četrtek, 27. junij 2013

Coconut Rhubarb Amaranth Porridge / Amarantova kaša

Every now and then I realize that music is the only thing I sometimes need.. Past days could be described as follows: stress, fear, aching heart, exams, wondering where I'm going, what the hell I'm doing =) why I can't do that, how to share, what are those words, why is it so difficult, is this the right way? , Dare I? The silence, the best ice cream, Italy, and in between some void too,  where do I shut it off? , Cold water, crumbled blackness, a grip of tiny fingers, how it caresses my heart, I miss, I miss ...

This porridge is my new favorite breakfast ... creamy coconut milk is driving me crazy because I like that consistency so much. Rhubarb gives that perfect taste, dates add sweetness.
Guys, Love each other=)


3  stalks of rhubarb
½ cup pitted and chopped medjool dates
1¼ cup coconut milk
½ cup amaranth
⅛ teaspoon salt
Extra coconut milk
1 tablespoon cinnamon
Soak Amaranth over night (if possible.)

Drain and rinse amaranth. Combine with one cup coconut and salt. Bring amaranth to a boil, and reduce to a simmer (all the way to low.) Cover and let simmer for 15 minutes. Remove from heat and let sit for 10 more minutes to thicken amaranth.

In a separate pot, combine the 3 cups rhubarb, ¼ cup coconut milk, 1 tablespoon cinnamon, and ½ cup dates that have been pitted and roughly chopped. Heat over medium low until rhubarb is cooked and has broken down. Taste and add extra cinnamon if needed.

Stir rhubarb in to amaranth and serve. Add extra coconut milk.

Vsakič znova na novo ugotovim, da je včasih muska edino kar mi manjka. Pretekle dneve bi lahko opisala takole: stres, strah, stiskanje pri srcu, izpiti, razmišljanje, kam grem, kaj se grem =), zakaj tistega ne smem, kako naj delim, katere so tiste besede, zakaj je to tako težko, je prav, da je tako? , si drznem? , tišina, najboljši sladoled, Italija, vmes je tudi praznina, kje ugasnem to? , mrzla voda, odkrušena črnina, stisk majhnih prstkov, kako poboža moje srce, pogrešam, pogrešam, ....

Tale kaša je moj nov najljubši zajtrk...kremno kokosovo mleko me spravlja ob živce, ker mi je tako zelo všeč ta konsistenca. Rabarbara da popoln okus, dateljni pa sladkobo. 
Imejte se radi=)

Z ljubeznijo, Neja

3 stebla rabarbare
90g izkoščičenih in sesekljanih dateljnov
300ml kokosovega mleka 
95g amaranta
ščepec soli
1 žlička cimeta
dodatno kokosovo mleko za na koncu
Amarant namočite čez noč (če je možno, ni pa nujno).

Sperite amarant in ga kuhajte v eni skodelici kokosovega mleka, dodajte ščepec soli. Ko kokosovo mleko zavre, znižajte ogenj na najnižjo stopnjo in pustite, da se kuha 15min. Odstavite in pustite 10 min, da se amarant še malo bolj napije in zgosti.

V drugi posodi združite rabarbaro in preostalo kokosovo mleko, žličko cimeta in izkoščičene ter sesekljane dateljne. Kuhajte toliko, da postane rabarbara mehka. Po okusu dodajte še malo cimeta, če je potrebno.

Skupaj združite rabarbaro z amarantom in po želji dodajte kokosovo mleko, če želite, da je bolj tekoča kaša


11 komentarjev

  1. Tok lepe fotke, da se mi kr sline cedijo, hehe.

  2. I love your recipes: so tasty and healthy and such nice photographs!

  3. i love trying recipes with ingredients that are new to me. this is one of those:)not sure whr would i find rhubarb but will try my best.

    happy to follow you. would love to see you do the same:) find me at

    1. You can use peaches or blueberries instead of rhubarb. Thank you, I follow you too.

  4. Mmm kako pa tole dobro zgleda :)

  5. I'm glad you commented on my blog! Your blog is truly wonderful and unique. I love looking at different recipes but ones that list ingredients that are not regular like yours are especially cool, xoxo.

  6. I always use amaranth for breakfast, mixed with oatmeal, this recipe is new for me, thanks for the recipe. Amallia

  7. Tole bi pa še meni zelo teknilo. Odličen recept.
    LP Suzana

  8. Avtor je odstranil ta komentar.

  9. Avtor je odstranil ta komentar.


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