My mother was very strong.
Once, she picked up a coconut
and smashed it against my father's head.
It taught me about women defending themselves
and not collapsing in a heap.
-Alice Walker
Today, I would like to talk about a very special day, when I became a volunteer for one day. I've always wanted to do something like this but I never had the courage and confidence. Couple of months ago I FINALLY became confident and I said YES when the opportunity presented itself. The event was organized by the Institute Open hearts day and Happy house, plus, the volunteers were the coolest people from B:HIP Europe. We spent the day with hundred children from less privileged backgrounds. It started squeezing me in my heart as soon as children started to come, because it made me feel sad, that such events are even necessary at all. I expected that the children will be scared and sad and it was just the opposite. They were mostly open, happy and could hardly wait to experience something new, which made me happy. This was the first time that I experienced the feeling when a child turns to you, trusts you, listens to you and allows you to teach him/her something new. What a nice feeling. Recipe of the day is again a sweet one but healthy sweet. We will not destroy our bodies, right peeps ?! =) With love, Neja |
Danes bi rada govorila o posebnemu dnevu, ko sem za en dan postala prostovoljka. Vedno sem si želela narediti nekaj takšnega pa nikoli nisem imela poguma in samozavesti. Par mesecev nazaj sem KONČNO postala samozavestna in zato sem bila ZA, ko se je ponudila priložnost. Dogodek sta organizirala Zavod dan odprtih src in Srečna hiša, poleg tega pa so bili zraven kot prostovoljci najbolj cool ljudje iz B:HIP Europe. Dan smo preživeli s stotimi otroci iz socialno šibkejših okolij. Začelo me je stiskati pri srcu takoj, ko so otroci začeli prihajati, ker mi je bilo hudo, da so taki dogodki sploh potrebni. Pričakovala sem, da bodo otroci zaprti in žalostni in bilo je ravno obratno. Večinoma so bili odprti, veseli in komaj so čakali, da bodo lahko doživeli nekaj novega, kar me je osrečilo. Prvič sem doživela občutek, ko se otrok obrne nate, ti zaupa, te posluša in ti pusti, da ga nekaj novega naučiš. Občutek je zelo lep. Recept dneva je spet sladek ampak zdravo sladek. Ker sebe pa ne bomo uničevali ane?! =) Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
Recipe adapted from: Art and the kitchen
The Recipe
Ingredients 1 cup organic coconut oil 2 cups unsweetened shredded coconut ¼ cup organic maple syrup 12 ounces organic dark chocolate The process Warm coconut oil just until it is liquified. Add shredded coconut, and maple syrup. Combine well. Line shallow baking pan with parchment paper (I used 30x9 cm). Press mixture into baking pan, freeze or refrigerate until solid. Melt chocolate and spread over coconut. Cut into bars and keep refrigerated. Cut bars at room temperature to make chocolate easier to cut. |
Sestavine 210 g kokosovega olja 185 g kokosove moke 85 g javorjevega sirupa 340 g temne čokolade Postopek Na nizkem ognju segrejte kokosovo olje, samo toliko, da se utekočini. Dodajte kokosovo moko in javorjev sirup. Dobro premešajte. V pekač vstavite peki papir (jaz sem uporabila 30x9 cm). Maso stresite v pekač in jo dobro pritisnite k dnu, postavite v hladilnik ali skrinjo za 20 min. Stopite čokolado in jo prelijte po vrhu kokosove mase. Narežite na rezine in jih hranite v hladilniku. Rezine narežite potem, ko boste maso nekaj časa pustili na sobni temperaturi, da se bo čokolada lažje rezala in ne bo pokala. |
These coconut bars look absolutely delicious! xo
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