nedelja, 22. september 2013

Tomato tart / Paradižnikova pita

I don't feel like a peony today. I woke up with that awful feeling of sore throat, puffy eyes and runny nose. Oh, no, no .. that's not all. When I opened my eyes and grumpily rolled to  the right side, my nose started bleeding. "Hell, maybe I was watching Dexter too intensively and I'm dreaming, or is this bloody massacre on my favorite bedding true?" There is no Dexter and I don't see his knives ... the stain is real. Oh poop. But, it was a nice Sunday after all ... hey, it could be worse.

From one red thing to another  ... tomatoes (great sense of humor, yup Neja, bravo). Personally, I think that cherry tomatoes taste much better than the "regular" tomatoes. I love, love a salad, that I often make with cherry tomatoes, avocado, tuna, cucumber, lemon juice and salt. But I am happy to use those other tomatoes for  tart. One year ago I would've never thought I would ever make a tomato tart. I'm turning into a housewife .. Should I be worried? =)

With love, Neja

Recipe adapted from: Mama's Gotta Bake

The recipe

The crust
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
180g  chilled, unsalted butter cut into 1 inch pieces
 tablespoons  ice water, plus more as needed

The filling
Coconut butter
4 garlic cloves, thinly sliced
6  tomatoes, sliced and seeded (do not slice the tomatoes thin)
salt and pepper to taste
400g feta cheese
1/2 cup slivered fresh basil leaves ( plus more for garnish)
olive oil

The process
For the pastry
1. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the flat beater, combine the flour and salt and mix on low for 15 seconds.
2. Add the butter and continue beating until the mixture resembles pea-size crumbs. Add the water 1 tablespoon at a time, adding more water as needed, until the dough comes together. Add thyme.
3. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and press it together to form a rectangular shape. Wrap with plastic wrap and place into the refrigerator for about an hour.
4. Place the rack in your oven in the lower third and preheat to 400 degrees F.
5. On a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough and  place  the dough into the pan and trim the dough leaving a 1/2″ overhang around the rim. Fold in the excess dough and press it into the sides so they are thicker than the bottom. Prick the bottom  all over with a fork. Refrigerate at least 10 minutes.

To make the filling
6. Warm up the coconut butter  in a non-stick saute pan over medium heat. Add the garlic and fry, stirring occasionally, about 1 minute. Do not let it burn. Remove the garlic from the pan with a slotted spoon and set aside. Season the tomatoes with salt and pepper and cook in the pan for about 2 minutes without flipping them over. Remove and transfer them to a platter.
7. Stir in the goat cheese, garlic basil and salt and pepper to taste until smooth.
8. Brush the prepared pastry with olive oil and spread the goat cheese mixture evenly over the bottom of the pastry.
9. Top with the tomatoes and drizzle with some olive oil.
10. Bake until the crust is golden and crisp, about 50 minutes-1 hour. Transfer to a wire rack and cool for 10 minutes. Garnish with fresh slivered basil.

Danes se ne počutim kot potonika. Zbudila sem s tistim smotanim občutkom bolečega grla, zabuhlimi očmi in polnim nosom. O ne, ne.. to še ni vse. V momentu, ko sem odprla oči in se tečno prevalila na desni bok, se je iz mojega nosa ulila kri. Hudiča, sem mogoče preveč intenzivno gledala Dexterja in sanjam ali pa je tale krvav masaker na moji najljubši posteljnini resničen? Nikjer ni Dexterja in njegovih nožev...madež je resničen. Drek.  Drugače je pa lepa nedelja...hej, lahko bi bilo huje.

Od ene rdeče stvari k drugi...paradižnik (odličen smisel za humor, jup Neja, bravo).  Češnjev paradižnik je zame osebno veliko boljši od "navadnega" paradižnika. Obožujem solato, ki jo naredim iz češnjevega paradižnika, avokada, tune, kumare, limoninega soka in soli. Ampak ostale paradižnike pa z veseljem izkoristim za pito. Še eno leto nazaj si ne bi nikoli mislila, da bom kdaj naredila paradižnikovo pito. Spreminjam se v me moralo skrbeti? =)

Z ljubeznijo, Neja


375g bele, večnamenske moke
1 žlička soli
180g ohlajenega, nesoljenega masla, narezanega na koščke
 hladna voda

kokosovo maslo
4 stroki česna , narezana na tanke rezine
6 paradižnikov , narezanih na rezine
sol in poper po okusu
400g feta sir
1/2 skodelice sesekljanih svežih listov bazilike ( plus več za okras )
oljčno olje

1 . V posodi z električnim mešalnikom zmešajte moko in sol.
2 . Dodajte maslo in mešajte dokler ne nastanejo za grah velike kepice. Dodajte vodo, 1 žlico naenkrat, toliko, da nastane testo. Dodajte timijan .
3 . Položite testo na pomokano površino, pregnetite in ga zavijte v plastično folijo, ter položite v hladilnik za eno uro.
4 . Položite stojalo v vaši pečici  na spodnji nivo ter jo segrejte na 200°C.
5 . Na rahlo pomokani površini testo razvaljamo in položimo testo v pekač ob robovih odstranimo višek, po dnu ga prešpikamo z vilicami. Postavite v hladilnik za 10min.

6 . V ponvi na srednje močnem ognju segrejemo kokosovo maslo. Dodajte česen in ga 1 min pražite, občasno premešajte. Odstranite česen iz ponve in položite na krožnik. Posolite in popoprajte  na rezine narezane paradižnike ter pecite v ponvi približno 2min, odstranite in prenesite na krožnik..
7 . V ponev dodajte feta sir, česen, sesekljano baziliko, sol in poper po okusu , in mešajte dokler ni zmes gladka.
8 . Pripravljeno testo premažite z olivnim oljem in vlijte mešanico s feta sirom.
9 . Na vrh enakomerno položite paradižnike in pokapajte z olivnim oljem.
10 . Pečemo 50-60min. Pečeno pito okrasimo s svežo baziliko.

9 komentarjev

  1. This looks delicious! I've finally got ripe tomatoes in the garden, I may have to try making this!

    1. Send me a pic when you do, I would love to see how it turned out!

  2. To pa izgleda zeeeelo okusno! Mislim, da še imam kar nekaj paradižnikov v hladilniku... :)

  3. Absolutely delicious. Must try it some day.

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    It looks so delicious!

  5. lovely blog! You are officially up on my blog! this looks delish!



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