sobota, 10. maj 2014

Buckwheat Granola Clusters / Granola iz ajdove kaše

Do you feel the summer? While I write this, I'm sitting dressed in a bathing suit, full of sunburns and I am listening Eurovision songs. I couldn’t resist to that amazing sun! I've had it with as milk white skin! I can’t wait for summer and now I really feel it, because I feel like my skin is burning. Everything becomes more upbeat during the summer, when you feel that specific relaxed feeling in the air. Everything is possible, everything can happen and all of a sudden things cease to be so serious.

Last weeks my breakfasts are colored with granola. With my eyes half shut, I grab my favorite cup, whit the word CHOCOLATE on it, I shake in it a couple of tablespoons of granola, cut some fruit, add it and pour yoghurt all over it. My favorite breakfast.

With love, Neja
Že čutite poletje? Medtem, ko pišem tole, sedim oblečena v kopalke, polna sončnih opeklin in zraven poslušam Evrovizijo. Nisem se mogla upreti poležavanju na soncu! Dovolj imam kot kefir bele kože! Komaj čakam poletje in trenutno ga res čutim, ker imam občutek, kot da moja koža gori. Vse postane bolj optimistično, ko začutiš tisti specifični sproščen občutek v zraku. Vse je mogoče, vse se lahko zgodi in kar naenkrat stvari prenehajo biti tako resne.

Zadnje tedne so moji zajtrki obarvani z granolami. Z napol priprtimi očmi sežem po najljubših skodelicah, na katerih piše CHOCOLATE, vzamem eno, vanjo stresem par žlic granole, narežem nekaj sadja in vse prelijem s tekočim navadnim jogurtom. Moj najljubši zajtrk.

Z ljubeznijo, Neja

Recipe from: Oh she glows

The Recipe


Dry ingredients: 
1.5 cups of raw buckwheat
½ cup chopped almonds
½ cup chopped sunflower seeds
2 teaspoons cinnamon
pinch of salt
2 tablespoons coconut sugar (or other sugar)

Wet ingredients: 
2 tablespoons unsweetened applesauce
3 tablespoons agave syrup
3 tablespoons of peanut butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

The process

1. Preheat oven to 300F and line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.
2. In a large bowl, mix together the dry ingredients.
3. In a smaller bowl, mix the wet ingredients until combined. Add wet mixture to dry ingredients and stir until the dry ingredients are thoroughly coated and wet.
4. Spread granola onto baking sheet in a uniform layer. Bake at 300F for 20 minutes, roughly flip granola, and bake for another 18-20 minutes, watching closely so it doesn’t burn. Granola will be lightly golden on the bottom and will harden a lot during the cooling process.
5. Cool completely on the pan and then store in a glass container on the counter for up to 3-4 weeks (just an estimate).


Suhe sestavine: 
255g surove ajdove kaše
70g sesekljanih mandljev
70g sesekljanih sončničnih semen
2 čajni žlički cimeta
ščepec soli
2 žlici kokosovega sladkorja (ali kakšen drug sladkor)

Mokre sestavine: 
2 žlici nesladkane jabolčne čežane
3 žlice agavinega sirupa
3 žlice arašidovega masla
1 žlička vanilijevega ekstrakta


1. Pečico segrejte na 150°C in na pekač položite peki papir.
2. V veliki skledi zmešajte suhe sestavine.
3. V manjši posodi zmešajte mokre sestavine. Suhim sestavinam dodajte mokre sestavine, dobro premešajte, da se vse dobro prepoji.
4. Mešanico stresite na pekač, enakomerno porazdelite. Pecite 20min, nato premešajte granolo, da se zrnca obrnejo in pecite še 18-20 minut, vendar pazite, da se ne zažge, morda bo potrebno manj časa. Granola bo rahlo zlate barve.
5. Popolnoma ohladite granolo in jo shranite v stekleni posodi. Hranite jo lahko 3-4 tedne.

3 komentarji

  1. Wonderfull blog! I adore your photos and the choice of ingredients. Follow you.... :-)))

  2. Super ideja,ajdova kasa za granolo.Kje si kupila to cudovito skodelico?

    1. Hej Nina =). Hmmm, to sem pa že nekaj časa nazaj kupila.. mislim, da sem jo v milerju.


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