torek, 22. april 2014

Chocolate granola / Čokoladna granola

Cooking & baking caused me body injuries. Seriously, has anyone had any idea that cooking can be a total opposite of relaxing? In fact, sometimes it’s even stressful! And dangerous! And those who don’t like cooking, agrees with me anyway that sometimes cooking is also annoying =). My opinion is that cooking is annoying in cases where you don’t have enough time ... or ideas ... or you’re in a bad mood ... and yes, if you've never seriously learn how to cook, then your cooking skills are probably not that amazing and because of this cooking makes you feel like a total loser, which makes you sad and then you simply HATE COOKING! And frozen lasagna from the store is fine, right? =)

I perfectly understand you. It seems to me that the most dreadful daily question is: '' What should I cook today? I have no idea! ''. I will share a secret with you ... I know the secret trick that will resolve this problem. Ready?

R e c i p e s. This is a wonderful word that immediately solves everything. You don’t need to be so creative, you don’t even need to think that much . Just sit down, find recipes on the Internet or in cookbooks and stick with the program!

My body injuries? I baked donuts in February. For the first time in my life and I did not succeed! I In my first attempt I used a recipe from the U.S. . Unsuccessfully. Then I used a Slovenian recipe. Again, I did something wrong and donuts were once again too flat and damn it, only one of them had that golden ring, which is the goal, when you make donuts. I don’t like frying. Hot oil spraying all around is like the scene of horror. At least for me. I knew it right from the start, that I will burn myself with hot oil. I knew it! When I flipped a donut during frying, of course, it fell and oil splashed ... on me. Of course. And now I have a 5cm long scar on the lower site of my abdomen. I just measured it, the length is 100% the truth.

I can blame this chocolate granola for another unfortunate thing, that happened to me. Well, the recipe was not the cause. First of all I have to say that I love glass containers for the storage of cereal, pasta, flour ..... This one, that you see in these photos is really cute. But it has one error. It is almost impossible to open it! I had to be really careful, when I was pulling apart the cover, so I wouldn’t shake it too much and threw everything on the floor. And I did! Just before I wanted to take pics for my blog. Luckily, I only lost about 2cm of granola. The mess that was created ... ah, I am at a loss for words. Imagine granola scattered all over the kitchen. I don’t know why, but I always have such a mess when I take pictures. I'm always looking things, napkins, decor, ... everywhere you look, you see a mess. Oh ! The injury! Last week,  like every morning I pulled apart this unfortunate cover. In doing so, the container hit the kitchen counter with the bottom and the container broke, of course. Shard of glass got stuck in my finger and instead of enjoying eating chocolate granola, I had to pull the glass out with tweezers and I almost puked because of blood. Fortunately the container was almost empty, I think I would go crazy if I had to throw away the container and entire granola. Unfortunately, I had to throw everything in the trash because I didn’t want to eat glass.

The recipe is perfect. This was my first time of making a homemade chocolate granola. Usually, I don’t eat chocolate for breakfast but this was an exception and sometimes you have to make an exemption in life. Imagine chocolate granola with yoghurt and a banana .. or strawberries ... raspberries ... blueberries . I ate it like this for breakfast and I enjoyed immensely.

With love, Neja

Kuhanje in peka mi povzročata telesne poškodbe. Resno, se je komu sanjalo, da je kuhanje lahko tudi kontra od sproščujočega? V bistvu je včasih celo stresno! In nevarno! In tisti, ki kuhanja ne marate, se itak strinjate z mano, da je včasih kuhanje tudi nadležno =). Moje mnenje je, da je kuhanje nadležno v primerih, ko nimaš časa…ali idej… ali volje… in ja, če se nikoli nisi resno lotil kuhanja, potem ti verjetno manjka kuharskih veščin in se zaradi tega med kuhanjem počutiš kot totalni luzer, kar te potre in potem PREPROSTO SOVRAŽIŠ KUHANJE! In zmrznjena lazanja iz trgovine je čisto v redu, kajne? =)

Vse to čisto razumem. Zdi se mi, da je najbolj grozno vsakodnevno vprašanje: ''Kaj naj skuham? Nimam idej!''. Zaupala vam bom skrivnost… poznam trik, ki to vprašanje takoj utiša. Pripravljeni?

