weeks ago, I met with two friends to eat some sushi (oh yeah, me and my sushi). We had a great time! I think I was more laughing than eating anyway .. which is great, less calories go in, the better, are you with me girls? ;). We talked a bit about my blog and my friend told me how she was making my cookies with peanut butter and not only that! Even her sister made them, and her dad and I don't know how many people! "Whaaaat, your father made them?" "Yeah, I took a pic of him making them!" "O Jesus, show me, this I gotta see!" And I almost died of laughter, I know that you don't understand this, but for me it was the best feeling in the world! That her father made cookies according to the recipe, that I posted on my blog ... if my blog wouldn't exist, he would not make them! Do you understand me? Okay, I'm declaring it: I'm changing the world! =) I have an impact on people! Oh yeah! Well, I wish I would impacted them with healthy food and this is my plan for the future of this blog ... but anyway, I impact people! Okay, I guess what I'm saying is (before you start thinking that I'm a smug cow), that we all have an influence on one and other (logical) and come on, let's have a positive impact! Come on, Let 's laugh, let's look for the positive side in everything! Yeeeeees! I was a total pessimist back in the day (I won't even pretend that I was not), of course I did not admit that and I always said that I'm a realist (Well, all pessimists see themselves as realists). Well today, I can 100% say that I am an optimist! Bundle of real happiness! Somehow this click happened in me, I've changed a lot of things in my life and I don't know how to explain it, I just feel it and that's that. And when I read comments on this blog (and on other sites where I promote my blog) my heart melts! I am absolutely delighted by each new reader, this is all so new to me and I want to feel this feeling forever! UUU - uu, these cookies are super tasty! That's it!
With love, Neja
3 cups flour
2/3 cup cocoa powder
1/2 t. baking soda
1 cup white sugar
1 cup light brown sugar
1 cup salted butter, softened
2 large eggs
2 t. pure vanilla extract
2 cups (12 oz.) miniature semisweet chocolate chips
8 oz. miniature marshmallows, frozen

The process
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. In a medium bowl, combine flour, cocoa, and baking soda; set aside. Combine sugars in a large bowl. Using an electric mixer, blend in butter. Add eggs and vanilla; beat at medium speed until light and fluffy. Add the flour mixture and chocolate chips, and blend at low speed until combined. Batter will be very stiff. Wrap a heaping tablespoonful of dough around 4-5 frozen marshmallows. Place balls on ungreased baking sheet, 2 inches apart. Bake 8-10 minutes.

Heeeeeeey =)! ! ! Dva tedna nazaj, sem šla z dvema prijateljema na suši ( oh ja, jaz in moj suši). Imeli smo se super! Mislim, da sem se več smejala, kot pa jedla..kar je itak super, manj kalorij gre noter, bolj sem vesela, ali ste z mano punce? ;). Malo smo se pogovarjali tudi o mojem blogu in prijateljica mi je povedala, kako je delala moje piškote z arašidovim maslom in ne samo to! Tudi njena sestra jih je delala, oče in ne vem kdo še vse! "Kaaaaaaj, tvoj oče jih je delal??" " Ja, še slikala sem ga!" " O marija, pokaži, to moram videti!!" In mi je in skoraj sem umrla od smeha, vem, da me ne razumete, ampak zame je bil to najboljši občutek na svetu!! Da je njen oče delal piškote po receptu, ki sem ga objavila na blogu...če moj blog ne bi obstajal, jih ne bi delal!! A me razumete? Bom kar razglasila: Spreminjam svet!! =) Vplivam na ljudi! Oh ja! No, želim si, da bi z zdravo hrano vplivala na ljudi in to je moj plan za prihodnost tega bloga...ampak vseeno, vplivam na ljudi!! Okej, kar hočem povedati je to ( preden si začnete misliti, da sem samovšečna krava), da vsi vplivamo en na drugega (logično) in daj, bodimo pozitiven vpliv! Daj, smejmo se, poiščimo pozitivne plati v vsaki stvari! Jaaaaa! Sama sem bila včasih totalen pesimist ( se sploh ne bom pretvarjala, da nisem bila), seveda si tega nisem priznala in sem govorila, da sem realist (hja, to vsi pesimisti mislijo zase). No ampak danes lahko 100% trdim, da sem optimist! Kepa resnične sreče!! V meni se je zgodil klik, spremenila sem tudi veliko stvari in kaj pa vem, tako čutim in pika, ne morem sploh razložiti kako to. In ko berem komentarje glede tega bloga (tudi na kakšnih drugih straneh, kjer promoviram blog) se mi srce topi!!! Vesela sem absolutno vsakega novega bralca, vse to je zame tako novo in hočem da večno traja ta občutek! UUU--uu, piškoti super hudi! To je to!
Z ljubeznijo, Neja
375g moke
80g kakava v prahu
1/2 žličke sode bikarbone
200g belega sladkorja
200g rjavega sladkorja
227g soljenega masla (zmehčan)
2 jajci
2 žlički ekstrakta vanilije
350g čokoladnih solzic
Zamrznjeni penasti bonboni
Pečico segrejte na 200 stopinj. V srednje veliki posodi zmešajte moko, kakav, sodo bikarbono. Združite beli in rjavi sladkor v veliki skledi. Z električnim mešalnikom vmešajte stopljeno maslo. Dodajte jajca in vanilijo; Mixer naj bo na srednji hitrosti. Dodajte mešanico z moko in z lopatko vmešajte čokoladne solzice. Msa bo bolj trda. Ovijte maso okoli penastih bonbonov. Položite jih na pekač s peki papirjem in pecite 8-10 min.
Original recipe
Mmm, spet en dober recept...in kot vedno lepe fotke.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala, Candy ;)
IzbrišiJoj, kak dobro! Sem se kar nalezla tvojega navdušenja!
OdgovoriIzbrišiTo pa je čist res, da vsi pesimisti rečejo, da so realisti :D
Haha, ane, točno tako!! Navdušenje je pa nekaj najbolj cool=)
IzbrišiČudovit blog!! Me zanima kako bi tole izpadlo z brezglutensko moko.. Videti je Božansko! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišilepe praznike!