četrtek, 20. junij 2013

Amaranth Patties / Polpeti iz amaranta

Do you remember how I used to be a blogger? =) Makes me sick when I see the date of the last post .. EXAMS ARE THE REASON! : P Maybe my undisciplined personality as well. The fact is that sometimes blogging is not that easy if you're not in the right mood for it. Does anyone of you (those who also blog) have the same problem? Lately I've been stressing out because of  exams and somehow I did not kick myself in the  ass hard enough, to go sit and write a new post. The most ridiculous thing is it that I have this pictures (and the picture of another recipe) prepared from when I posted those amaranth muffins .. remember? I tested amaranth and prepared three recipes containing it. Oh, Neja, Neja! =) This silly girl is apologizing to all of you, now let's all move on =)!

As mentioned before, the amaranth is gluten-free grain , a source of minerals, protein, vitamins and fiber. I  really liked this patties, lamb's lettuce and spinach sauce were a perfect addition. Maybe it's a little annoying to form the shape, because the mixture is  very soft. In this hot and sunny weather that we are having right now in Slovenia, nutritious and light meals like this one are just perfect! Come on, let's eat good food!


1 cup amaranth
2 cups water
1 onion
3 cloves of garlic
1 egg
1 teaspoon organic lemon zest
2 teaspoons curry powder
pinch of salt
pinch of cayenne pepper
crumbs (if you want to make these patties gluten-free then buy gluten-free bread crumbs)
½ cup Parmesan cheese
40g finely chopped parsley
1 zucchini, finely chopped
oil for frying

The process

  1. Bring 2 cups of water to a boil in a medium pot. Add the amaranth in a steady stream, stirring well. Return to a boil and once reached, quickly lower the heat until the water reaches a gentle simmer. Cook covered for 20 to 25 minutes, or according to package instructions.
  2. In a small pan, sauté zucchini, onion and garlic  until fragrant, about 2-3 minutes. Add the lemon zest and curry powder to the pan and toast, stirring continuously for about 1 minute. Remove from heat, mix in parsley  and set aside.
  3. When the amaranth is cooked, pour the curry powder mixture to the amaranth and stir until combined. Season with sea salt and cayenne pepper. Let cool until easily handled.
  4. Slightly whisk one large egg and add to the cooled amaranth mixture.
  5. In a breading bowl, mix together crumbs and Parmesan cheese. Get your wet and dry hands ready for breading.
  6. With the one you will use as your wet hand, take about a tablespoon or so of amaranth (it will be quite sticky) and drop it into the breadcrumb mixture (it doesn’t have to be a perfect ball at this point). Cover the amaranth in breadcrumb mixture with your dry hands.
  7. Shape into a small ball in the palm of your (dry) hands, then lay it gently on a tray lined with parchment paper. Slightly flatten the ball into a patty.
  8. Continue this process until all the amaranth is breaded.
  9. Heat grapeseed (or your choice of) oil in a pan to 375 F (190 C). Make sure you have enough oil to cover at least half the height of your patties.
  10. Fry one side of the patties until golden, about 45 seconds. Flip the patties and cook the other side for another 45 seconds. Make sure the patties are not too soft. If they are, cook longer, another 10 to 15 seconds per side. Do not overcrowd the pan.
  11. Remove and transfer to a plate lined with paper towels to drain excess oil.
  12. Serve immediately. Can be kept for later, but reheat patties under a broiler.

Se spomnite,  kako sem včasih bila bloggerka ? =) Slabo mi postane, ko vidim datum zadnje objave.. IZPITI SO KRIVI! :P Mogoče malo tudi moja nedisciplinirana osebnost. Dejstvo je, da včasih bloganje ni tako preprosto, če nisi ta prave volje za to. Ima kdo od vas (tisti, ki blogate) enake težave? V zadnjem času sem večinoma psihirala glede izpitov in nekako se res nisem dovolj brcnila v rit, da bi stisnila iz sebe kakšno novo objavo. Najbolj trapasto je pa to, da imam te slike (in slike še enega recepta) pripravljene že od mafinov iz amaranta.. se spomnite? Testirala sem amarant in pripravila 3 recepte, ki ga vsebujejo. Oh, Neja, Neja!!! =) To trapasto dekle se vam opravičuje, gremo naprej =)!