R e c e p t i. To je čudovita beseda, ki takoj reši vse. Sploh ne potrebuješ biti tako kreativen, niti razmišljati ti ni potrebno kaj dosti. Enkrat se usedi, poišči recepte na internetu ali v kuharskih knjigah in se drži programa!

Moje kuharske poškodbe? Februarja sem pekla krofe. Prvič v življenju in niso mi uspeli! Najprej sem uporabila en ameriški recept. Neuspešno. Potem sem uporabila slovenski recept. Spet sem nekaj zamučkala in krofi so bili spet premalo napihnjeni in za vraga, mogoče je samo en imel tisti zlati obroček, ki je cilj pri krofih. Cvrtja že tako ne maram. Vroče olje, ki šprica vse naokoli je prizor iz grozljivke. Vsaj zame. Vedela sem, da se bom spekla! Vedela sem! Ko sem krof med cvrtjem obrnila je seveda padel iz žlice, olje je pljusknilo …name. Seveda. In sedaj imam 5cm dolgo brazgotino na spodnjem delu trebuha. Pravkar  sem jo izmerila, dolžina je resnična.

Za drugo nesrečno stvar, ki se mi je zgodila, je kriva čokoladna granola. No, pripravo granole sem preživela, torej recept ni bil vzrok. Najprej moram povedati, da obožujem steklene posode za shranjevanje kosmičev, makaronov, moke….. Ta, ki jo vidite na fotografijah je res luštna. Ima pa eno napako. Skoraj nemogoče jo je odpreti! Saj mi je všeč, če je tesnjenje dobro ampak tukaj je tesnjenje pretirano! Med odpiranjem sem morala biti res previdna, da se potem, ko sem na vso moč vlekla narazen pokrov, ni vse streslo po tleh. IN SE JE! Tik pred fotografiranjem. Na srečo sem izgubila samo kakšne 2cm granole. Nered, ki je nastal …ah, saj nimam besed. Predstavljajte si tako zadevo razpršeno po celi kuhinji. Ne vem zakaj, ampak vedno imam tak nered, kadar fotografiram. Vedno iščem stvari, prtičke, dekor,... A! Poškodba! Prejšnji teden sem tako kot vsako jutro narazen vlekla ta nesrečni pokrov. Pri tem se je posoda z dnom zabila ob pult in posoda je seveda počila. Drobec stekla se mi je zaril v prst in namesto, da bi uživala v čokoladni granoli, sem s pinceto vlekla ven steklo in se zgražala nad krvjo. Na srečo je bila posoda skoraj prazna, mislim, da bi znorela, če bi morala stran vreči posodo in celo granolo. Na žalost pa sem morala res vse skupaj vreči v smeti, ker nisem želela jesti stekla.

Recept je drugače popoln. Prvič sem delala čokoladno granolo. Po navadi ne jem čokoladnih stvari za zajtrk, tole je bila izjema in včasih si moraš v življenju dovoliti izjemo. Predstavljajte si jo s tekočim navadnim jogurtom in banano..ali jagodami… malinami… borovnicami. Tako sem jo jaz jedla in neizmerno sem uživala.

Še prijetna novica. Giveaway je zaključen, nagrajenke, ki prejmejo Papirčke za mafine in okraske Pink 'n' Mix, ki ji podarja Trgovina Popolna dekoracija so: Nina Potrč, Maja Siniša Čolić, Barbara (barbarapomaranca). Na mi pošljite svoje naslove.

