
I was in the supermarket the other day. I had a long list of things I need to buy ... long as the long day
that is filled with obligations that you do not like. On the list were mainly vegetables, fruits, nuts, ... When I stood in the middle of a fruit and vegetables sector and look anxiously into the shopping basket, which I barely dragged behind (ugh, men's hands, where are you?), I noticed an elderly couple, Mr. and Mrs.. They talked with sign language, I don't know whether both or only one of them was deaf . They stood there, next to Granny Smith apples and talked. They had quite a discussion about these apples. It strucked me, my God, what a sense of peace they give me. This always happens to me when I see someone communicating with sign language. It was in the afternoon, around three p.m. ..when the supermarket is full of nervous people who have just came from work ... it was noisy. But I felt the silence. I felt like I was part of their silence. I stood a little longer next to Granny Smith apples. I wanted to devour this silence. I need silence to hear my thoughts in peace .. to think about things .. quality. How beautiful it would be if people stopped screaming and started to enjoy the silence. Nonverbal communication is the most wonderful thing. Energy between the two, chemistry, touch ... could you live without it?
Who does not like nuts and chocolate? Oh come on, don't be nuts!! =) The ones that are purchased in the store I find too expensive and I wanted to have a larger amount of them, always available at home. This is really the most simple thing to do in this world. Just buy a variety of nuts, melt the chocolate and get them all mixed together. I made two types of chocolate nuts. The recipe for another type is below (it's a little softer).
With love, Neja
- 1/2 cup of peanut butter (or any kind of nut butter you prefer)
- 1/3 cup of honey
- 1 tbl of oil
- 2 cups oats
- 1 cup dark chocolate chips
- 1/2 cup chopped
In a sauce pot on medium heat, mix together peanut butter, oil and honey. Heat and stir until completely combined.
Remove from the heat and mix in oats followed by melted chocolate. Stir until well combined.
Using a cookie scoop or tablespoon, scoop mixture into mini muffin tins. You may want to line or grease the tin lightly to help with removal. You can also go the more traditional route and press the mixture into an 8x8 pan to be later cut into bars.
Refrigerate for at least two hours before removing from tin or cutting the pan into bars.
Store in the refrigerator in an air tight container.
Zadnjič sem bila v supermarketu. Imela sem dolg seznam stvari, ki jih moram kupiti... dolg kot je dolg dan, ki je napolnjen z obveznostmi, ki jih ne maraš. Na seznamu je bila večinoma zelenjava, sadje, oreščki,... Ko sem stala sredi sektorja s sadjem in zelenjavo ter zaskrbljeno gledala v nakupovalno košaro, ki sem jo komaj vlekla za sabo (uff, moške roke, kje ste?), sem opazila starejši par, gospo in gospoda. Pogovarjala sta se z govorico gluhonemih, ne vem ali sta bila oba gluhonema ali samo eden. Stala sta tam, zraven Granny Smith jabolk in se pogovarjala. Kar izčrpno debato sta imela okoli teh jabolk. Presunilo me je, kakšen občutek miru sta mi dala. To se mi vedno zgodi, kadar vidim nekoga komunicirati z govorico gluhonemih. Bilo je popoldne, okoli treh ..čas, ko je supermarket poln živčnih ljudi, ki so ravno prišli iz službe ...bilo je hrupno. Ampak jaz sem občutila tišino. Počutila sem se, kot da sem del njune tišine. Malo dlje sem postala zraven Granny Smith jabolk. Dlje časa sem se zadržala tam. Želela sem se naužiti te tišine. Potrebujem tišino, da lahko slišim svoje misli v miru..da razmislim o stvareh..kvalitetno. Kako lepše bi bilo, če bi ljudje nehali kričati in začeli uživati v tišini. Neverbalna komunikacija je nekaj najlepšega. Energija med dvema, kemija, dotik... bi lahko živeli brez tega?
Kdo ne mara oreščkov in čokolade? Kupljeni v trgovini se mi zdijo predragi in želela sem imeti večjo količino doma, vedno pri roki. To je res nekaj najbolj preprostega na temu svetu. Samo različne oreščke kupite, stopite čokolado in vse skupaj zmešajte. Niti ne potrebujete tega modelčka, ki sem ga sama uporabila. Naredila sem dve vrsti oblitih oreščkov. Recept za drugo vrsto je spodaj ( ta masa je malo mehkejša).
Z ljubeznijo, Neja
- 125g arašidovega masla
- 113g medu
- 1 žlica olja
- 180g ovsenih kosmičev
- 160g sesekljane čokolade
- 73g arašidov
V ponvi na srednje močnem ognju, zmešamo skupaj arašidovo maslo, olje in med. Segrejemo in mešamo.
Odstranite z ognja in vmešajte ovsene kosmiče ter stopljeno čokolado. Mešajte, dokler ni vse popolnoma zmešano.
Namastite modelčke in jih napolnite z maso. Lahko pa prestavite maso na pekač in kasneje razrežete maso na tablice.
Pustite v hladilniku vsaj 2 uri.
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