The downside of having a food blog is that I prefer to photograph desserts. Desserts seem most photogenic to me. Plus the fact that my greedy side is always thinking about new desserts that I want to learn how to make. Bake, take photos and eat as soon as possible! ;). I most enjoy during this process. And then, because of that, I’m just getting fatter and fatter... | Slaba stran tega, da imam blog, na katerem objavljam recepte je ta, da najraje fotografiram sladice. Zdijo se mi najbolj fotogenične. Plus to, da moja požrešna stran vedno razmišlja o novih sladicah, ki jih želim osvojiti. Speči, fotografirati in čim hitreje pojesti! ;). V tem najbolj uživam. In potem se samo redim in redim… |
Although the name of the blog called Neja’s bakery sounds pretty cool, I want to be more versatile. Therefore, I have the category Menu on my blog, because I want to publish as many different recipes as possible, not just desserts. And my thighs are about to burst out, if I don’t slow down a bit :D! In addition, I want to spice up everyday meals and so I will publish recipes for main dishes more often. | Čeprav zveni blog z imenom Nejina pekarna precej cool, si želim biti bolj vsestranska. Zato imam tukaj kategorijo Menu, ker želim objaviti čim več različnih receptov, ne samo sladic. Pa še moja stegna bodo vsak čas počila, če se ne bom malo umirila :D! Poleg tega si želim popestriti vsakodnevna kosila in zato bom večkrat objavila glavne jedi. |
I'm not a big fan of seafood, it just straight up stinks to me. Of course I eat fish, prawns ... but I haven’t tried some more challenging seafood. I ate pizza with seafood for the first time about 6 years ago and I almost threw up. Even worse was the experience with seashells. My God how it sucked! I like prawns in salad. It’s a little different salad, but it’s great because it makes you feel full and a lot of healthy stuff is going into it. Irrespective of what I just wrote, expect the following recipe to be sweet, because it’s already photographed =). With love, Neja |
Nisem velika oboževalka morske hrane, naravnost smrdi mi. Seveda jem ribe, gambere…samo kakšnih večjih morskih podvigov se pa res še nisem lotila. Morsko pico sem prvič jedla kakšne 6 let nazaj in skoraj bruhala. Še hujša pa je bila izkušnja s školjkami. Moj bog kako zanič! Gambere v solati mi pašejo. In taka malo drugačna solata je super, ker je nasitna in veliko zdravega se dogaja v njej. Ne glede na to, kar sem ravno napisala, pričakujte, da bo naslednji recept sladek, ker je že fotografiran =). Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
Recipe adapted fom: Season with spice
The Recipe
Ingredients 200g prawns Green lettuce 1 tbsp sesame oil 2 cloves garlic – minced Cucumber slices of 1 cucumber 1 tbls sesame seeds Dressing 2 tsp of Coconut Palm Sugar 2 tbsp lemon juice 1 tbsp rice wine vinegar 2 tsp sesame oil The process 1. In a small bowl, stir together coconut palm sugar, lemon juice, rice wine vinegar, and sesame oil. Adjust to taste. Set aside. 2. Place green lettuce and cucumber slices in a large salad bowl. Drizzle half of the prepared dressing over and toss to coat well. 3. Heat oil in a large frying pan over medium-high fire. Place prawns carefully in the pan and cook on one side for about a minute. Turn the prawns over and add in the minced garlic, and cook for another minute. Then stir prawns and garlic and cook for another minute or two until prawns are cooked through and have crispy brown edges. 4. Add the cooked pwarns into the salad. Drizzle in the remaining dressing and toss well. Garnish with sesame seeds. Serve immediately. |
Sestavine 200g gamber zelena solata 1 žlica sezamovega olja 2 stroka česna - mleta 1 kumara, narezana na rezine Žlica sezamovih semen Preliv 2 čajni žlički kokosovega sladkorja 2 žlici limoninega soka 1 žlica riževega kisa 2 čajni žlički sezamovega olja Proces 1 . V manjši posodi zmešajte kokosov sladkor, limonin sok, rižev kis in sezamovo olje. Prilagodite po okusu. 2 . Postavite zeleno solato in rezine kumare v veliko skledo. Pokapajte polovico pripravljenega preliva čez solato in dobro premešajte. 3 . Segrejte olje v veliki ponvi na srednjem ognju. Postavite kozice skrbno v ponev in pecite na eni strani približno minuto. Obrnite kozice in dodajte mleti česen ter pecite še minuto. Nato premešajte kozice in česen in pecite še minuto ali dve. 4 . Pečene gambere položite na vrh solate. Pokapajte s preostalim prelivom in kretnjo dobro. Po vrhu posipajte sezam. Postrezite takoj. |
Your photo's are beautiful!! and your salad looks wonderful and healthy. Blessings, Catherine
OdgovoriIzbrišiyour clicks are just awesome