Z ljubeznijo, Neja

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Recipe


4 cups rolled oats
1 cup coconut flakes
1 cup hazelnuts cut in small pieces
½ teaspoon salt
½ cup cacao powder
1/3 cup coconut oil, melted
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
1/3 cup agave syrup (or honey)
1/4 cup brown sugar
80g chopped chocolate

The process

Heat your oven to 160*C (325*F). In a big bowl mix oats, coconut flakes, nuts and salt. In another medium bowl whisk cacao, coconut oil, vanilla extract, agave syrup (or honey) and brown sugar. Place cocoa mix to the oat’s bowl and mix everything well, so oates are cover equally with cacao mix.

Place the oats equally on a baking tray covered with a baking paper and bake for 15 minutes. After this time bake for another 10 minutes, but mix oats from time to time, so it won’t burn. When your granola is ready take the tray out of the oven, spread chopped chocolate on it (it will melt as granola is hot) and let everything cool down. When your granola achieves a room temperature , place it in a jar or a bag.

360g ovsenih kosmičev
75g kokosovega čipsa
140g lešnikov grobo sesekljanih
½ žličke soli
60g kakava v prahu
70g kokosovega olja ali staljenega kokosovega masla
½ žličke vanilijevega ekstrakta
100g agavinega sirupa (ali medu)
50g rjavega sladkorja
80g sesekljane čokolade


Segrejte pečico na 160 ° C. V veliki skledi zmešajte ovsene kosmiče, kokosov čips, lešnike in sol. V drugi srednje veliki posodi zmešajte kakav, kokosovo olje, ekstrakt vanilije, agavin sirup (ali med) in rjavi sladkor. Kakavovo mešanico zmešajte s kosmiči, tako, da bodo kosmiči enakomerno prekriti s kakavom.

Na pekač prekrit s peki papirjem enakomerno razporedite mešanico in pecite 15 minut. Po tem času pečemo še 10 minut, vendar premešamo od časa do časa, da se kosmiči ne bodo zažgali. Ko je granola pripravljena jo vzemite iz pečice in po njej enakomerno potresite sesekljano čokolado, premešajte, da se stopljena čokolada enakomerno razporedi. Pustite, da se ohladi in jo nato shranite v stekleni posodi.

4 komentarji

  1. I just came across your blog through Gita from Odds and Ends...and what a great blog, your cooking looks so delicious and your photos are amazing. I'm now following you on blog loving!!


  2. Chocolate granola! Oh em gee I need to try this with some vanilla yoghurt! I'm also pretty chaotic in the kitchen when baking or cooking. And I hate cleaning up afterwards, like seriously hate because I always make so, so much mess lol. I baked a pear tart for Easter and my pastry shrunk because I didn't blind bake it properly then after I added the filling and baked it I didn't let it sit long enough in the pan to cool down and went to turn it onto a plate, though wasn't holding it securely and half of it ended up on the floor. Sigh. Sometimes I really hate baking!


  3. Neja, sej veš kaj bom rekla - OMG, YUMM, OMG :D! Krasne fotke, krasen recept. Najbž ga spet ne bom poskusla izvest, ker se bo končalo katastrofalno, ampak bom pa vsaj uživala v objavi ;). Raztresene granole si pa niti ne upam predstavljat - pri meni že sladkor leti vsepovsod, ko ga dam v kavo (clumsy level 9000) :D.
    Lep petek ti želim!


  4. Hehe, Neja, vem, da se ti v tistem trenutku ni zdelo zabavno, ampak jaz sem se prav nasmejala ob branju tega zapisa - tudi sama imam doma (no, doma v Sloveniji) tako isto posodo, ki se vedno tako težko odpre in je steklena, da jo vedno odpiram s strahom :D Ne vem - a je kakšen easy način, da se to zadevo odpre normalno?? :D Pazi nase vsekakor.

    PS: Čudovite fotke, kot vedno, in mnjami granola <3


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