nedelja, 16. oktober 2016

Apple Cream Cheese Rose Tarts / Jabolčne vrtnice

“An apple tree is just like a person. 
In order to thrive, 
it needs companionship 
that's similar to it in some ways, 
but quite different than others.”

Jeffrey Stepakoff, The Orchard
I'm really excited about this recipe. I've set myself a mission that I will from now on walk in line with the seasons. I'll use fruits that are current in a given period.

Last weekend my mom and I picked that one small apple tree, which grows in our backyard. Although it didn’t take us long, it was still enough, to make me feel so typical autumn-ish. Autumn is beautiful, although many people don’t like it, because it's kind of sad and melancholic, it can be very beautiful.
Glede tega recepta sem pa res navdušena. Zadala sem si misijo, da bom od zdaj naprej hodila v koraku z letnimi časi. Da bom uporabljala plodove, ki so aktualni v določenem obdobju.

Prejšnji vikend sva z mami obrali tisto eno majhno jablano, ki jo imamo. Čeprav obiranje ni dolgo časa potekalo, je bilo vseeno dovolj, da sem se počutila tako tipično jesensko. Jesen je lepa, čeprav je veliko ljudi ne mara, ker je nekako otožna in melanhonična, je lahko zelo lepa.
Autumn is beautiful.
I stay away from bakeries, because I have a problem .... with pastries, cakes, bread products ... I can’t go past them without my fantasies becoming too strong. I prefer to see nothing at all! These apple roses are so beautiful and scrumptious that they would fit perfectly in a bakery. Another autumn recipe that is so worthy of trying it out! Pekarn se izogibam, ker imam težave …. s pecivi, sladicami, krušnimi izdelki… Ni mi lahko iti mimo njih brez, da fantazije ne bi postale premočne. Raje sploh ne vidim ničesar! Te jabolčne vrtnice so tako lepe in dobre, da pašejo prav v pekarno. Še en jesenski recept, ki je vreden probe!
These apple roses are so beautiful and scrumptious.
Thanks God I just started collaborating with SugarSweet natural sugar substitute with no calories, so I could avoid cane sugar because I practically don’t use it anymore. One apple rose can keep the autumn melancholy away!

With love, Neja
Še dobro, da sem začela sodelovati s SugarSweet naravnim nadomestkom sladkorja brez kalorij, da sem se lahko izognila trsnemu sladkorju, ker ga praktično ne uporabljam več. Ena jabolčna vrtnica lahko prežene jesensko melanholijo stran!

Z ljubeznijo, Neja

SugarSweet je primeren za vsakogar, ki išče zdrav, naraven in brezkalorični nadomestek sladkorja, kajti SugarSweet je naravno sladilo brez energijske vrednosti, ki je pridobljen z procesom naravne fermentacije rastlinskega škroba.

Sugarsweet Soft je po petih mesecih ponovno v ponudbi! Pri pripravi jedi se SugarSweet SOFT obnaša enako kot sladkor v prahu in obenem daje osvežujoč okus, zaradi česar se odlično kombinira s sadjem, skuto in podobnimi "lahkimi" jedmi.


Recipe from: Taste made

The Recipe

Ingredients (for 5 apple roses)

1 sheet puff pastry
1/4 cup cream cheese
3 tbsp SugarSweet soft (or your choise of sugar)
2  apples
1 tbsp lemon juice
3 tbsp water

The Process

1. Take out the core and thinly slice the apple.

2. Combine the apple slices with lemon juice and water in a bowl and microwave 3 minutes.

3. Pat dry the apple slices of excess moisture and set aside.

4. Roll out the puff pastry and cut into 5 even strips. (Well, it depends on how large your sheet is.)

5. Spread cream cheese and sprinkle on SugarSweet soft onto the puff pastry strips.

6. Arrange the apple slices and sprinkle cinnamon on top.

7. Fold the pastry puff in half lengthwise and roll them up.

8. Place in greased muffin tins. Bake for 40 minutes at 375 degrees F. Sprinkle with SugarSweet soft before serving.
Sestavine (za 5 jabolčnih vrtnic)

1 rola listnatega testa
150 g sirnega namaza Philadelphia
3 žlice SugarSweet soft (ali vaš lastni izbor sladkorja)
2 jabolki
1 žlica limoninega soka
3 žlice vode


1. Jabolki prerežite na pol, odstranite pecelj in peške ter jabolki narežite na tanke rezine.

2. Jabolčne rezine pokapajte z limoninim sokom in vodo, premešajte ter postavite  v mikrovalovno pečico za 3 minute (na max).

3. Jabolčne rezine položite na papirnato brisačko in nanje položite papirnato brisačko, pritisnite, da se vpije odvečna tekočina.

4. Listnato testo narežite na 5 enakomerno širokih trakov. (No, to je odvisno od tega, kako veliko je vaše listnato testo.)

5. Trakove namažite s Philadelphio in potresite s SugarSweet soft.

6. Razporedite jabolčne rezine in po vrhu potresite cimet.

7. Kot vidite na fotografijah, prepognite listnato testo (da so rezine pokrite) in jih zrolajte.

8. Jabolčne vrtnice položite v namaščen pekač za mafine. Pecite 40 minut pri 150 stopinjah C. Pred serviranjem potresite s SugarSweet soft. 

5 komentarjev

  1. joj, kako lepo. in jabolčne vrtnice dišijo do tu. čudovito jesen ti želim. <3

    1. Hvala, iz srca! =) Za spremljanje, čas, komentiranje, prijaznost! =) Lepo jesen želim in veliko ustvarjanja! <3

  2. Mmm, it sounds delicious, and they're also really beautiful to see ;)

  3. Beautifully presented!

    Isobel x

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