nedelja, 18. maj 2014

Chocolate croissants / Čokoladni rogljički

These pictures could have been better. Sometimes, no, taking pictures of food is always a huge challenge. It was hard to do food photography at the beginning because I didn't have a lot of stuff available. A pair of plates, cups and very few of those beautiful accessories like napkins, spotted paper straws, white vintage pitcher, wooden boxes, cake stands, tea boxes... Now I have more things available but nevertheless I sometimes feel like there’s not light at the end of the tunnel. Now the problem is, that I don’t know how to decide ! =) I'm terrible, I know. Then, another problem is my camera. I use the same one I used at the beginning. It's not expensive and all that, but I learned to use it a little bit more and I can take advantage of it a lot better than I had at the beginning. Although it’s still not what I would like to achieve. Whenever I watch photos of my favorite bloggers, I suddenly feel that my photos are not good enough. Te slike bi lahko bile boljše. Včasih, ne, vedno je fotografiranje hrane kar velik izziv. Na začetku mi je bilo težko, ker sem imela bolj malo stvari na voljo. Par krožnikov, skodelic in zelo malo tistih lepih dodatkov, kot so prtički iz blaga, pikaste papirnate slamice, bel vintage vrč, lesene škatlice, stojala za torte, škatlice za čaj,… Zdaj imam več stvari na voljo pa se kljub temu včasih počutim stisnjeno v kot. Zdaj je problem, ker ne vem za katere stvari se naj odločim! =) Obupna sem, res. Potem je problem še v fotoaparatu. Ves čas uporabljam istega, že od začetka. Ni ne vem kaj, sem se pa tekom tega časa bolj spoznala z njim in ga znam zaradi tega veliko bolje izkoristiti, kot sem ga na začetku. Čeprav to vseeno še ni tisto, kar bi si želela doseči. Vedno kadar gledam fotografije svojih najljubših blogerjev, se mi naenkrat zazdi, da moje fotografije niso dovolj dobre. 
I photographed about 60 recipes so far. On the one hand I feel  that this is a big number and I really have frequently faced the question ''Hmmm, how should I style this? Am I repeating myself? Damn, I don’t know what to do!'' On the other hand, I know that I will take maaaany food pics in my future. Za enkrat imam za seboj okoli 60 fotografiranj jedi. Po eni strani se mi to zdi veliko in da sem se res že velikokrat znašla pred vprašanjem ''Hmmm, kako naj tole stiliram? Se ponavljam? Ijooj pa ne vem kaj naj!'' Po drugi strani pa vem, da jih je še veliiikoo več pred mano. 
It seems to me that many of us bloggers feel this way. That we will always find 50 other blogs that will seem more beautiful and better. And each of us sometimes get lost in the daily life and miss inspiration. Perhaps it’s only right to take a step back, away from your blog, away from other blogs. I know I see things clearly after some time and then I don’t feel like everything on my blog sucks. Ahhh, the annoying feeling of permanent dissatisfaction =). I still have a lot to learn and this is what keeps me going. Zdi se mi, da se nas veliko blogerjev tako počuti. Da bomo vedno našli 50 drugih blogov, ki se nam bodo zdeli lepši, boljši. In vsak med nami se včasih izgubi v vsakdanjem življenju in začne pogrešati navdih. Morda je edino prav, da narediš korak nazaj, stran od svojega bloga, stran od drugih blogov. Zase vem, da stvari vidim jasno čez nekaj časa in takrat se mi ne zdi vse tako zanič. Ah, nadležen je občutek stalnega nezadovoljstva =). Veliko se moram še naučiti in to je tisto, kar me žene naprej. 
You may have already seen these photos, because I published this recipe on Moses’ blog a few months ago. I always make dough from scratch, and this is the first recipe where I used a bought one. And I didn’t feel bad about it. In this way you can quickly and especially often enjoy homemade croissants. Mine are a little funny & weird because I baked them too long and my triangles were not the prettiest =).

With love, Neja
Ta fotografije ste morda že videli, ker sem ta recept objavila na Mosesovem blogu par mesecev nazaj. Vedno naredim sama testo, tole pa je prvi recept, kjer sem uporabila tistega iz trgovine. In nisem imela slabe vesti. Na ta način si lahko hitro in predvsem pogosto privoščite domače rogljičke. Moji so malo smešni, ker sem jih predolgo pekla in moji trikotniki niso bili najlepši=).

Z ljubeznijo, Neja

Recipe from: Inspired taste

The Recipe


1 egg
3 tablespoon water
One package Puff Pastry Sheets, thawed
2/3 cup (113 grams) semi-sweet chocolate chips/Nutella

The process

Heat oven to 350 degrees F (177 degrees C). Line  baking sheets with parchment paper or non-stick baking mat.

Beat the egg and water in a small bowl with a fork or whisk then set aside.

Lightly flour your work surface. Unfold the pastry sheet and dust top with flour. Use a rolling pin to roll the sheet into a 16-inch square.

Cut pastry square in half then cut each half into four rectangles (making eight, 8-inch by 4-inch rectangles).

Cut each rectangle diagonally into two triangles (making 16 triangles).

Place about 2 teaspoons of the chocolate chips down the center of each triangle. Then, starting at the wider end, roll each triangle up. Place each croissant seam-side down so that the tip of the triangle is tucked under the rolled croissant. Then, bend in the edges, creating a crescent shape. Lightly brush tops of croissants with egg wash.

Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until they are golden brown (I prefer soft croissants so I chose 20min).

1 jajce
3 žlice vode
en paket listnatega testa
2/3 skodelice (113 gramov) čokolade/ čokoladnih solzic / Nutelle


Pečico segrejte na 177 ° C. Na pekač položite peki papir.

V  majhni posodi z vilico zmešajte vodo in jajce.

Rahlo pomokajte vašo delovno površino. Raztegnite listnato testo in ga narahlo pomokajte, razvaljajte.

Testo razrežite na pravokotnike in po diagonali prepolovite pravokotnike, da dobite trikotnike.

Na sredino vsakega trikotnika položite čokolado, nato zrolajte-začnite s širšim koncem. Vsak rogljiček postavite na peki papir tako, da je konec testa na spodnji strani. Rogljičke rahlo upognite, da dobijo obliko polmeseca. Vrh rogljičkov premažite z jajcem + vodo

Pečemo 20 do 25 minut oziroma dokler niso zlato rjave barve (sama imam raje mehke rogljičke zato sem jih pekla 20min).

3 komentarji

  1. Jaz sem pa ravno preden sem odprla tvoj post (uporabljam bloglovin) razmišljala, da bodo 100 % spet lepe fotke, za napasit oči <3

    1. ooooo, no tole me je pa kr precej potolažilo =) Hvala


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