The recipe for scones with raisins is the last one I used in the context of my Tea Party. It feels like it happened a couple of months ago. My thoughts are with other recipes, other plans ... In the meantime, Gasper returned from Costa Rica, he went there because of kitesurfing (he doesn’t allow me anymore to publicly call him Truffle – well, okay, it’s not that serious, he said it once that it’s not cool so I said to myself 'Meh, let him be, Turffle no more'). He will maybe even write a guest post about his Costa Rica trip. When he finds some time. People, even I barely see him :P. In the meantime (well, yesterday) my birthday happened (God, why am I so old ?). And yees, I reached 1000 followers on my Facebook page and 3000 on Pinterest. Well, it is something, not nothing =).Promoting a blog is sometimes a pain in the ass. Because it takes a lot of time. I just want to create, cook, bake, photograph, post and discuss it with readers, read the feedback, other people's opinion about the things I'm doing. Those other promotional things are sometimes really unnecessary. I blab and blab and write nothing about these scones! I liked them, honestly. They are very popular in England, America, Australia. Easy to bake, you can eat them for breakfast, at a picnic, with tea, on a trip to nature. You can mix almost anything in the dough. I plan on making those chocolate chip scones (which I see constantly on Pinterest). It seems to me that the classical way of eating them is with jam and whipped cream on top and of course a cup of tea. At least, Nikita ate them this way in one episode (Boy, that was more than 10 years ago and I never even liked Nikita, almost never watched it- action themes are not for me, I say this type of movies/TV shows are made for guys .. but once I DID watch it, I remembered this thing and of course, something that is food related but had absolutely nothing to do with the series =) ). With love, Neja |
Recept za pogačice z rozinami je še zadnji, ki sem ga uporabila v okviru Čajanke. Zdi se mi, kot da je minilo že par mesecev od tega. Moje misli so pri drugih receptih, drugih načrtih… Vmes se je Gašper vrnil iz Kostarike, kjer je kajtal (ne dovoli mi, da bi ga še naprej javno klicala Tartufi-no v resnici ni tako resno, enkrat samkrat je nekaj pojamral pa sem si rekla 'Meh, naj mu bo, Turffle no more'). Morda bo celo napisal en guest post o temu kako je bilo. Če bo našel kaj časa. Ljudje, še jaz ga komaj kaj vidim :P. Vmes (včeraj) se je zgodil moj rojstni dan (Bog, zakaj sem tako stara?). In jaaaa, tisočko sem dosegla na Facebooku pa tri tisočko na Pinterestu. Nekaj je =). Saj včasih mi gre promoviranje Bloga prav na živce. Ker vzame veliko časa. Želim si samo ustvarjati, kuhati, peči, fotografirati, objaviti post in debatirati z bralci, prebrati feedback, mnenje drugih ljudi o temu, kar počnem. Tiste ostale promocijske stvari so včasih res odveč. Blebetam in blebetam, o pogačicah (angl. scones) pa nič ne povem! Ja, meni so bile všeč, iskreno. Zelo so popularne v Angliji, Ameriki, Avstraliji. Hitro se jih pripravi, poje za zajtrk, na pikniku, ob čaju, na potepu. V testo se lahko vmeša praktično vse. V planu imam tudi take s čokoladnimi solzicami (kar naprej jih gledam na Pinterestu). Se mi pa zdi, da se klasično jedo ob čaju, z marmelado in stepeno sladko smetano. Vsaj tako jih je Nikita jedla v eni epizodi (madona, to je bilo že več kot 10 let nazaj, pa sploh nisem marala Nikite, skoraj nikoli je nisem gledala-akcijske tematike niso zame, temu jaz rečem film/nadaljevanke za tipe.. AMPAK takrat, ko pa sem gledala, sem si pa tole zapomnila, seveda, nekaj kar je bilo s hrano povezano ni pa imelo absolutno nobene zveze z nadaljevanko =) ). Papirnate vrečke iz Trgovine Popolna dekoracija so mi tukaj res prišle prav. In veste kaj, zdi se mi nekaj najlepšega, če sam nekaj spečeš, zapakiraš v tako luštno vrečko in komu podariš. Kar tako, za Dobro jutro =). Z ljubeznijo, Neja |
Recipe from: Recipe 4 living
The Recipe
Ingredients 3 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 cup white sugar 5 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 cup butter 1 egg, beaten 1 cup milk 80g raisins The process Preheat the oven to 400 degrees and grease a medium sized cookie sheet. In a bowl, mix the dry ingredients. Add the softened butter and whisk the wet and dry until moist. Add raisins. Once the dough comes together, knead quickly. Roll into a 3/4 inch round and cut into 6-8 pieces. Place onto the greased sheet and bake for 15 minutes or until golden brown. |
Sestavine 375g večnamenske moke 100g belega kristalnega sladkorja 5 čajnih žličk pecilnega praška 1/2 žličke soli 57g masla 1 jajce 245g mleka 80g rozin Postopek Pečico segrejte na 200°C in namažite pekač z maslom ali položite peki papir na pekač. V skledi zmešajte suhe sestavine. Dodajte zmehčano maslo in zmešajte skupaj mokre in suhe sestavine. Testi pregnetite, zvaljajte do debeline 2cm. Uporabite kozarec ali modelček za krog in izrežite kroge, porabite celotno testo. Postavite kroge na pekač in pecite 15min. |
These would be perfect to have each morning with my coffee. Thanks for the recipe Neja!
OdgovoriIzbrišiYum! I love scones!
OdgovoriIzbrišiVedno občudujem tvojo fotografijo. Že večkrat sem ti hotela to napisat, a si nikoli nisem vzela časa (shame on me:)). Vem, da te zadeve vzamejo precej časa in da nič ni naključno, zato kompliment ali dva nikoli nista odveč. Super je videt, babe, and the content itself ... I just wanna lick the screen.:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiPrisežem, da se sploh ne morem nagledat tvojih slik! <3 Za v revijo!! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiIn tale recept bom definitivno probal za svoj cheat meal ... Ampak glede na to, da sem totalen čokoholik, bom dodala čokolado :))
These look scrumptious!
OdgovoriIzbrišixo TJ
Vau,lusni so! Jz jih pa z brusnicami nardim,tud fajni pridejo. Tvoje slikce so res top!