torek, 5. april 2016

Coconut Quinoa Porridge / Kvinojina kaša s kokosom

“Happiness [is] only real when shared” 
Jon Krakauer, Into the Wild

I took a little break from typing, cooking and taking pics. That's what I really needed. In the meantime, my life changed a lot, it was hard but now I'm stronger, better and I look forward to the future.

This blog will be rearranged a bit, in terms of the type of recipes. I have decided that I will post healthy recipes and I hope that you will cook with me, look at my photos and leave some comments.

The sponsor of this post is Ohana vanilla. When I received the package of vanilla, that vanilla scent poured through it, even though it was hermetically packaged. Vanilla pods were soft and I can confirm that this is quality stuff. Sheldon is the one who sent me vanilla and he could not be more kind and helpful.

Still with love, Neja
Vzela sem si malo pavze od tipkanja, kuhanja in fotkanja. To sem res potrebovala. Vmes se je v mojem življenju veliko spremenilo, bilo je težko ampak sedaj sem močnejša, boljša in veselim se prihodnosti.

Ta blog bom malce preuredila, kar se tiče tipa receptov. Odločila sem se, da bom objavljala zdrave recepte in upam, da jih boste kuhali skupaj z mano, se ustavili ob mojih fotografijah in pustili kakšen komentar.

Sponzor današnje objave je Ohana vanilla. Ko sem dobila paket vanilije je vse dišalo po njej, čeprav je bila neprodušno zapakirana. Vanilijini stroki so bili mehki in lahko potrdim, da je tole kvalitetna roba. Sheldon je tisti, ki mi je vanilijo poslal in ne bi mogla bolj pohvaliti njegove prijaznosti in ustrežljivosti.

Še vedno z ljubeznijo, Neja

The Recipe


Serves 1, cooks in 20 minutes 

1/2 cup rinsed quinoa
1.5 cups unsweetened coconut milk
2 tablespoons coconut sugar
2 vanilla beans (seeds)
coconut for garnish


1. Heat coconut milk until just boiled, then add quinoa and reduce heat, stir a lot.

2. Let it simmer for 15-20 minutes, then remove from heat, add coconut sugar, vanilla seeds and stir.

3.  Transfer into serving bowl, garnish and serve warm.


1 porcija, čas priprave: 20 min

85 g oprane kvinoje
300 g (375 ml) kokosovega mleka (redkega, tistega, ki se ga da piti)
1 žlica kokosovega sladkorja
2 vanilijeva stroka (semena)
nariban kokos za okras


1. Segrejte kokosovo mleko, tik pred vretjem dodajte kvinojo in zmanjšajte ogenj, stalno mešajte.

2. Kvinoja naj se kuha 15-20 min, nato odtsranite z ognja, dodajte kokosov sladkor in vanilijina semena, premešajte.

3.Preložite v skodelico, dodajte jagode in posipajte z naribanim kokosom.

9 komentarjev

  1. Wow, everything looks so tasty! Great recipe and beautiful pictures! xx | Instagram

  2. It looks delicious, I have to try this! Thanks for the recipe! :)

  3. It looks so good! Thanks for sharing! I like your blog, would you like to follow each other?:)

  4. BOŽANSKO! :)

    Tvoj blog je moj najljubši kuharski blog, spremljam te že fulful dolgo časa in tudi ti si me navdihnila, da sem začela s svojim blogom :) hvala za vse super recepte in keep up the good work <3

  5. It looks beautiful and must be delicious. My mouth has already turned watery...:P

  6. WOW! That looks delicious! I must try for 100% <3 And your blog is really good I like it ! :)


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