And so she decided
to start living
the life she'd imagined.
Everything changed in the past few months. I socialize with new and old people. Sometimes I don't recognize myself. It is true what they say: If you want to have a different life, you have to make a different decisions. This is the only path to lead a different life. I am having so much more fun now, that I'm not stuck anymore. I am preparing a longer post about this topic for my Neja's Milkshake section. I started working out in addition to all this new things…. with someone who, unlike me, actually knows stuff about fitness. The new me is waking up at 6 am..and I even workout in the morning. Me ... the night owl ?? I do not feel the need for unhealthy food... for white sugar. I eat 4x - 5x / day and I am never hungry. I want to enjoy as much quality food as possible. Therefore, I gladly tested RAWR chocolate. All Rawr chocolate bars are raw, vegan, gluten-free, contain 100% organic ingredients, naturally sweetened and have a Fairtrade certificate. I like it, especially the one with menthol in it. My toung still wants something sweet now and then. I am so happy that these super cool Quinoa Chocolate Clusters are wainting for me in the fridge. Few and quality ingredients plus done in a heartbeat! With love, Neja |
Zadnje mesece je vse na glavo..vse je drugače. Družim se z novimi in starimi ljudmi. Včasih še same sebe ne prepoznam…svojega življenja. Res je, kar pravijo: Če hočeš imeti drugačno življenje, moraš začeti sprejemati drugačne odločitve. Le tako se lahko kaj spremeni. Boljše se imam, odkar ne stojim več na mestu. O tem pripravljam malo daljši zapis za Neja's Milkshake. Poleg vsega dogajanja je novo tudi to, da sem začela trenirati..skupaj z nekom, ki se za razliko od mene spozna na fitnes. Po novem vstajam ob 6ih in že dop treniram. Jaz…nočna sova?? Ne čutim potrebe po nezdravi hrani..po belemu sladkorju. Jem 4x – 5x / dan in nikoli nisem lačna. Uživati hočem čim bolj kvalitetno hrano. Zato sem z veseljem testirala RAWR čokolade. Vse Rawr čokolade so presne, veganske, brez glutena, vsebujejo 100% organske sestavine, naravno sladkane in imajo Fairtrade certifikat. Meni so všeč, še posebno mi je bila mentolova všeč. Sem pa tja si še vedno zaželim nekaj sladkega. Prav pomirjena sem, ker imam v hladilniku na čakanju tele super cool čokoladke s kvinojo. Malo sestavin, hitro narejeno in kvalitetna živila! Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
Recipe adapted from: Wendy Polisi
The Recipe
Ingredients 1 tablespoons coconut oil ½ cup quinoa, rinsed 1 pinch sea salt 3½ ounces Chocolate Bar Instructions Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside. Heat a skillet to medium heat. Add coconut oil and allow to melt. Add quinoa and cook, stirring often, for about 5 to 8 minute, until the seeds are golden brown. They should expand slightly and a few seeds will start popping out of your pan. (But nothing like pop corn. The change will be to their texture.) Transfer to a medium bowl. Place the chocolate in the top of a double broiler. (You can also use a metal bowl over a pot of boiling water) Heat until melted, stirring often to prevent burning. Be careful not to get any water into the chocolate! When the chocolate is melted, add it to quinoa and stir well until combined. Drop by spoonfuls into prepared parchment paper. Place in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes, until hardened. Keep it in the refrigerator. |
Sestavine 1 žlica kokosovega olja 90 g oprane kvinoje 1 ščepec soli 100 g veganske, presne čokolade Postopek Na pekač položite peki papir. Na srednje močnem ognju segrejte ponev. Dodajte kokosovo olje in pustite, da se stopi. Dodajte kvinojo, pogosto mešajte (pazite, da je ne zažgete) in jo pustite približno 5 do 8 minut, dokler se seme ne obarva zlato rjave barve. Kvinojo nato preložite v drugo posodo. Čokolado stopite v posodi nad vrelo vodo. Bodite previdni, da ne bo kaj vode kapnilo v čokolado! Ko se čokolada raztopi, jo prelijte čez kvinojo in dobro premešajte. Z žličko zajemite maso in jo spustite na peki papir. Postavite v zamrzovalnik za 15-20 minut, dokler se čokolada ne strdi. Čokoladke hranite v hladilniku. |
This is something I need to sort out, my diet and eating habits as I keep falling off the band wagon and eating so unhealthy and no exercising :(
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They look delicious! I like your blog, would you like to follow each other?:)