“The best thing about being a writer is
that 'work' is always something you love,
plus usually accompanied by tea,
coffee and cakes of some sort.”
― Jamie L. Harding
Last weekend I had a plan: baking strawberry-rhubarb pie. Because my mom gave me a bunch of rhubarb from her garden, because I have never baked it and because I would like to have it in the database of recipes on this blog. Truffle and I escaped heat on Saturday and drove to the river Soča. On the same day I had to buy strawberries so that I could bake that pie the next morning. Not one store had fresh strawberries. Ohh ... in the end we bought frozen strawberries. The next morning, however, I didn't feel like baking a pie. It was hot, I did not want to break my rule of avoiding white flour and sugar for a few weks and I didn't feel like shooting. Although I very much enjoy food photography, I sometimes simply don't want to do it, because I don't feel inspired. The best feeling was when I just stopped forcing myself with a plan that I wanted to realize no matter what. Why should I force myself with baking a pie in the maximum heat, just because I would like to eat it at least once in my life and because I want to have it on my blog? It wasn't the right moment for that and decided to let it go. It seems to me, that all of us often do that. We torture ourselves because of the rules that no one else set, but us. Do not torture yourself, give yourself freedom instead. Thankfully I baked something with rhubarb in it a couple of weeks earlier. I like different breakfasts or tea snacks. Here are Rhubarb scones. With love, Neja |
Prejšnji vikend sem imela v planu peko jagodno-rabarbarine pite. Ker sem ravno od mami dobila veliko domače rabarbare, ker je še nikoli nisem spekla in ker bi jo rada imela v bazi receptov na blogu. S Tartufijem sva v soboto pred vročino pobegnila k reki Soči. Isti dan sem morala kupiti še jagode zato, da bi jo lahko naslednje jutro spekla. Nikjer jih nisva našla, v nobeni trgovini niso prodajali svežih jagod. Ohh… na koncu sva kupila zmrznjene. Naslednje jutro pa mi potem niti malo ni bilo do peke pite. Bilo je vroče, nisem želela prekršiti svoje zapovedi, da se bom nekaj časa izogibala bele moke in sladkorja in niti malo mi ni bilo do fotografiranja. Čeprav zelo uživam v fotografiranju, mi včasih preprosto ne paše, ker ne čutim navdiha. Najboljši občutek je bil, ko sem samo sebe nehala obremenjevati z načrtom, ki sem si ga zamislila in se ga želela držati ne glede na vse. Zakaj bi se morala v največji vročini siliti s peko pite, samo zato, ker bi jo rada enkrat jedla in imela v bazi? Tisti trenutek ni bil pravi in načrt sem spustila v nebo. Zdi se mi, da to ljudje pogosto počnemo. Sami sebe ubijamo zaradi pravil, ki nam jih ni postavil nihče drug, kot mi sami. Ne trpinčite same sebe, raje si dajte svobodo. Sem pa vsaj nekaj rabarbarinega spekla že kakšna dva tedna pred tem. Rada imam drugačne zajtrke ali prigrizke ob čaju. Tukaj so, rabarbarine pogačice. Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
Recipe from: Completely delicious
The Recipe
Ingredients 2 cups (240 grams) all-purpose flour 1/4 cup (50 grams) granulated sugar 1 tablespoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon coarse salt 1 tablespoon orange zest (from about 1 orange) 5 tablespoons (70 grams) cold butter, cubed 3/4 cup (175 ml) cold heavy whipping cream 1 large egg 1 vanilla bean, halved lengthwise and seeds removed 1 1/2 cup (150 grams) fresh or frozen rhubarb (not thawed) For the glaze: 1 cup (227 grams) powdered sugar, sifted 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 1-2 tablespoons milk or cream Instructions Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Line a sheet pan with parchment paper. In a large bowl combine the flour, sugar, baking powder, salt and orange zest. Add the butter and use a pastry blender to cut it into the dry ingredients until the butter is roughly the size of small peas. In a separate bowl, whisk together the cream, egg and scraped vanilla beans. Add to the dry ingredients and mix with a large spoon until mixture begins to come together. Add rhubarb and continue to mix until it comes together into a ball. Mixture may still be slightly crumbly. Transfer dough to a lightly floured surface and pat into a disk about 1 inch thick. Cut into 8 triangles or cut out circles. Place on prepared sheet pan. Bake until bottoms are golden, about 15 minutes. Let cool completely. The glaze To make the glaze, whisk together the powdered sugar, vanilla and enough milk or cream to make a thick but pourable glaze. Drizzle over scones and let sit for about 10 minutes before serving. Scones are best the day they are baked, but will keep in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days. |
Sestavine 240 g bele moke 50 g kristalnega sladkorja 1 žlica pecilnega praška 1/4 žličke soli 1 žlica naribane pomarančne lupinice 70 g hladnega masla, narezano na kocke 175 ml hladne sladke smetane 1 veliko jajce 1 vanilijin strok, prepolovljen po dolžini, odstranimo semena 150 g rabarbare (olupljene in narezane na koščke) Za glazuro: 230 g sladkorja v prahu, presejemo 1/2 žličke vanilijevega ekstrakta 1-2 žlici mleka ali smetane Navodila Pečico segrejte na 200 stopinj C. Na pekač položite peki papir. V veliki skledi zmešajte moko, sladkor, pecilni prašek, sol in pomarančno lupinico. Dodajte maslo in uporabite električni mešalnik z nastavki za testo, mešajte, dokler ni maslo velikosti graha. V ločeni posodi stepite skupaj smetano, jajce in vanilijina semena. Dodaj v suhe sestavine in premešajte oz. pregnetite, dokler se ne formira testo. Dodajte rabarbaro in še naprej gnetite, oblikujte v žogo. Testo bo mogoče še vedno malo drobljivo. Prenesite testo na rahlo pomokano površino in razvaljajte (testo naj bo debelo približno 1,5 cm). Narežemo na 8 trikotnikov ali pa z okroglim modelčkom (ali kozarcem) izrežemo kroge. Postavite na pripravljen pekač. Pecite približno 15 minut. Pred jedjo pogačice ohladite. Glazura Za glazuro, zmešajte skupaj sladkor v prahu, vanilijev ekstrakt 1-2 žlici mleka ali smetane, da bo glazura gosta, vendar vseeno dovolj tekoča, da bo spolzela z žlice na pogačice. Okrasite pogačice z glazuro in počakajte 10 min pred serviranjem. Pogačice so najboljše na dan, ko so pečene, vendar se bodo ohranile v nepredušni posodi pri sobni temperaturi do 3 dni. |
Hello - your photos are beautiful! Stopping by from the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop. Thanks for linking up this week, hope to connect with you again next week at the hop. Your recipes look delicious! Nina @ Vintage Mama's Cottage