“...stop pacing the aisles and counting the miles.
Instead, climb more mountains,
eat more ice cream,
go barefoot oftener,
swim more rivers,
watch more sunsets,
laugh more and cry less.
Life must be lived as we go along. ”
― Robert J. Hastings, Tinyburg Tales
Hallelujah, the heat wave is here! Although I toss on the bed, because I feel like I'm standing in the middle of the crowd on the bus, dressed in a winter coat, at 2pm on the hottest day in mid July ... and I almost get hit by a mild stroke everytime I workout.... it's still AWESOME that SUMMER is here! Okay?! I have never posted a recipe for ice cream on this blog!! My sister bought me a book with 70 recipes for homemade ice creams for my birthday. This summer will be the summer of home ice creams. I want to prepare as much different ice creams as possible, from classic to healthy recipes. I thought it was best to begin with something very basic, something that most of you probably already know and make at home but still, it seemed a good time to post this idea, especially because this week is the second week of me trying to stay away from white flour, sugar, junk food and btw, I have decided that I will no longer eat Nutella (... nervously biting her nails because of this terrible thought ...). Really, for real! No more Nutella for you, Missy! I added Sacha Inchi seeds by Vegalife company to this banana ice cream. Because the ice cream is made only from frozen banana, I couldn't imagine that I would add something unhealthy. Sacha Inchi seeds are really ideal, because they are a source of essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 and protein and in addition, are covered with dark chocolate. Yes, no jokes, no fuss, harmless ... just the way I like it! With love, Neja |
Aleluja, prišel je vročinski val! Čeprav se celo noč premetavam po postelji, ker se počutim kot, da stojim sredi gneče na avtobusu, oblečena v zimski plašč, ob 14i uri najbolj vročega julijskega dne … in me vsakič med telovadbo skoraj zadane blažja kap…. Je vseeno FINO, da je tu POLETJE! Okej?! Na tem blogu še nikoli nisem objavila recepta za sladoled!! Sestra mi je za rojstni dan kupila knjigo z 70 recepti za izdelavo domačega sladoleda. To poletje, bo poletje domačih sladoledov. Pripraviti želim čim več sladoledov, od klasičnih do zdravih. Za začetek se mi je zdelo najboljše, če naredim nekaj čisto osnovnega, nekaj, kar vas večina verjetno že pozna in tudi dela doma ampak vseeno se mi je zdelo fajn, da objavim tudi to idejo, še posebno zato, ker poteka že drugi teden, ko se izogibam bele moke, sladkorja, junk fooda in btw, odločila sem se, da ne bom več jedla Nutelle (…si živčno grize nohte ob tej grozni misli…). Zares, zares! Nič več Nutelle zate Missy! V bananin sladoled sem vmešala Sacha Inchi semena podjetja Vegalife. Ker je sladoled narejen samo iz zmrznjenih banan, si nisem predstavljala, da bi dodala nekaj nezdravega. Sacha Inchi semena so se res idealno podala zraven, ker so vir esencialnih maščobnih kislin omega-3 in omega-6 ter beljakovin, poleg tega pa so oblita s temno čokolado. Yes, brez heca, brez kompliciranja, neškodljivo…tako, kot mi je všeč! Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
The Recipe
INGREDIENTS A lot of bananas (cut into chunks, frozen) Sacha Inchi seeds (or cocoa, chocolate drops, chocolate, which is cut into pieces, peanut butter, honey, cinnamon, frozen strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, mango, raisins, dates, peanuts, crushed biscuits, coconut...) THE PROCESS Peel the bananas, cut into chunks and place in the freezer. Put frozen banana chunks in the food processor and pulse and blend until smooth. At the beginning there will be a crumbly texture, which will soon turn into a creamy texture. Mix in Sacha Inchi seeds with a spoon or whatever you have chosen instead Sacha Inchi seeds. |
SESTAVINE Veliko banan (narezane, zmrznjene) Sacha Inchi semena (ali kakav, čokoladne kapljice, čokolada, ki jo narežete na koščke, arašidovo maslo, med, cimet, zmrznjene jagode, borovnice, maline, mango, rozine, datlji, arašidi, zdrobljeni piškoti, kokos…) POSTOPEK Banane olupite, narežite na koleščke in postavite v zamrzovalnik. Zmrznjene banane stresite v multipraktik in miksajte dokler ne dobite kremne, sladoledu podobne mase. Na začetku bo nastala drobljiva masa, ki se bo kmalu spremenila v kremno maso. Z žlico vmešajte Sacha Inchi semena ali tisto, kar ste izbrali namesto Sacha Inchi semen. |
A lovely ice cream and a very true and inspiring saying. Thank you. xo Catherine
OdgovoriIzbrišiIt looks so good! Thanks for sharing with the Thursday Blog Hop!
OdgovoriIzbrišiLove your pretty blog, share on Fabulous Friday Party, Ciao Maria