Kot že rečeno, je amarant brezglutenska žitarica, vir mineralov, beljakovin, vitaminov in vlaknin. Meni so bili tile polpeti res všeč, motovilec kot priloga in špinačna omaka sta bila pika na i, morda je le  malo zoprno formirati obliko, ker je masa zelo mehka. V tej vročini paše lahka, hranljiva hrana. Dajmo, spravimo se v red in jejmo kakovostno hrano!

Z ljubeznijo, Neja

1 skodelica amaranta
2 skodelici vode
1 čebula
3 stroki česna
1 jajce
1 žlička bio limonine lupine
2 žlički curryja v prahu
ščepec soli
ščepec kajenskega popra
drobtine (če želite, da bodo polpeti brezglutenski potem kupite brezglutenske drobtine)
pol  skodelice parmezana
40g fino sesekljanega peteršilja
1 bučka-na drobno narezana
olje za cvrtje

1. 2 skodelici vode naj zavreta, nato dodajte amarant, mešajte in ko začne vodo ponovno vreti, znižajte ogenj. Kuhajte pokrito 20 do 25 minut, oziroma v skladu z navodili na vrečki amaranta.
2. V majhni ponvi prepražite drobno narezano bučko, čebulo in česen, približno 2 do 3 minute. Dodajte limonino lupinico in curry, mešajte približno minuto,  odstranite z ognja, vmešajte drobno sesekljan peteršilj.
3. Ko je amarant kuhan, mu dodajte mešanico s curryjem, bučko... in vse skupaj premešajte. Začinite s soljo in kajenskim poprom. Naj se vse skupaj ohladi, da boste lažje oblikovali polpete.
4. Rahlo zmešajte eno jajce in ga dodajte k ohlajeni amarant zmesi.
5. V skledi  zmešajte drobtine in parmezan. 
6. Z mokro roko zagrabite za žlico veliko mase, jo povaljajte v drobtinah in parmezanu ter jo oblikujte v kroglico-ni nujno, da je popolne oblike.
7. Oblikovane kroglice, dobro prekrite z drobtinami, položite na pladenj/pekač/krožnik prekrit s peki papirjem in jih rahlo sploščite
8. Nadaljujte s tem procesom dokler ne porabite vse mase.
9. Segrejte olje, olja naj bo dovolj, da bodo polpeti do polovice v njemu.
10. Ocvrite jih približno 45 sekund oz.  do zlatorumene barve.Obrnite polpete in ponovite. Če so premehki jih pustite 10 sekund dlje.
11. Odstranite in prenesite na papirnate brisačke, da odstrani odvečno olje.
12. Postrezite takoj. Možno jih je tudi shraniti za naslednji dan ali dva =).


6 komentarjev

  1. OF course, blogging takes a lot, and yes it's tough. Amarath is such a nice grain to use, I like how you paired it with the green sauce..

  2. Njah, men se to neprestano dogaja- ampak vrjetno je važno da blogaš ko imaš čas in inspiracijo ;) Sicer pa objavljaš same odlične recepte, definitivno kaj sprobam v kratkem in sporočim kako se je obneslo ;)

  3. Tudi jaz včasih nimam časa za pisanje objav, doker nisem ugotovil, da lahko napišem par objav in jim določim kdaj se objavijo. Tako si včasih pripravim 3 objave in jim določim, da se objavijo v razmiku nekaj dni, jaz pa potem samo čekiram in odgovrajam na komentarje.

    Drugače pa so mi takile zdravi racepti prav zanimivi. Polpetov z amaratom še nisem delal jih pa sigurno sprobam, ko bo čas. Ja spet je poudarek na "čas".

  4. OMG! So tasty:)


  5. I like the sound of these. Lovely pictures too.


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