sreda, 19. oktober 2016

Kamut with Cashews-Vegan / Kamut z indijskimi oreški

We didn't have a lot 
when I was growing up, 
and it's the best thing 
that happened to me 
because I appreciate everything. 
I developed a strong work ethic, 
and I don't take anything for granted.

- Sarah Jessica Parker

I like interviews. I enjoy listening to the dialogue, but also a monologue, this is why I like podcasts and YouTube videos. I plan on writing a blog post about my favorite podcasts. The best interviews are those that flow spontaneously, where the interviewer adapts to the situation and is not sticking strictly to the questions that he or she prepared, it feels too impersonal, mechanical, rough. Rada imam intervjuje. Uživam v poslušanju dialoga, no, tudi monologa, zato imam rada podcaste in Youtube posnetke. V planu imam objavo, v kateri bi pisala o svojih najljubših podcastih. Najboljši intervjuji so tisti, ki tečejo spontano, kjer se izpraševalec prilagaja situaciji in se ne drži strogo vprašanj, ki si jih je pripravil, to deluje preveč neosebno, mehansko, grobo.
I enjoy listening to the dialogue, but also a monologue.
Sarah Jessica Parker finally has a new show on HBO, titled Divorce. I like it! The theme is very relatable to a lot of people. I’m glad that she’s back! Because of her new show, of course, she had a lot of interviews because she was promoting it. I listened to her interviews on TimesTalks, BUILD series, Howard Stern show (I love his interviews and I listen his show very often), Celebrity Interviews ... I am totally fascinated by her! She is so calm, gracious, friendly, cultural, warm. At the same time I found myself in her, because she is also shy, doesn’t want to be in the center of attention in large groups, she is not loud, not religious, likes to read books and she doesn’t like Halloween =). Sarah Jessica Parker ima končno novo nanizanko na HBO, z naslovom Divorce. Všeč mi je! Tematika je taka, s katero se bo lahko poistovetilo veliko ljudi. Vesela sem, da je nazaj! Zaradi nove nanizanke je seveda imela veliko intervjujev, ker jo je promovirala. Poslušala sem njene intervjuje na TimesTalks, BUILD series, Howard Stern show (obožujem njegove intervjuje in ga redno spremljam), Celebrity interviews… Čisto sem fascinirana nad njo! Ona je tako umirjena, graciozna, nasmejana, prijazna, kulturna, topla. Hkrati sem našla sebe v njej, saj je tudi ona sramežljiva, v družbi noče biti v centru pozornosti, ni glasna, ni verna, rada bere knjige in ne mara noči čarovnic =).
She is so calm, gracious, friendly, cultural, warm.
I like to listen interviews while I’m doing something, for example, when I cook. Last month I threw together a few ingredients that I had at home, and the result was what you see in the photos. This dish seems pretty healthy to me. It was also delicious, this is why I’m posting the recipe. I don’t want you to suffer, therefore I post recipes I can stand behind.

With love, Neja
Intervjuje rada poslušam medtem, ko nekaj počnem, na primer, ko kuham. Prejšnji mesec sem skupaj vrgla par sestavin, ki sem jih imela doma in nastalo je to, kar vidite na fotografijah. Tole se mi zdi kar zdravo. Bilo je tudi okusno, zato tudi objavljam recept. Ne privoščim vam, da bi trpeli, zato objavim recepte, za katerimi stojim.

Z ljubeznijo, Neja

Serious Blends začimbe so 100% naravne, 
brez ojačevalcev okusa, brez glutena, 
brez konzervansov, 
ročno izdelane in to pri nas, v Sloveniji.

The Recipe

Ingredients (for 1 portion), time: 40 min

100 g kamut
1 onion
two tablespoons of cashews
1 tablespoon sesame
1 pepper
6 champignon mushrooms
sweet / spicy Serious Blends

The Process

1. Rinse kamut, drain and cook in a double amount of water. When the water boils, cook for another 35 minutes. Cook carrots in the same pot, together with kamut.

2. While kamut is cooking, fry all the other ingredients in a pan (cashews, onions, peppers, mushrooms, sesame seeds). Add salt, curry and Serious Blends sweet / spicy seasoning, stir.

3. Add cooked kamut and carrots to the pan, to the rest of the ingredients. Stir and serve.
Sestavine (za 1 porcijo), čas: 40 min

100 g kamuta
1 čebula
dve žlici indijskih oreščkov
1 žlica sezama
1 paprika
6 šampinjonov
sladko/pekoče Serious Blends


1.     Kamut operite, odcedite in kuhajte v dvojni količini vode. Ko voda zavre, kuhajte še 35 min. V isti posodi skupaj s kamutom skuhajte korenje.

2.     Med kuhanjem kamuta v ponvi popecite vse ostale sestavine (indijske oreščke, čebulo, papriko, šampinjone, sezam). Solite, dodajte curry in Serious Blends sladko/pekoče začimbe, premešajte.

3.     Kuhan kamut in korenje stresite v ponev, k ostalim živilom. Premešajte in postrezite.

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