Truffles is going to the gym and he is saying that I should go running while he's there. He doesn't feel like going, he's saying that he will throw up, he's annoyed while looking for all that stuff that he needs at the gym, he is panicking (in fact, we both laugh at his rebellion mood) and apparently it will be easier for him if I will also be in the same mess-so that we will support each other ( I sure don't feel like working out). Hmm, should I go?
The first thing I have to do right now is this, posting a new recipe. This focaccia will send summer goodbye. The small Italian bread reminds me of the sea, Italy, Summer, olive oil, salt, rosemary, wooden table on the terrace, tomatoes ... Most of the recipes that I've read were without stuffing, but I wished something more, so I decided to try this recipe, and I added prosciutto.
It was d e l i c i o u s!
With love, Neja
Recipe from: The iron you
1 ½ cup / 400 ml warm water (between 105°F and 115°F)
4 ½ cups / 600 gr whole wheat flour
2 teaspoons active dry yeast
¼ cup / 50 ml extra-virgin olive oil
2 teaspoons sugar
3 teaspoons fine grain sea salt
Pitted olives, sliced
2 large handfuls arugula salad
1 cup mozzarella
1 cup sun dried tomatoes, coarsely chopped
10 slices prosciutto
2 tablespoons water
1 tablespoon olive oil
½ teaspoon fine grain sea salt
The process
Place warm water in a large bowl and add dry yeast, sugar and salt. Let stand until yeast dissolves. After 5 to 7 minutes, it should be a bit foamy. If it’s not, you might have some bad yeast (or the water was too warm) and should start again with another packet.
Add whole wheat flour and olive oil and stir to blend well (the dough will be sticky).
Drop the dough onto a floured surface (or leave it in the bowl) and knead it until it becomes smooth and elastic, adding more flour by tablespoonfuls if the dough is too sticky to work.
The dough will be soft and pliable and extremely easy to work with.
Form dough into a ball and coat with a bit of olive oil. Place it in a bowl, cover with plastic wrap and let raise in a draft-free place until doubled (it should take about 1 ½ hour).
Make the focaccia
Punch the dough down and divide in half.
Coat a 15x10-inch baking sheet with 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
Using your fingertips press out half of the dough to a rectangle filling the baking sheet.
Top with arugula, mozzarella, sun dried tomatoes and prosciutto.
On a floured surface with a rolling pin, stretch the remaining half of the dough into a rectangle 15x10-inch wide. Carefully place it on top of the dough+stuffing. Trim the top if needed, then press the top and bottom dough together at the edges.
Cover with a kitchen towel and let rise while the oven preheats to 425°F (220°C).
Just before baking, dimple the dough with your fingers, leaving indentations.
In a small bowl combine 2 tablespoons of olive oil, ¼ cup of water and 1 teaspoon of salt. Drizzle the dough with this olive oil brine. Sprinkle with olives and rosemary
Bake for 20 minutes or until the top is golden. Let sit for 10 minutes before cutting into squares. Then have at it while it’s still warm. Just make sure not to burn your tongue.
Tartufi leti na fitnes in še meni teži, naj se odpravim na tek. Ne da se mu, jamra da bo bruhal, nejevoljno išče fitnes opremo, zganja paniko (v bistvu se oba smejiva njegovemu uporu) in baje mu bo lažje, če bom tudi jaz v enakem zosu. Da bova drug drugemu v podporo. Hmm, naj grem?
Prva stvar, ki jo moram narediti, je ravno tole, objaviti nov recept. Tale fokača naj služi poletju v slovo. Ta nizek italijanski kruh me spominja na morje, Italijo, poletje, oljčno olje, slanost, rožmarin, leseno mizo na terasi, paradižnike ... Večina receptov, ki sem jih pregledala, so bili brez file, jaz pa sem si zaželela nekaj bolj polnega, zato sem se odločila za ta recept in sama dodala še pršut.
Bila je b o ž a n s k a!
Z ljubeznijo, Neja
1 ½ skodelice / 400 ml tople vode
4 ½ skodelice / 600 g polnozrnate moke
2 žlički suhega kvasa
¼ skodelice / 50 ml ekstra deviškega oljčnega olja
2 žlički sladkorja
3 čajne žličke morske soli
100g rukole
1 skodelica mocarele
1 skodelica sušenih paradižnikov, grobo nasekljani
10 rezin pršuta
Izkoščičene olive, narezane za povrhu fokače
Rožmarin za povrhu
2 žlici vode
1 žlica olivnega olja
½ žličke morske soli
Postavite toplo vodo v veliko skledo in dodajte suhi kvas, sladkor in sol. Pustite stati, dokler se kvas ne raztopi.
Dodajte polnozrnato moko in oljčno olje ter premešajte (testo bo lepljivo).
Testo postavite na pomokano površino in ga gnetite, dokler ne postane gladko in elastično, dodajajte moko, da se ne sprime na površino.
Oblikujte testo v žogo in ga premažite z malo olivnega olja. Postavite ga v skledo, pokrijte s plastično folijo ali kuhinjsko krpo in pustite, da vzhaja (približno 1 uro in pol).
Naredite fokačo
Testo razdelite na dva enaka dela.
Premažite pekač z olivnim oljem..
Razvaljajte eno polovico testa ter jo položite v pekač. S prsti potisnite testo do robov.
Testo prekrijte z rukolo, mocarelo, sušenimi paradižniki in pršutom.
Razvaljajte drugo polovico testa in jo s pomočjo valjarja previdno položite na vrh file. Na robovih potisnite spodnje testo čez tistega na vrhu in s prsti stisnite skupaj, da se bo držalo skupaj.
Pokrijemo s kuhinjsko krpo in pustimo vzhajati, dokler se pečica ne ogreje na 220 ° C.
Tik pred pečenjem s prsti preluknjajte testo in premažite s slanico. Potresite z olivami in rožmarinom.
Pečemo 20 minut na 220 °C..
U tole pa bi pasalo, sam brez pršuta.
OdgovoriIzbrišiSušene paradižnike pa obožujem, še najboljši so mi tisti, ki jih potem sam zmariniram z olivnim oljem, česnom in provansalskimi zelišči.
Mmmm, božansko. Želim si, da bi to enkrat naredila :D Vsaka ti čast, da se tako rada vrtiš v kuhinji in delaš take dobrote.
OdgovoriIzbrišiTo pa izgleda noro dobro! Zdaj, ko je zadnji izpit za mano, bom imela čas preizkusiti ta recept. Komaj čakam!:)
OdgovoriIzbrišimmm tole bi bilo pa dobro :) pa lepe slike :) kar vabijo
OdgovoriIzbrišiYummy! I need to try, xoxo.
OdgovoriIzbrišiVjerujem da je bila božanstvena jer isto tako zvuči i izgleda, odlično !!!